Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

I dont know what they’ve done after this 1.4.1 patch with RAPID FIRE shooting, but it feels awful. Arrows will go forward. You cant shoot em over your own character so the mobs that are surrounding you, die.

So after the new hotfix RF feels better, much better indeed. But we’re still missing some fix for certain close targets situations. Not only that, before the 1.4.1 (you can watch videos of Lucky Luciano to see how it worked BLIZZARD): the arrows you shooted used to follow where you had the cursor after they killed the mobs around the original place you first aimed.

Again, thanks for the hotfix. But theres still work to be done so we can get RF back to the state it was.


Team is looking into this one.


It will fly into sky and there is one more issue that 60% of the arrows will get into somewhere else not the target and the arrows shoot so randomly


Rapid Fire Bug <—

^ Youtube video of what is happening. Arrows just will not connect at all… Please fix this


hell yea thats exactly what i was talking about. thank you for the video


Please keep us up to date about what the team figures out / will change (or even not)


Its unplayable, shots going everywhere, fix it asap please, its completly broken.


Half my arrows will fly into random directions even when target locking the boss went from steam rolling t100 pit and having it on farm to now i can kill the boss


Also having this issue, blizz please fix!


I called the distance thing a nerf days before and now this… a whole lot of things BROKEN (bash fine, holy bots fine, victimize fine) on the game and they want to “fix” rapid fire that WASN’T BROKEN.


Please leave it as it was… it was fun now it’s meaningless… :_(


please please…I am a casual and have spend every waking moment (and resources…lot of resources…insane amount of resources) with Diablo 4 on this (amazing) build.
I was starting to get to pit 70 with group and was having so much fun!
Any help in the matter is greatly appreciated :smiley:


Classic, leave the bugged builds alone and mess up a build that was working almost completely as intended. I hope this gets fixed quick, people put a lot of time into these characters only to feel defeated when a patch comes out that is supposed to improve the QoL. Now I have to completely reroll gear or make a new character if I want to do anywhere near the content I was able to do with rapid fire and the time I invested into that. This is why people started quitting s1 when midway through the season you guys make certain builds unplayable.


I think they didn’t meant for that to happen, hence why they are looking for a fix.

So when will be the next hotfix? 3, 4, 7 days.

basically between those days, you bricked the build.
Is this a new way of saying “go play another toon” which is pretty bad impression.


probably a week, and I just have a 4 day weekend from tomorrow on, so sad

Luckily I have an extra toon. Sigh* this is a bad impression for S4 rogues

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i’ll take a rest for a while and get back once it’s resolved. my toon is unplayable now


Please fix guys, it’s unplayable :frowning:


this patch makes my arrows to be like my grown-up son. they have their own mind now, hitting anywhere randomly and don’t want to be control by me anymore :frowning:

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