Idea for Target Farming. MUCH NEEDED

So, every hour one of the 120 dungeons has a specific item slot that drops from all enemies. Of course, the enemies can drop anything, but they are more than likely going to drop the item that’s supposed to drop in that item slot.

Example : 1pm.
Helms drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Chests drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Gloves drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Pants drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Feet drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Rings drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Amulets drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
2H weapons drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
1H weapons drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.
Off hands drop from - Random dungeon from the 120.

2pm. Resets. All slots switch to new random dungeons.
Even if there was a 1 hour cooldown in between resets that would be fine.

But we need target farming BAD.

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No need for target farming. Everything drops at 85+

OP; +1 from me!

Says the same troll that refuses to educate themselves regarding Pseudo-RNG, Loot Seeding & Statistical Outliers :clown_face: :joy_cat: