Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

How did you guys manage to hotfix a bad patch and make it even worse. How is the same thing that happened in s1 with lack of testing before patching still going on and ruining builds? What is it with your process that the results come back this bad for players? It’s honestly like you guys just wanted to shut us up, but I’ve now learned how you guys operate the exact same as s1 with patches and I will not give anymore time to your game with you just wrecking builds. Went from t105 pits before patch to struggling in the 90s after the hotfix. That’s not a “QoL” update and it’s a shame you guys can’t seem to care about pride in your work so players don’t quit mid season for things like this.

I mean that’s better then before right

I reset the equipment in the game today, and it cost 5 million gold coins each time. When I spent 55 million and reset the equipment, I quit the game and switched to another character, but I found that my The gold coins were used, but my materials were not returned. I returned to my previous account and found that my reset operation was unsuccessful, but the gold coins were deducted.

The impact range of the arrow is extremely narrow, and it will not hit small enemies.
Please return to the original rapid fire

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Not Even close for me on console. It was the best at the beginning of the season before the first patch. Then this second patch made it the worst it’s felt all season.

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well the work around is to use the ricochet aspect to add a little bit AOE to that

Not a terrible idea would probably go on gloves. Will have to test new RF out m I hope it plays well I actually enjoy it when it first came out . I don’t Wana have to gear heartseeker
Why they could make it how it was I don’t understand

Do the grenades from the ring actually ricochet?

I made a new Post where I list every single new bad behaviour of Rapid Fire with Videos and Image since the latest fix, please pay also some attention there.

Link: The Case "Rapid Fire" isnt over yet, new Hotfix brought a new Bug


the grenade doesnt but it shoots some normal arrow fire after land so it will hit some mobs around the target

Only if you are a casual player, if you invested heavily in ICE, you just can’t do that without changing the whole build.

Well it’s been mostly fixed now, but I didn’t have to redo my build; simply replaced the ring with one that had Dex, Max Life and Crit Dmg, tempered with Crit Dmg and Cold Imbue Cast. The only diff was the lack of AOE. Def a change in playstyle, you have to aim directly at your target instead of the general area with the ring on.

Probably most people are gonna ignore RF being fixed anyways as lots jumped onto the HS bandwagon. Ah well, more RF for me? lol

Any fix incoming? The lobs are flying over the head of ennemy and do no damage in pack since there is no aoe…


To fix a bug that I honestly hadn’t even noticed, one of the two rogue working builds was ruined. The hotfix partially solved the problem but at the cost of a significant reduction in the original aoe damage. With Barbs and Necros that practically melt everything on screen before they even see each other, this change was truly so necessary? Please, roll back to the previous version of the skill, waiting for a definitive patch that fixes the bug without ruining the rest


Hey the fix gives no AOE spread at all now it was fine to begin with i really dont want to respec to heartseeker but this is just too hard to play on a controller now, please change it to the original scoundrels kiss

That s not all, aoe is a matter , but sometimes your cursor is on a Monster and the lobs go over his head! Aiming with mouse is VERY VERY Bad…


I swear I uninstalled. Let me know when you fix.

I really hope that hotfix was like an immediate decision for build to work, but what I and other players thought in the beginning - RF was only single target skill before and with this ring it becomes an AOE. It worked great before patch, although there really were people who tried to shoot out of the screen range. Please can you tell us are the devs doing something with this or not? It’s not a catastrophe for me exactly - there are other classes and other builds (double swing barb, bash barb, the juice of season 4 - necro with minions and etc.), but still new RF build was great. I don’t wanna blame anyone, I know there are many problems in developing like fixing one thing can break another and it’s really difficult to have everything in mind, especially when it comes to such big projects. I really love the game, season 4 made me willing to comeback and blast. Best wishes to you and the dev team.


Cant aim close, no aoe. Horrible please revert back to pre patch version.


After latest hotfix, the skill lost close range target and aoe damage. Please roll back to the pre-patch version, waiting for a definitive hotfix for the out screen range bug…


Totally agree, the skill also lost close range targetting