Pit Boss HP Bugged

Its not just Boss HP. The progress you get from the run itself feels like its been cut in half. I did a full clear on 4 runs i did and the first two i actually reach the end of the pit without hitting 100%


Hello Apollo. I was heartseeker in S4, cleaning pit 118 with 5 min left, doing 101 under 2 min. I tried a 101 pit, first attempt, the map was bugged a few mobs in it and that all, no way to get further. I reloaded my game. Second attempt, took me around 5 min in pit 101 just to remove a fifth of the boss life, then i suddenly died with absolutely no reason. Once reset, HP back online and I killed the boss in less then 10 sec!

I guess that explains what happened to me then.

I was fighting a Pit 30 boss (my build sucks rn), and after about 4 minutes I got 1 shot, boss was still over 50%.

Went back in, practically 1 shot him. Dead in 10-20 seconds.

If it’s a HP thing, then it’s WAY off… it must be at least 25x higher than after you die.

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Yep, on all three toons. Pit boss HP in Trillions. or so it seems. On top of clearing the level and being stuck with no mo monsters.

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For those that might not have seen it - there’s a thread in the PTR Bug Report section concerning this topic.


Season 5: PTR Known Issues & What to Expect - #3

Core Game Issues:
Boss health decreases when a player respawns and re-enters.

They’re aware of part of it… why the HP is so high to begin with is the question.
If anything - death, reentering etc appears to reset and normalize HP.


HP is just a time issue, depending the build. Though it certainly feels way out of tune.

I’m more concerned about the “exponential damage taken” stacks being applied to you by the Ghost bosses, as if they are tormented bosses. This, i hope was unintentional.

My assumption is that this is a bug. At level 99 pit, I was doing almost zero damage. Normally for the same exact build, i was taking out the boss in 4 or 5 seconds.

This one hardcore trick blizzard doesn’t want you to know about

Yep, spent what seemed like forever on like a level 60 pit with the boss slowly going down. Finally just died to see if it was easier. Killed the boss in seconds after that.

Exactly the same for me

Also if it is a bug it is a game killing bug and my son made video games for a major company and I promise he would never allow game killing bugs to go even on a PTR much less anything else. He calls this a SEVERITY 1.

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This is indeed bugged. We found the issue after the reports. We will probably not adjust this in the PTR but please note that HP will be tweaked down for the Season 5 release.

Thanks for the reports.


My leap/ww barb can’t hurt the pit bosses enough to even continue the fight and it’s taking 3-4 minutes longer to get through the mobs. I usually had 10+ minutes after the mobs, and could kill the boss in 2 or 3 minutes sometimes faster.

This pretty much makes masterworking impossible if you want mats from the pit lol


This is not an adequate response to a PTR test in which materials are gated by the very thing that is bugged.

How can I test a new build if I have no materials to masterwork? I might as well just uninstall the PTR and PRAY that “odd team” doesn’t brick their 3rd season in a row.


This should be hotfixed so new uniques and legendaries can be thoroughly tested.


This is not good enough. D3 PTR hotfix bugs like this. Are your coding team so incompetent to hotfix something like this?

If this is the attitude, why PTR? Who cares if massive bugs on live server?


This “tip” works really well in hardcore


NMDs have the same problem

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