Please give us a auction house

That’s quite possible. When rerolling an amulet (which I find hard to find the exact ones I want already compared to let’s say weapons and offhands) costs 4,7 million at the cap and you can obtain only half of that in a whispers cash (if you’re really unlucky), that’s a bad balance in my book. Unfortunately, since it’s rng how much gold you get out of one cash and gold drops from monsters is not really making up for that, that can mean you end up being constantly broke, which is the case for me. I make 70 millions, then spend them all on one single item in no time. It’s tedious really.

had a few good days trading on one of the trade sites but seems like its been broken for nearly a week now. tried a few other sites and discords but all have just been a waste of time. Auction house would be so convenient


I’m so tired of repeating myself in the trade chat, I just want to give all valuable items away so they don’t go to waste. After that I will salvage every single item in my stash except legacy items. Then I am finally free.

I wonder if anyone didn’t faceplant there on their first toon? I did.

I hope they eventually add an auction house, trading is fun.

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