Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

Hotfix is a joke and the one who said that is a Joker. you really killed Rapid Fire


This. Fighting a Hell Maiden with Necro or Barb it’s hard being able to even get to hit a mob to generate energy.

The dev working on the fix pulled a lazy fix out of his pocket and called it a day.

Basicly what he did is he hard fixed by locking all arows go to one particullar pixel at the back of an enemy hit box as soon as ur mouse is even 1 pixel over the edge of the enemy hitbox, this means in a realistic enemies encount ur arrows have a mind of their own u can be aiming at the front of of an enemy to shoot projectiles beforre he moves towards u but nope the game hardcodes ur arrows to go to the pixel behind the enemy and if the enemy moves 1 mm well now u misses u allso cant properly time ur arrows for aoe since the hitboxes get activated on enemies around the mouse all the time.

The implications of this fix are huge, no aoe means 90% of ur arrows will hit usless ground since the target dies after first few arrows meaning u have less arrows to proc lucky hit chance of which means everything with lucky hit chance is way way worse such as procing shrouds, applying vuln with cold, regenerating resource from lucky hit procs etc etc


It is not pleasant to spend hours and hours of gameplay to build a configuration that is then destroyed by incompetence in a second. The classes that unbalance the game are others in Diablo, put things back the way they were if you don’t know how to modify them and leave them as they are.


RF is still unviable. Revert things back to original, you have an entire rogue community making a plea and an open topic with 400 replies, one of the biggest of this forum.

I guess the minimum you guys can do is to seriously address the matter in a professional way and to give prompt response.


We don’t say anything difficult.
Please return rapid fire to what it was before the 5/25 patch!


“Fixing” the item that it is supposed to give AOE by adding 1 pixel width of AOE to base rapid fire is not a solution. Arrows still completely whiff targets running at you since they auto-target behind where you aim, and you can forget about hitting any mobs that are right on top of you.


In a rapid fire build not using scoundrel’s kiss is actually a better AOE than using it…


blizzard is so incompetent. regret coming back to play s4


I would say more ! Just fixe this skill, he was already buged at the launcher of S4, just make this skill aoe and projectile hit in a zone on cursor.
Like before but without this aim assist that makes crazy to aim.
We are talking about blizzard not an indie companie. Just listen to game designer , fire the man who takes stupid décisions to launch a hotfix without a descent testing and we good.
They have the talent and the mean, but bad management . They Can do it easily


I am already an old player, but I remember how 10-20 years ago there was no one who could convince me that you weren’t the best game development company.

  • Excellent contact with players
  • Your games are masterpieces to me
  • Major bugs were fixed quickly

Despite the passage of time and the growing disdain from more and more players, my sentiment and faith in you still exist, but they decrease every year.

  • You no longer make games with passion
  • Games have become a product for making money
  • Contact with the community is minimal
    But the worst thing is the lack of competence, you fix something by creating two more bugs, and I wonder if the people who fix them are:

a. Inexperienced in coding this
b. maybe they are experienced people, but they have no idea what they are doing, because Diablo is simply foreign to them, they don’t play this game, without passion, they just go to work and come back home.

And we bellow like a herd of rams until you kindly fix something in 2-5 days, and then you wonder why people are angry about everything?

I remember what Blizzard once showed, and it was a top company of people with passion, creating games, and now… I am sorry. :cry: :sob: :anguished:


many players have already posted their opinions about hotfix on RF so I would just skip conclude the actual gameplay part. To throw in my 2 cents, a few suggestions are listed below:

  1. the unique ring gives an explosive dmg. therefore, it’s reasonable to have aoe effect for each arrow; now its gone, that doesnt make sense.
  2. RF after equipping the ring now is more like just original skill with a parabola ballistic. it would be nice to have those arrows spreading within a tiny area surrounding the aimed target. Together with the aoe effect mentioned before, each arrow would still be able to deal full dmg to the aimed target.
  3. MOST important suggestion: please make the parabola ballistic of RF more friendly to enemy in melee attack range! After hotfix the ballistic still feels uncomfortable dealing with close combat enemy. one would have to dodge first just to distance apart from enemies around the character. when facing a lot of them charging to the player, RF becomes extremely difficult and inefficient to use, making the skill only viable while u could eliminate the target at once. please make this more close combat friendly.
    but again, it’s exciting to know u guys valued us players’ feelings and treated the reported problem seriously. good job.

Against charging enemies, it’s really frustrating to spend so much time just to put separation to make sure RF targets correctly.

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I just uninstalled today, I’m too old for this lol


Has anyone actually received the hotfix for 141 yet? I havent. Is there something I need to do for it to download? Thanks

It’s been rolled out to everyone. We all have it. It didn’t require a download, it was just a hotfix not* a patch. It Made Rapid fire even worse than before with the scoundrels kiss ring


The designer is not playing the game, the experience is too poor. I bought their game and didn’t even have good interaction with the player community. They are currently having a weekend.


Ive tried to make the new hotfixed Rapid Fire work but it unfortunately does feel significantly weaker than its original iteration still. It absolutely needs the spread for aoe and clearing enemies in melee range is a nightmare currently due to the arrows just flying way over their head.


Why hasn’t Blizzard even replied? Are they afraid of interacting with players? Even if they can’t improve this skill, let us know. I can no longer wait


They were so on top TRYING to “Fix” their prior mistake with the first patch. And now they go silent to the community when ther has been WAY more of an outcry. Where is the public relations?! Where’s the communication with a huge player base so pissed off?!