Hello Friends,
The PTSD from the 2012 D3 release is hitting hard with this one. I was not only swindled by battlenet not picking up my Deluxe Edition, but I also paid an extra $10 for Ultimate just to try and play. Annoyingly enough blizz support came out with a “fix” for this about an hour after I paid. TLDR; Blizzard got $100 out of me when I was only wanting the standard addition. They’re playing 4d chess and I’m apparently just eating crayons.
Anyway, with extreme excitement I was finally able to hit the “Play” button! Within 10 seconds I hit the same issue of getting stuck at the blizzard splash screen. Next, I attempted to click through and got to the login page where my hands started sweating with anticipation. After the game promised it was logging me in I hit the next wonderful issue and froze at “Loading in Diablo 4”.
The good news is after 4 hours of debugging I think I may have solved it (did for mine atleast)!
I was able to fix this issue by literally uninstalling the game and then reinstalling on my D: drive rather than C: drive. There is another forum thread discussing the NVMe speed being too high and causing these issues.
If uninstalling and re-installing on a different drive doesn’t work, here are several different possible “fixes” (some already suggested and some not) and here’s a list to get you going (quicker fixes at the top followed by more time consuming ones below):
1.) Close out of NVIDIA experience/discord/anything else with overlays and see if you can load in. I’ve heard about potential overlay issues, so this should help rule that out.
2.) Confirm you are allowing access to D4 via Firewall Settings.
3.) Make sure Drivers are updated to latest version.
4.) Try logging out of Battle net App, switching region, and logging back in.
5.) Try launching the game from the File Explorer rather than the “Play” button in battle net. Click on the gear next to the “Play Button” and choose “File Explorer” and launch “Diablo 4”.
6.) Restart your PC.
7.) Click on the gear in the battle net app next to D4’s “Play” button and run the “Scan and Repair” tool.
8.) Uninstall the Battle Net App and then reinstall it.
9.) Uninstall Diablo 4 and Re-Install it.
10.) Restart PC again.
11.) Open a ticket with Blizzard Support. They’re absolutely swamped with issues atm, so please feel free to try playing other Blizzard Games with uplifting communities, such as Overwatch 2, while you wait!
I hope this helps you all get into the game and best of luck!