Lvl 100 Druid with no Tempest Roar

What a :clown_face: take to bring to this discussion;
Once again yet another individual who clearly holds & sees no issue with the mindset of:
“There is no issue for me, so there can be no issue for thee”

At this point not only have you made yourself out to be an illiterate individual lacking knowledge on the topics you are attempting to debate, you have proven clearly & indisputably how selfish & “self-entitled” YOU truly are.

100 times more-so for an individual that doesn’t even have a Druid listed on their D4 Armory profile;
d4armory .io/?account=Lazyloaf-1219

You are literally coming into a topic about a Class Specific Unique refusing to drop for a portion of a classes player-base, effectively saying “There are no bugs in Ba Sing Se” while having never even touched the Class in question*.

At this point I would say any opinions you have on the topic are wholly irrelevant.

EDIT: (*Update: They admitted to playing Druid during the Alpha & a desire to try it again in the future!)

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RNG is a fair approch to drops. Everyone has the same chances. This is a diablo game, you kill monsters to pull a slot machine leaver. Either RNG favors you or it doesnt and you continue killing monsters.

So your upset because you dont have the item you want. Some how that makes me self entitled?

So you are saying i have no plans on playing a druid cause you are mistaken. Tho I would like to be able to see class specific uniques drop when playing on other classes.

The game needs more uniques, i believe i already said that.

Last time, since you are using the Shill playbook of repeating your own cyclical invalid arguments & ignoring all posts attempting to enlighten you regarding how utterly & willfully ignorant you choose to remain;

That you are an incompetent, illiterate, blusterous fool intent on blowing smoke here without regards to anyone trying to enlighten you on topics you clearly have no actual working knowledge of is a major character flaw & personal issue you should really attempt to resolve. I hope one day you do! Until then you should consider refraining from making an even bigger uneducated fool of yourself in public spaces.

If you instead had spent the time reading about Psuedo-RNG (as well as Loot-Seeding) & Statistical Outliers on Wikipedia or elsewhere like I had suggested, you might have gained enough of a baseline understanding to realize how clearly wrong you currently are.

Though judging by your ongoing responses I doubt you have the reading comprehension to get that far.

Ok so your making an argument about RNG, you have no access to the back end database of the game. You have no access to see behaviors of the written code.

Without data or access you are unable to have any meaningful dialog.

You started this post saying i play x number of hours with character y but did not get z. Expectency theroy at play and thats fine but not everyone x + y = z will be the same.

I played a druid in alpha it was fun. Didnt get the helm so i had a build around the items I had, not the ones I wanted.

What percentage of a classes’ builds were gated behind those build-defining items, and how many hours would it typically take to obtain one? You seem to think that all RNG is created equal, and that implementation doesn’t matter.

Just taking it to a logical extreme – what if all of the game’s build defining unique items had the odds of the uber uniques, would that be fun game design? Well no, obviously not. But according to you, RNG is just RNG so perfectly fine.

Plainly speaking, you seem to lack the ability to recognize nuance.

  • You repeatedly admitted (by your ongoing ignorance) to having 0 knowledge regarding the difference between True RNG & Psuedo RNG or their respective uses, implementations, limitations & issues.
  • You have repeatedly refused to even attempt to enlighten yourself on the topics.

At least I actually understand the topics I am discussing.

You are too incompetent & blusterous to realize

  • I am not even the one who started this post.
  • With whom you are even speaking to at any given time.

You playing a character in Alpha has 0 relevance to hundreds of users spending hundreds of hours unable to obtain Class Specific Unique Endgame Items during release.

Take your self-entitled, invalid arguments & willful ignorance back to the cave you crawled out of.

Yeah and if all those things didn’t come up ‘heads’ for you, which could have easily been the case, your self-serving opinion would magically change.

Lvl 94 druid never found waxxing or a tempest roar, but found a few barb uniques. Rng is fine until it doesnt work due to no trading and be build define aspect deprived.

The aspect thing is just a killer for any sense of fun. PoE gives you full access to all skill gems early. The worst is having to relvl them.

Personally think there should be a way to target farm all aspects via nm dungs

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Yeah, I’m level 91 or 92 now and I’ve been hunting the mendeln ring for my necro since level 75. Not nearly as bad as you, or my buddy trying to get vasily’s prayer since level 50 and he hasn’t seen it yet.

Also, I don’t know if they broke something recently but I’m not even getting any legendary drops in NM45+ either. I get ONE from the completion reward but none from elite enemies. Completely killed my desire to keep playing. I’ll come back for S1 but that’s probably it until S2 or an expansion.

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Lol TR drop rates will be increased when they nerf those builds into the ground. Not saying i want to see any of this, but its probably going to happen this way.

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cultists are suppose to have a higher chance to drop TR. Conclave and Cultist’s Refuge should be good farming dungeons if the posts are correct.

Alternatively, with the introduction of more druid uniques over the course of a few seasons, perhaps there will be reason to NOT use grizzly rage on every single build. I think the “build defining” portion of the discussion is really a side effect of the druid currently being forced into grizzly rage due to the available aspects and uniques we have to build around. I can imagine a day maybe around seasons 4-6 we have been given reasons to use anything else.

TLDR the helmet is not the whole picture, and in time will be less of an issue overall.

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The helmet is pretty much the whole picture. You dont need it to play tornado. At all. But then you really are forced into a very specific playstyle. With very specific aspects on specific pieces of gear. I personally dont want to play tornado, i just want a viable shred build and for my entire playthrough on my druid it felt ok at best until the NM dungeon update when they seemingly fixed broken nodes in the heightened malice tree. Still didnt feel great as i do much more damage on my rapid fire rogue and im 20 levels lower…but i dont have the desire to log onto either anymore so i guess it doesnt matter.

This is actually a great take, and one I agree with.

You know nearly every Pulerize build now has Tempest Roar on it?

What really gets under my skin is you can go to any of these “Build sites” or YouTube and every freaking druid build is using one of 4 uniques if not 3 of them. Tempest Roar, one of the 2 the Chest (depending on form), and Waxing Gibbous.

It is really difficult to find a built that isn’t trash and can do lvl 50-70 content without the helm. The only build I have found that’s actually good is the Trampleslide build. Amazingly it’s by far the strongest build I know of for doing all content and it doesn’t require a unique, even though you can scale it with uniques.

Another problem is the cost, it’s so damn expensive to gear even at 60. It’s ridiculous, could see this kind of difficulty at lvl 75, but even at 55 trying to re-roll and get your imprints is WAY to expensive.

Yeah I get that TR is required for that build, ergo is the whole picture to you. What I’m saying is that other builds can be brought up to the same level as wolfnado through new aspects and uniques as seasons progress, rather than nerfing wolfnado and upping the drop rate of TR.

Chase items that are build defining or gatekeeping are fine, so long as

1 - There are alternatives that can compete at the same level. Currently there just aren’t if you want to push. It’s grizzly rage or bust, which locks you into 1 of 2 unique helmets.

2 - RNG is a factor, but not the ONLY factor, in the players ability to obtain a chase item.

As in, provide the player access to a vendor that has all uniques, and a currency obtained by salvaging uniques. The purchased uniques should have low to lower middle rolls to ensure there is still reward for players who chase a perfect rolled item out in the world.

Negative the aspect is Shockwave, not Pulverize. And I got it while playing Trampleslide, not a Pulverize build, not one point spec’d into it.

Got my first Tempest Roar at level 67 as my buddies were power leveling my alt Druid, less than 5hrs played on it lol.

So far I’ve found 3 Tempest Roars with less than 25hrs played on my Druid, current level 89 :sweat_smile:

Here I am just wanting to see a usable piece with CD reduction on it. Rerolling is too expensive to be an option on anything that is not 3/4 bis already and maybe I might consider it.

Today is my lucky day. Unique No. 3 + 4 just dropped in one nm-dungeon.

I can cover the complete D4 world under eyes in the dark… ENRAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!
(next drop temerity 10000000000% sure… like every day)

niahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHA (im fine)