Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

Tell me how those dreadful spiders have perfect accuracy shooting their cold spit but the rapid fire cant be fixed, if you cant fix it please just revert it.

Guys, hopefully, it’s today the fix :crossed_fingers: go start of the post and check the X link ( source )

I hope it gets fixed today too, but knowing blizzard…. This will be put off for a while in order to update the store and get more micro transaction items available


Can we get it fixed already ? Like wtf


24 hours of looking into it and nothing? Having bad luck finding a scoundrel’s kiss?


I literally got my ring the night before that patch, and barely got to use it. I guess the work around is to take the ring off and use holy bolts elixirs until they fix it.

lol been waiting for 10+ hours and went to sleep and came back and still no fix LOL what a company. clap


Posting this here as well (I made a separate post), but shadow clones do not mimic rapid fire anymore.

Huge bummer as my build makes significant use of this! Hoping this gets fixed as part of the rest of the rapid fire fixes.


is your team still looking into it?

Is this going to be friking fixed or am I just going to reinstall Last Epoch and spend money on THEIR SHOP?

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dad pls fix the bug this is just not playable at all ;ccc

You maybe want to share anything more then were looking into it and let us know when the fix is. Surely you can just return us to previous state. This is a joke

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I did NM50 yesterday with it and it work but yeah no way U could do NM100 like I was doing before. Bit of a joke. Blizz fix please
No chance pit 60s anymore. Fingers cross it’s fix soon

What is happening Blizzard!? We need a fix of Rapid FIre and and we need a fix on the Fortify and Crowd Control issue that is one-shotting ppl irrelevent on how good gear you have.

Not many people know about Blizzard
The fix will be implemented in Season 5

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nah i think they just cant get the ring to drop

There no way this is still not fixed, how???

They had to make sure they got all the new skins out first instead of taking care of the player base

BRUH i still cant play the game this long after the update what is happening?

Can’t wait for the announcement of the announcement.

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