Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

man… i’m not even affected by this rapid fire bug as i play heartseeker, but this is so tilting to watch.
how does this company always find a way to ruin things for themselves?
rapid fire is one of the most popular builds in the game, so it destroyed the game for a decent chunk of the player base.

i like diablo 4 and want this game to succeed, huge step in the right direction with season 4 but it seems like blizzard always just finds a way to self destruct

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so accurate man, i just love RF

Dude please any info about the fix i want rogue to be a class again not a helltide minion no one asked about the fkin offscreen thing dont think anyone cares about it can we get it rolled back or something this is so dumb that what ive been building up since start of season is useless due to a pointless “bug fix :clown_face:” that just made it worse pls i want to play the build as intended


Is the hotfix already online?

Takes them forever to do anything. No testing, constant fails. Team is a joke.


The most surprising thing is that this bug can be noticed immediately if you fight with a rapid fire build using Unique.
May I? we all immediately noticed

I really do want to know why they added PTR XD


That must be intentional, because even blind you would see how broken rapid fire is now.


The lack of indulgency and the rage of players are due to the two main flaws of this game:

  • a class with two only viable builds after a year;
  • a dev team that changes the code, doesn’t test the changes and deliver bs to the users without any consideration or ability to revert the changes.

This game is utterly incomplete, these signs of mismanaging are the fastest route to uninstall.


They just don’t test anything before they implement their “fixes” which is embarrassing. It’s always half-way through the season where the game is in a somewhat stable state. The first 6 weeks of the season is compiled of them “fixing” their mistakes. At this rate PoE2 will drive this game into the dirt.


We just need to convince rob to play rf rogue. Cuz then he can contact the devs to fix it and they will listen

If not soon then I might just have to call it a day on this game. Kinda a last straw on top of all the other straws plus all the constant wading through sh** thing.


The only thing preventing PoE to crash the market is the lack of crossplay. But surely is like you say, it will take 70% of d4 player base if they don’t start to act properly…

You are forgetting the Rogue’s white knight wudi… oh wait, he doesn’t care at all!

Tbh I wouldn’t care at all either if I could play 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It’s just rough for those who actually work and can only play at certain times.

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Still no update? Seriously bad

At this point I think it’s better to fix Blizzard’s management first than rapid fire.

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Swapped/Respecced to Heartseeker and it was the best decision I ever made. I had most of my RF gear 12/12 Masterworked as well. I doubt I would have checked it out regardless.

48 Hours and still no fix…

they forgot to say, first they needed to find thier glasses before they could truely look into the issue…

its hard to look if you cannot see