Lvl 100 Druid with no Tempest Roar

I have been level 100 for more than 30 hours and spent over 100 hours in Torment 4 and never seen this helm drop. The rarity on this helm really discourages playing this class anymore. I hope Blizzard increases the drop rate at least a little bit. I’ve seen other unique items significantly more than this one.

Suggestion to Blizzard. You want to see people play your game more, don’t make build defining items this rare.


I feel the same way. Stuck at 100 with stormclaw basic skills build for 2 days w/o TR. OK for progression, but late game feels pretty marginal compared to my decent WW barb. It also is boring because effectively you can’t use half your skills with Grizzly Rage up w/o TR.

Based on what is dropping, I suspect the loot table is still bugged because I’ll get the same item repeatedly (e.g. going on about 7 or 8 of hunter’s zeniths at this point, or double drop of waxing gibbeous).


Just go Bulwark build and faceroll NM100 lol.


If it wasn’t bugged and there was actually a point to farming NM100 dungeons (no XP progression, no better loot) I would probably do that. :slight_smile:

But I already got hit with the WW barb nerf - where they took a BiS set of gloves and made them meh, clearly they can’t do that with the TR druid hat since every build people want to play with the class depends on it.

They need a point buy system to help with the uniques and very rare aspects.
E.G. You still get them on random drops but you also get a special currency (from NM dungeons and maybe other things like legion events, helltides) then you can save up and buy what you want.
They will be very expensive but at least you’ll get that build defining item before level 100.


This they do.

No one is saying hand out, but give us some freaking control.

I would also agree with a system to buy unique items with some kind of NM dungeon currency. I’ve done enough of these dungeons to max out 10 glyphs so far. I’ve seen every other unique more than once. Heck, I’ve seen the other helm, Vasily’s Prayer, five times now.

And in regards to the Bulwark build… sure doesn’t look as fun. And as was pointed out, there currently isn’t any incentive to do a NM 100 dungeon, so until that time, I’d prefer to play a build that looks to be more fun than that one.

Again, I’m just hoping that Blizzard does something to solve this issue as this helm is key to nearly every powerful build the class has.


I hope they DONT increase the drop rate, I have 6 in my bank, along with multiples of Crone, and i played for like 3 hours last night and got 4 of the damn Nature rings.


Way to boast about your random RNG luck. Your impute isn’t really necessary.


I’m level 76 on my Druid alt or something and still haven’t found a basic shockwave aspect….

I can only imagine waiting on this. What a train wreck this design is lol,


It sucks that you haven’t been lucky, but this game doesn’t have enough chase items as-is. I think the solution is to design the game to have many viable builds so that if RNG doesn’t go your way, you have something else exciting to try, not feel like you’re left out because you haven’t found that one uber item for your class.


I actually made a similar post! Theres a lot of druid players who put their toon on the shelf and its because exactly what is said here! We love bestial rage and using aspect of the direwolf locks us out of half of our kit without TR! I made suggestions on how to solve the problem but this would have been an EXCELLENT addition to those suggestions! This would give players a way to trade time for a reward of their choosing and would re-invigorate the class that is (by blizzards own admission) the least played class with the least amount of lvl 100 toons!
Very nice idead ggz!

I think you make a good point! I also think the idea of making an item a goal to work for is a good idea as well! We all know set items will drop amd they will make more uniques as time goes on! But no matter how you look at it it was NOT a good idea to build half of a class’s kit synergy around an item that is extremely and honestly obscenely rare to get!

Don’t get me wrong here, RNG is fine, we wouldn’t play this game otherwise. Other ARPGs have ways of target farming the gear you’re looking for which is really all I think is necessary. I am not here to try and complain, but to invoke constructive feedback for the developers.

To me, sitting here at close to now 200 hours played on my druid alone and still not having a piece of gear that fully unlocks a build is worthy of quitting over. All those hours spent on D2 and nothing like this has happened to me. Those famed SoJ farms are nothing compared to how many hours I’ve spent looking for just one single item to make my build work in D4.


Yep! Never got that or the chest armor that keeps you as a bear. It’s a joke…got 3’s of other unique’s, just not the ones I needed. Not gonna bother with trying anymore.

My second tempest roar dropped last night… had to scrap it.

Sorry to rub it in :frowning:

I got both from trash mobs in noghtmare dungeons. Im level 71.

Itll drop eventially… but getting to 100 wothout it is really bad luck.

This build is a nerf magnet that relies on a mechanic thats not working the way its intended to! This is definitely a fun way to hulk smash NM’s for now but it wont last and is definitely not a justification for the poor drop weights that class specific uniques have!

that sucks man. ive gotten it 3 times so far.

To all the people at the topic:
I’m levelling a Druid as an alt. I’m now at lv 58. It’s Pulverize the only good option until finding at least Crone Staff or do you guys suggest other direction?
I mean I’m very tanky and can do a “okish” dmg, BUT the pace is slow I can tell. Should I change or stick with Pulverize? It’s the best levelling option for early progress?

I’d probably say Pulverize is good, but as you pointed out, slow going. I leveled to 100 as Pulverize.

Only recently have I switched to a Waxxing Gibbous Shred build that is still suboptimal without Tempest Roar. It does less damage than the Pulverize, but at least I can blast NM dungeons 31-35 far quicker. I figure this is the best strategy to find the helm since it more frequently drops as a quest reward at the end of a dungeon, or so I’ve read online. I’m really just trying to make sure the mobs are 85+ so all the super rare unique items are droppable as well.

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