Please give us a auction house

Crying? Toxic trade mentality? What?

I listed my items here because I’m not having success in the trade chat.

If trade chat doesn’t work then to bad. Vendor it. Clearly ppl don’t want your item or arnt selling
You want gear. Farm like the rest of us don’t cheat your lazy way there

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I don’t understand anymore what you are talking about.

AH in game equals trash. End of story


Agree I made a huge post saying how to do it.

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And it’s going to be ignored like all your other posts cause AH is a terrible idea

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I’ll keep trying on the forums then.

And nobody will buy your item on the forums selling buying that way is fail x10

PC players are blessed anyway with the trade website. You can screenshot the item and drag and drop for sale. On console we are forced to do it stat by stat tipping. so no gold for us for selling items, basicly.

But, yeah i am with you. Stash tab like poe or maybe a hole stash.

Tell me you didn’t play D3 at launch without telling me you didn’t play D3 at launch.

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Scariest things in the game were the Bees in act 2


I kill monster for loot and usally get items for other builds which i sell for gold then in turn buy what I want… now with the trade discord this slows things down a lot…

Maybe play the game and don’t use trash 3rd party sites and karma might give you what U want.

I absolutely despise the fact that you’re forced to trade items in order to keep up with the insane gold costs. It is frustrating and annoying and the only thing that’s really making me want to stop playing. AHs have a long tradition of inviting wales, bots, gold sellers. I do not want that in D4. Please don’t ruin the game with stuff like that.
Make trade like it worked in D3, where you could trade stuff to your party members. That’s more than enough. It’s already taking the fun out of the game the way it is now.

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hm looks like we are playing absolutly different games.

WTS for 0 gold:

  • 2GA Amulet: *life on hit / *dmg / ias
  • 2GA Amulet: *max life / *lucky hit chance / cdr
  • 1GA Amulet: *crit / cdr / +2 frigid finesse (sold) :x:
  • 3GA Amulet: *max life / *energy on hit / *energy on kill
  • 3GA 2-Hand-Mace: *willpower / *max life / *overpower
  • 2GA Hunter’s Zenith: *quickshift / *shapeshift dmg (sold) :x:
  • 200% Paingorgers: low roll on crit chance
  • 1GA Mad Wolf’s Glee: *poison DR (sold) :x:

That’s quite possible. When rerolling an amulet (which I find hard to find the exact ones I want already compared to let’s say weapons and offhands) costs 4,7 million at the cap and you can obtain only half of that in a whispers cash (if you’re really unlucky), that’s a bad balance in my book. Unfortunately, since it’s rng how much gold you get out of one cash and gold drops from monsters is not really making up for that, that can mean you end up being constantly broke, which is the case for me. I make 70 millions, then spend them all on one single item in no time. It’s tedious really.

had a few good days trading on one of the trade sites but seems like its been broken for nearly a week now. tried a few other sites and discords but all have just been a waste of time. Auction house would be so convenient


I’m so tired of repeating myself in the trade chat, I just want to give all valuable items away so they don’t go to waste. After that I will salvage every single item in my stash except legacy items. Then I am finally free.