Lvl 100 Druid with no Tempest Roar

I got the helm at lvl 95 on first druid. On second druid I got 3 of them at lvl 71, 76 and 80, it drop like candy.

Did first druid get an equipable barbarian unique before they patched it?

Edit - Mine did. Level 87 and no TR but tons of vassily and crones. Unrelated, maybe yes maybe no who can know for sure besides blizzard.

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I know someone in-game that started after the barb drop patch & has had multiples of the other Class Uniques & many Class Agnostic Uniques but no Tempest Roar.

I too was wondering if there was a connection!

No barb unique last 14 days at all.

omg I hope blizz reads this. Love this idea.
Please make your own thread so this gets more exposure <3

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I got the 2h hammer, Hellhammer, when things were still bugged.

I scrapped a full stash of uniques few mins ago and only kept the ones with the highest rolls. Im playing tw-rogue. I did 2 helltides and 2 nm-dungeons et voila 2 new uniques. Windforce no. 34/789 and a very bad rolled penitent greaves no. 567/8975.

For the immersion i pretend that im able to find a (non ultra rare) sword and crossbow unique knowing they dont exist.

ROFL… im not the one on the forms complaining because i didnt get the item i wanted after playing 30 hours at lv 100.

RNG is RNG. You dont know the back end coding of the game, its not open sorce code.

Im not the one crying about an item i dont have. I dont think that is entitlment.

Yea, I’ve been forced into pulverize and I don’t really like it’s playstyle. Just slow and plodding with crap resource generation.

With no TR in sight I’ve given up on my Druid at 80. Season 1 Rogue FTW.

My points are valid & all stand regardless of your invalid stanning.

Your the one insulting people because you dont like the response of people explaining mechanics of the game. Your upset because you have not found the item you want yet. Kill more monsters, maybe RNG will favor you today.

If you feel insulted because I pointed out your refusal to educate yourself when someone goes to more effort than they should to try and enlighten you on a series of topics you clearly have little to no working knowledge about, while you repeatedly misspell the word “entitlement” in an attempt to insult others; That again is on you for being too dense to learn when someone tries to help you.

Also, FYI in that context you want “You’re”;

At this point I am going to put you on Ignore because you are clearly yet another individual only here to antagonize & bait arguments with others while providing no positive or productive contribution to the discussions you participate in.

EDIT: Glad to see you finally googled the word you misspelled in an attempt to insult me, even after I provided you the correct spelling. If you choose to remain ignorant on the rest, enjoy your bliss!


Cool story…

Entitlement: something that you have a right to do or have, or the right to do or have something.

RNG is fine, drop rates are fine.

I’ve ignored this person as well. This type of person really isn’t contributing to the topic and I’m hopeful with ignoring them they will just go away.

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So my point is less valid because i dont want to play a game with participation throphies? There are a couple items in D2 i never found after 1000s of hours and that is ok.

Sadly, this is the most common response I’ve seen to this issue. This can’t be Blizzard’s intention.

Last reply to you, you are still on ignore FYI;

The Devs have stated there are only 6 Uber-Uniques in Diablo 4 intended to be effectively Unobtanium.

That users are reporting varied loot seeding issues regarding Uniques not on that list after hundreds of hours of gameplay has nothing to do with “Participation Trophies” regardless of how you “feel” or how willfully ignorant you choose to remain.

I think you may have missed the Helltide/Shako Drops btw lmao (^:

Were you able to trade for them in D2? So you could still get them even though they were super rare and you never found one yourself?

Such a great point, but it’s not just that, none of the super rare items in D2 were actual build defining. You needed literally zero of those items to play the game with any build at any time. The Tempest Roar is the keystone to nearly every high end build on the druid which forces a player into sub optimal builds when this item isn’t available.

By the way, my armory link shows I have over 8 day’s played on the druid. This is just silly to not see this item in this amount of play time.

https ://d4armory. io/?account=363494&hero=ce6571e0-064c-11ee-9983-85ad62353bdc


Trading was aweful, i found everything I used. Trading just brought spam bots, bots, credit card warriors and people scaming others. Wasnt hard to find gear in D2 just a fun MF time sync of playing a slot maching.

There were item defining items i D2 for specific builds but you didnt have to play that build until you got the item.

D4 requires more uniques which will come with time.