[Main Thread] Game stops responding/freezes/crashes at launch - Early Access (June-2023)

ok the exact steps i took leading up to it working for me was i completely deleted the battlnet folder where diablo was installed installed it fresh and did not install the high texture pack and then turned off defender and launched perfect i hope this helps i know defender by itself didn’t

If you have a M2 SSD and D4 is installed on it, try enabling a Pagefile system on that drive.

Rinse and repeat.

still to no avail
what’s funny the game runs perfectly fine on my second older computer but doesnt seem to work with my new one :smiley:

yea the beta ran amazing on my 1080ti and 1800x 32gb of ram at 2400 and an off brand mobo

Okay, I’ve uninstalled, deleted the folders, and I’m working on a fresh install. :crossed_fingers:

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I’m googling about Pagefile systems now to see what I may need to do to my M2 SSD drive.

This works can confirm

Hey Folks,

Here’s a link to a post I made on a different thread that solved this issue (if you haven’t already).

Same issue here - game loads FINE on my old PC (Ryzen 7 2700x, RTX 2070) but on my new gaming laptop (Ryzen 9 7945x, RTX 4090) completely freezes when initializing the “Blizzard” load screen, after hours of troubleshooting and trying everything people have suggested.

Therefore Blizzard has a problem supporting NEW hardware - the suggestion that it has to do with game requirements is incorrect. To be clear, the game works on OLD hardware, but not NEW. Epic fail for Blizzard.


This does not work as I’ve also re-installed the game with out the HDR package and still have the same issues. All work-a-rounds are not working either. Paid extra to have early access only to be able to have it freeze at the blizzard splash screen. Still crashes if I try to click through the intro as well.

Also tried starting it in safe-mode per the localpref.txt file - set it to read only as well. nothing is working.

I did about everything you can think of regarding the workarounds and the one that worked for me was running crystaldiskmark on my M.2 drive with Diablo installed. Download and admin run crystaldiskmark, choose the hard drive from the dropdown you’re using for D4, Click “All” to start the test. Click “Play” in the battle net launcher.

a mesma coisa aqui ainda, paguei 500 reais para jogar dia 06 … vtnc

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You are a freaking lifesaver!!! This has driven me mad. Uninstalled and reinstall 85GB twice, disabled antivirus, pulled out hair, cussed. etc etc. Disable High-Resolution Assets!
As Emeril would say…BAM!!! it worked thanks man!

eu consegui iniciar apertando esc antes da musica tocar, funcionou pra mim, tenta ai.

ja fiz, mas mesmo assim para de funcionar

I resolved with this metod:

  • Go in the folder of D4
  • right click on Diablo IV.exe
  • select proprieties
  • click on Run As Administrator

This now work for me

There is a known bug with the game and addressable RGB software. To fix this go to…

C:\Users\ username \Documents\Diablo IV\LocalPrefs.txt

Open that text file. Look for DisableChromaEffects and change the value from 0 to 1. This stops the crash to desktop on starting the game issue.


Same issue, and I’ve tried:

Uninstall | Reinstall
Change LocalPref from 0 to 1
Set to Admin

Still can’t get the damn thing to work.

Same here on ryzen 7 5800x3D and 6950xt 32GB RAM 3600MHz Windows 11 1440p.

Had these random freezes already in beta. I had uninstal texture pack and I was able to log in. Next start freeze again. Tried new and previous GPU driver. I could play for a while this morning but these freezes seems to be completly random. Game added to firewall as well and I am running it as admin.

Same issue here. Can’t even get to the loading screen. I’ve tried all of the random things people are suggesting but none of it works. It shows the Blizzard logo and sometimes the D4 logo, then crash to desktop. Every time.

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