Sorc FO PIT 101 can't kill boss

I took my maxed out FO sorc (Shako, 12/12 all gear). Just tried Pit 101. On live server I can spam it in less than 2 min. 1 min for trash and less then 1 min for boss. On PTR I do way less damage for some reason. Trash dies slower and I simply cannot kill the boss. It feels like am doing almost no damage. Took me 5 min to get 1/3 of his HP. What the hell happened with the dmg ? Did they implement the build that was used before HP nerf in PIT? I also cannot keep my barrier up - it’s really hard. If this is how sorc should feel from now on then am definitely not gonna play S5.


Did you die once? I swear the HP is lower after a death. It seems bugged. Tried on 3 diff chars and each time the 2nd attempt was lower HP.

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They mentioned this in the PTR bug notes.

Where are those notes ?

yes, here: Season 5: PTR Known Issues & What to Expect But I havent seen anything mentioned about pit issues

Yeah cant kill boss on my WW bleed barb either. Something broke lol.

I was refering to the dying/less HP

  • Boss health decreases when a player respawns and re-enters.

They did release a note on the base HP here: Pit Boss HP Bugged - #22 by PezRadar