Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

To be fair, I said it was “more fun” than the endgame – the game, overall, is not very fun is the problem.

But, if we’re comparing leveling and “end game” in D4, leveling is by far the winner.

I’m using quotes on end game because D4 has no end game.

Gotcha, well again it’s progression and pacing. At the end game, it’s all related to equipment and drop rates.

Leveling is about experience for the most part. So it’s fixed progression relative to the rails they have given you.

What you are basically telling me is that the loot find is too slow at the end game to keep you entertained - which is a problem. This might need to be adjusted.

Your amydala needs to be tickled often enough that you don’t lose interest.

If you don’t get something useful in 2 hours, you generally won’t feel as attached to the game. I’m not srue what the data is but they tuned overwatch to 2 hours per level, so you can imagine at the end game where you may go for 12+ hours before a decent upgrade, it gets tedious.

But that’s why there are seasons and why there are multiple places for you to stop and move on to something else and come back.

I also love leveling. For me it’s the best part of the game. Playing with aspects and legendaries that I never use. And I can face enemies 30 levels higher than me. I love being at Tier 4 and having to be careful with mobs.

Sigh. They really do want to turn the game into D3.

One day you guys will realize that Blizzard’s biggest focus is player retention. It’s less about the endgame now, but more about the REGAME…that is, getting players to create new toons one after another. They already kicked that off by giving a Resplendent Spark for every fresh character this season. So obviously, leveling is less of a focus now but is obviously required because it’s fundamental.

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Well what are the optics.

You have the same seasons with same 3 month cycle so its going to be paced the same.

You have whispers they have bounties.

You have ubers they have hellfire

You have dual ga and they have ancienys

You have triple ga and they have primals.

You have nms and they have rifts.

You have pits and they have grifts.

You got obols and they have kadala.

You got occultist and they have kanais cube.

Outside of helltides…legions and world boss?

D4 is D3 reskinned imho - it’s past the point of turning into D3 lol.

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Agree. The levelling process itself should be fun. Making levelling trivial rather than keeping it lengthy, but making it more fun/rewarding, is a band-aid fix that fails to solve the problem.


No wonder,D4 director Joes shelly was in diablo 3 dev back in the day.

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Level capping and grinding for the 1% of gear isn’t fun though, I guess I am the minority but I want more character levels more paragon , I hate how limited the character progression is , so tired of grinding for stupid rare gear as the only form of progression in the end game

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I personally enjoyed the lengh of the levelling process and never had an issue with it, I think this perspective originated from the streamers. Finding a good build to grow with and min max at the end is fun to me. I enjoy long term achievements, not quick cheap wins that feel like hollow victories.

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They did the same thing with WoW. It became all about getting to the end game and participate in those activities, where the ‘real game’ was, and to make it easier for alt’s. A lot of people complained that there was no regard for the leveling experience, which they considered the real game, and is partially why some players like Classic and were clamoring for it before it was announced.

Unfortunately, it took quite some time after all this for Classic to become a thing, even after it was announced. :man_shrugging:


So Blizzard is essentially turning Diablo into isometric WoW with demons.

Edit: Also nice to see they learned nothing from doing the exact same thing to WoW and players complained there as well. Beyond incompetent.

Endgame implies it’s at the end. End of what if what comes before is hardly a game. They need a new term.

Gaining character levels is satisfying to me just from an rpg aspect. And I don’t want post 100 paragon levels like D3. But that doesn’t leave much if max level can be accomplished in a day.

That’s part of the character journey for me for why I was ok with character resets every season.

But the way things are going what’s the point? Just put season stuff in eternal if people just only want endgame.

the journey of progression occurs through equipment only at 100, it’s the same difference as far as I’m concerned but you have numbers and hash marks alone the way with “leveling” and imposed restrictions for…what reason?

Controlled power progression with rails on each side.

Also progression eventually “ends” right? There is no infinite paragon so the power curve becomes asymptotic at the upper end of things.

Tbh, lvl 100 does not feel like endgame, it feels like the end of the game. Endgame is 70-100. It is just a shame there is nearly nothing to 70-100.
Also a shame there isnt much to 1-70 of course, that should be another major part of the journey, but the biggest chunk should be 70-100.

Same mistake over and over.

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speak for yourself. for me the leveling experience is what i want, the endgame is where i stop.


I’m still running my Eternal Realm character since release.

Don’t be a child. We know he meant that the general player base looks forward to the end game grind, min/maxing, etc.

I bet the general playerbase would prefer leveling being fun in the first place :man_shrugging:


As part of the general player base I find leveling quite fun, actually. You don’t?