Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

Can confirm this bug is present on Xbox as well. Not sure if it’s just PC and Xbox (Microsoft) interaction, or if it’s all platforms. Some PS5 players seem to be unaffected, but that’s only from the comments on a few YouTube videos I’ve seen.

Unpopular opinion:

Can we go back to the PTR style tracking?

The pre-patch was okay since it helped a little with distance enemies, but at higher world tiers the melee enemies are too fast to reliably keep enough distance for the skill to work properly. On controller the arrows shoot right over “close” enemies’ heads and only land 2 of the 20 AOE affects with scoundrels kiss connect (not even the arrows themselves).

Post PTR tracking and skill synergy flaws:

  1. Makes shadow step borderline useless unless dodging or dashing away to create enough distance for Rapid Fire to hit.

  2. Getting close enough for 2/3 knives of puncture to connect for vulnerable affect puts you to close to follow up with a combo point charged Rapid Fire. Which would be okay if the vulnerable affect was longer than 2 seconds and you had time to create distance in order to capitalize.

  3. Shouldn’t need to explain invigorating strike or blade shift…

  4. Heartseeker doesn’t offer enough AOE for crowd control or mobility so enemies are always in close.

  5. Forceful arrow with knockback…wait it’s perfect…just kidding vulnerable only procs after 3 hits and by then the enemy is knocked off the screen not targetable or worse yet is knocked down which also screws up the new tracking.

  6. Poison trap no crowd control enemies run through and are in close range or with knockdown see above.

  7. Caltrops only useful in creating distance if you put on stun grenades aspect and chill affect.

  8. Dash long cooldown and uses up imbument charges

  9. Shadow Clone suffers from same tracking bug.

  10. Deathtrap good for grouping enemies together but only viable with max cooldown reduction, taking away a lot of damage from Rapid Fire.

  11. Dark Shrouds can’t hit enemies therefore can’t crit and gain dark shrouds from Aspect.

  12. Concealment is broken by Rapid Fire with long cooldown

  13. Rain of Arrows…Lol

  14. Smoke Grenade viable

So of the skills available you can run Caltrops with Grenades, Smoke Grenade, and Deathtrap.

Hmmm didn’t we just get a new ring that makes flurry synergize with all of those? Sounds like a trap build or flurry build that had Rapid Fire randomly slapped on the end as a meme.

I rest my case. Please bring PTR Rapid Fire mechanic back or better yet just remove the lob mechanic all together.

Almost 24h and no fix, no dev update. can’t play the game in this state.
So sad for a big company like this.


Please do, it’s literally unplayable after the patch. The skill cannot hit even stationary bosses and smaller enemies near me make me feel like a Stormtrooper.


I am PS5 and i can assure i sometimes have to dive in real life because i am afraid that my rogue is going to turn against me and shoot me

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Adam said they’re hoping for a fix today.

Where did he say that? blizz has been dead silent


Hire a Canadian. He/she would at least be polite enough to give updates to customers. Emphasis on customers.

At this point they should hire a comedian because these mess-ups are a joke at this point… This game is starting to give me anthem vibes

where did he say that?

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can you hurry up, your testing ability to a fix for the out of screen-range rapid fire is a joke !

He said it on twitter:
Question: any idea on a Rapid Fire fix?
Adam: hoping for today!

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source: x.com

New Patch notes:

**Fixed an issue where an item was mistakenly labeled “Scoundrel’s Kiss” instead of the intended “Sprinkler’s Kiss”. Item label has been fixed and after testing is confirmed to be working as intended.


Figures they’d mess up Rapid Fire.

I wish I could play and experience this issue. But instead after the patch, my game just crashes all the time. I don’t get how people are playing. I crash all the time.

Kind regards Blizz,

Revert the changes to Rapid Fire from your latest patch.

P.S. It isn’t even the top Rogue build, what was the point?

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Blizzard FIX IT NOW !!!


Please be friendly reminded that there isn’t only 1 degradation related to Rapid Fire after 1.4.1 patch:


Any update Pez? I have friends who have stopped playing because of the issue with this skill.


Guys blizzard doesn’t care about this, its not making them money


Whats the deal here? 24 hours and still no updates?

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