My friend just had his 3080ti fried by this friggin game

Nothing I said was untrue.

We have had this problem since day one.
First there was a blue post saying it was “punctual”, the post disappeared.
Now they don’t say anything, they’re just letting time go by to see if things calm down.
The post that @Borg puts has more than 400 answers and there is still not a single answer.
The game has a serious problem, and it may break your GPU.

Actually my cpu fan died playing this game. Idk if this is a coincidence or not but my cpu went insanely hot and i noticed it in amd ryzen master. Lucky i got a new fan now. But yea it went up to 95 - 100 wich caused the downthrottle and that corelated into low fps and lagg. Now its all fine but still manages to hit 70 - 80 sometimes. All other games i play now run at around 50 - 60 tops. Now this is not related to a gpu wich on my rig only goes up to 45 - 50.

That just means it is using as much of your card power as it can for smooth gameplay, especially if you set the card to “maximum performance” in card software and Windows.

If you feel it’s too hot, clean up the dust in your fans and and set a maximum framerate for the game in the options or from your graphic card software.

If it still is getting too hot, you might need to contact manufacturer for an exchange.

(post deleted by author)

A game cannot break hardware unless said hardware has an underlying problem. It can be many things from fans, to temperature monitoring, etc.

There are MANY failsafes in your computer to tell it to slow or shut down before anything is bricked. Even a software designed to get your components as hot as possible cannot break anything unless the hardware is faulty or the failsafes are not working for some reason.

I know it’s easy to blame the last thing you were doing when it broke, but it’s generally not the real culprit.

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To be fair, many are told told to set Windows and their card software on “Maximum performance” without understanding what that means.

Then they are surprised when their faulty hardware breaks because the game/software used “Maximum performance” as indicated by user.

But in the end, it’s still a hardware issue.

This makes me really wonder if I should update my old 1080ti which doesn’t have any of the problems these new cards do.

I’m running it one notch below the highest settings on my 4790k, 1070ti, 9 yr old system with no problems except for an occasional disconnect.

Great idea, if I ever build me a new rig, ill do that.

Your friend bought a pre-built with a garbage 3080ti in it, bought it used, or bought a Gigabyte product. All his fault.

Every GPU generation has some bad batches. The problem is that GPU manufacturers will often take the Gigabyte route and remain silent and pretend the issue doesn’t exist until some game or scenario uncovers it. They’ll know that there’s a bad batch that they already sold but they think it’s better PR to just remain silent and leave some room for plausible deniability.

99% of 30 series and 40 series cards are fine, it’s a problem with the manufacturing of certain batches and not a flaw in the card’s design itself.

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Its faulty hardware not d4. Think of it like this. If you have a chain fence, and you hit it 90000 times in other spots and it holds. But that 90001st hit, happens to hit a weak link and ruins the whole fence. Thatd what is happening. The manufacturers made a product that has some flaw and d4 just happens to be hitting it. It could have been any game. Its the same thing that happened with new world.

you folks keep saying its the hardware, but to be blunt - you are full of bovine fecal matter! I never had to cap my card for any game but this one, Hogwarts - get a solid 100 FPS, ultra settings, 1440, my 3080 runs in the low to mid 50’s C. Hogwarts is a much more graphic intensive game than this one, yet when I run it uncapped, my temp, clock, and voltage all spike randomly. I run split screen and use NZXT cam which montitors CPU, GPU, RAM, Network, and processes. It’s not the card, its the game code that is causing the issues.

When the issue first started, I did a benchmark using furmark, and the card ran through it at 110 FPS at 1440p


I actually run mine with the side panel off because of this game

Highend technology products are made in a way assuming that the buyers and owners of them are not idiots.

The sheer power of the products in this category just requires some knowlegde of the technology and it’s capabilities by the user.

3080ti is a massive overkill for a game like D4 so if you know what you are doing you would set appropriate frames per second limit for no more than your monitor refresh rate.

Just like you wouldn’t buy a super car and rev it full throttle in neutral till you melt the metal parts into each other.

GPU’s like all other chips have automatic safety kill switches when they start to throttle at the thermal design power limits but damage can be and will be done before it actually shuts itself off because those 3080ti cards are way too powerful to be run at uncapped fps in a GPU easy game like D4 which also asks and will utilize shaders fully for effects used.

Your friend ran a Ferrari around a tree but gladly it was just a GPU in his inexperienced hands.

Maybe he learned somerhing, maybe not.

No, your friend and you are just idiots in general.

What’s more likely; your GPU was faulty to begin with, or a video game bricked your card?

Answer: your gpu was faulty to begin with. It was going to die regardless of what game you played.

Do you know what energy spikes are and the problems they generate in hardware? That deteriorates it, and it may break with this game or the next, but the trigger in this case is D4.

In addition to other problems that it is generating that directly impact the hardware.
We can talk about memory, GPU or even CPU spikes.

The game has a big problem, that’s a fact.

Believe what you want. I’m not here to convince you of anything.

If you don’t want problems anywhere, set a global maximum framerate in your graphic card software and don’t use “Maximum performance” in Windows and GC software.

This is like going on a plane, your ipad dying and you blaming the airline for your ipad frying out.

Like what? Lol your friends hardware was obviously defected. Get better cooling