Most Awesome NMD/NMV affixes šŸŒƒ

Counterpart to this post ā€”> Most annoying NMD/NMV affixes - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

Your top 4 choices for most awesome dungeon / vault affixes:

1] Extra Shrines. I use the uber spear staff stabbie stab stick Lycander and shrine dur gear so this is the most op one for me.

2] Poisonous Evade. Really great for sorcs using Tal ring which is all of us as it gives you a 4th stack.

3] Cooldown on kill. More meteor spam is good times.

4] Fire Damage. I am a meteor build so this is decent boost to damage.

Please post your top 4 using this template.

My top 4 picks:




---------------------------------------------- Dungeon Improvements -------------------------------------------
Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! šŸ‘

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard! šŸ˜‚


I like how this has absolutely no interaction :joy:

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he has a tendency to engagement farm. which is very weird considering this is a video game forum and not a social media platform he can earn money from. its like a child that cant stand not being the center of attention

Dude is just having some fun man.

It shouldnā€™t break anything, I doubt it anyway. :rofl:

Forum peeps be like this, you know that.


To be fair heā€™s just trying to get conversations going and to listen to altering opinions. Urza is probably the most active person on these forums posting various ideas to improve the game. While I donā€™t agree with most of these ideas I do appreciate theyā€™re at least trying, which is more than I can say for the majority who just complain without any constructive feedback.

If you donā€™t enjoy what he has to say thatā€™s fine, can just as easily stay out of the topic.

@Urza Iā€™m too lazy to look up the positive affixes for NMD/Vaults, if you had a list I could choose from Iā€™d respond in kind.


You know i use to be a positive as you but given blizzards track record. They arenā€™t listening to anything.

Wowhead list. Strangely Ive never seen magic find one and it does not list extra shrines.

  • Battle Hardened - Gain 6% damage reduction for every 10% Health you are missing.

  • Control Impaired Explosions - Being hit by Control Impairing Effects creates an explosion around you.

  • Fire Damage - You deal 15% more Fire damage.

  • Frost Damage - You deal 15% more Frost damage.

  • Gold Find - You find 30% more gold.

  • Increased Critical Strike - Your Critical Strike chance is increased by 6%.

  • Increased Healing - Your Healing Received is increased by 15%.

  • Lightning Caller - You occasionally call down lightning strikes that damage nearby enemies.

  • Lightning Damage - You deal 15% more Lightning damage.

  • Magic Find - You find more items from enemies.

  • Nudging Evade - Using Evade pushes enemies back.

  • Physical Damage - You deal 15% more Physical damage.

  • Poison Damage - You deal 10% more Poison damage.

  • Poisonous Evade - Using Evade leaves a pool of Poison behind, damaging enemies.

  • Quick Killer - Killing a monster grants 2.0% Attack and Move Speed. Stacking up to 20%.

  • Reduce Cooldowns on Kill - Killing a monster reduces your cooldowns by .25 seconds.

  • Shadow Damage - You deal [10 -15%] more Shadow damage.

  • Thorns - Your Thorns are increased by 491.

I come here because I love D4 enough to fight for it and at times I have free time at work. I also make fun song remakes and many improvement posts. So not all salty salt salt.

I try to improve game and I can be Kripp salty at times because I see it as passionate. I dont like what Bliz has done with the franchise.

I have some members of this thread silenced. I never reply to them. Thx for support Iggi.

I just made a new song remake. My best one for sure ā†’ Kiss from a Fiend Rose :rose: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

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Iā€™m hardly positive toward the game, Iā€™m realistic and offer differing opinions with objectivity and critical thinking involved. I am definitely more positive to those that put in effort for their posts though.

If people have constructive criticism or an interesting idea Iā€™m more willing to read their post then just gloss it over because all theyā€™re doing is complaining about the same thing everyone else is for the unpteenth time. I get it, people are dissatisfied with the product, I am too, but realistically speaking the devs should know the problems by now, the issue is if people are willing to wait it out for not.

Judging by the forums some are willing to wait it out while they complain everyday about the same issues. Others give us their departure time. Then there are people like the OP who try to come up with various ideas for the game.

  1. Gold Find

  2. Gold Find

  3. Gold Find

  4. Gold Find

Only thing thatā€™s better would be a Gold Find NMD with nothing but a series of Greed Shrines!!! :smiley:

PS: I sure wish theyā€™d bring back Magic Findā€¦

Letā€™s see here. Also I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever noticed the Magic Find one either, but I typically only look at the negatives more so then the positives when it comes to keeping a Sigil.

My top 4 picks:
1] Reduce Cooldowns on Kill - easily my #1 depending on the build, can almost always make use of this.

2] Quick Killer - Great when you have continuous mobs to kill, sucks when you hit a dry patch and lose the buff, it would be #1 if I could keep it up consistently.

3] Nudging Evade - Actually useful on my necromancer believe it or not, especially when Blood Mist is on cooldown.

4] Elemental/Physical Damage - Always useful if you get the one type your class is using of course.

Would be nice to see more options on there, and others being combined, for example I could see all the damage type ones being condensed into a ā€œYou deal 15% more damage.ā€ Instead of having a specific type of damage.

Also wouldnā€™t mind having 2 Positive Affixes starting at NMD Tier 50 for example. We get 4 negatives now? Or is it 5? Regardless 2 positive affixes wouldnā€™t break the NMD.

This is why I can appreciate your posts, even though I may disagree with them. However I have enjoyed the back and forth with you in those posts. Conversations are more fun when you have differing opinions and people can act like adults instead of hurling insults at each other. Sadly youā€™re more passionate then some of the upper management I feel, not all of them mind you, but definitely some of them.

Iggi why u no like ALL mah posts!?

I been trying to get better not getting in insult wars and just ignoring ppl. I do like to fight HewhoisHim though.

Is extra shrines gone I never roll it anymo?

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Make it so when you zone into the dungeon, you zone into a game that isnā€™t a repetitive joke thatā€™s 100% based on 3 month seasons where no one can even farm your idiotic boss enough times to get anything without buying mats.

I try to stick to the point when people start hurling insults, or I just ignore them completely, Iā€™m not about to change their mind anyway and if I start replying itā€™ll never stop. Wonā€™t say I completely ignore them as I do find it fun from time to time, but Iā€™d say Iā€™m getting better.

I used to argue with HeWhoMoos whenever he posted. Then I just gained a different perspective, and now I just see him as another form of entertainment. As I told another poster he reminds me of Randy Savage, always in character, larger than life, arrogant, etc. When I started to think of him that way, all of his posts made so much more sense to me. So now I just go with it, and go further down the rabbit holes he makes.

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Perfect comparison. hahaha good one

Im a Hulkster for life. Also liked The Rock and Undertaker. Cena is also a top one.

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Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, The Undertaker, Randy Savage, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind/Dude Love/Mick Foley, The Bushwackers, just off the top of my head, I know Iā€™m missing a few. Loved them all when I used to watch it back in the day. It was just a giant soap opera with acrobatics.

Oh dear how cud I forget Andre.

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Can never forget Andre, not just as a wrestler but also in Princess Bride.

Mine would be:

1 Poisionous Evade This one is fun especially with a Rogue
2 Battle Hardened I can always use more DR
3 Reduce Cooldowns I hate cooldowns!
4 Nudging Evade Good when your stuck in a mob

i have absolutely no feelings on the matter, all i care about is salvaging sigils that have bricked enjoyment and fun.

Mine are:

Stormbaneā€™s Wrath
Drifting Shade
Lightning Storm
Blood Blister

I knowā€¦ I knowā€¦ These are the least Affixes I play. I seldom play them but I still do play them. And when I do play them, I dont know why but it seems my adrenaline goes up. I felt good beating them.

Of course, when I farm NM100 dungeons for fast Glyph leveling and fast 925 loot farming, I dont play these Affixes.