Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

Why do you want to spend so much time in % doing exclusively endgame stuff ?, what’s the point of having your entire gameplay experience narrowed down to HT/Pit (well now Inferno) runs ?

What is the obsession/drag so much against re/leveling I don’t get it, like, if it is so much of a bad experience they might as well just let us make 100s from the start :person_shrugging:

Like, having 10-15 hours spent (more) into something different other than doing repetitive runs (on a 3 month period) won’t hurt

How’s trying to get a 3GA or 4GAU (over and over) all the time better ?, how does that “make your demons run” ? :slight_smile: (or at least better than actually having some progression/challenge-diversity/buildup/fun ?)


my guess, data shows which audience = more money over the last year and that is why it sounds like they are only listening to one part of the player base. Probably all on Xbox.

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S2 added resistances, S4 added itemization change, S5 now adds changes to weapon affixes

All of those things actually change something…

Yes, it’s not enough as a stand-alone factor, but it’s promising to not make it the “same drag” all the time either, can make it work with a bit of effort again

I agree just pointing out for those that think its a slog that XP doesn’t have to be buffed if the individual things you are doing while leveling has variety and don’t feel like they are being dragged out. However, events you mention probably need to be somewhat rewarding to tie to memerable. A treasure goblin is kind of an “event”. If it drops whites/blues that isn’t memorable lol

Did you read what I suggested ?

3 things basically:

1 - reduce/remove early game sustain affixes (swap them with less efficient, i.e. “more appropriate” ones)
2 - add an elite augmentation mechanic in dungeons (not always but a rare occasion), has a chance to drop unique early
3 - upgrade/diversification of impact from rings and pants

#2 is the one providing the difference, while #1 and #3 are the things that allow bigger versatility of gameplay without necessarily overmatching stuff

Because you are ok wasting your time.

In all fairness they said that they intend to take another look at tempered affixes being too impactful to early game…

Need a couple extra steps to deal with that issue though, or at least be in a position where it will be possible to make it work (that’s what’s frustrating IMO and kinda the bummer, i.e. being close and getting closer to make it work but ignore still)

Its a stacked grind with this tiers thing, really it could just have difficulty levels and endgame. offer skip campaign on seasons you can opt to start at 80-100 whatever WT4 scale is and go from there.

If the game will not offer a proper arpg journey as a choice, then atm there isn’t any choice its hours of grinding to get to the real grinding. By that time i am pretty much done with the game. Haven’t even take MW to 12 ranks, i am just done grinding more hours than i already have for such incremental increases, same reason i stopped d3 seasons , i don’t care about math statistic’s , i don’t care about maxed gear chasing. What happened to this genre.
I play these becasue they are action hack and slash class fantasy games that usually offer the player different challenges and monsters to fight, gear to find, caves and dungeons to explore and a game to beat. This modern endgame only grind fest does not speak to me, but the shocking part was the illusion of a normal arpg, whoever thought of that is a outright greedy scumbag.


i really want this company to apologize for all that false marketing about D4.

Just apologize, we probably don’t even need more, cuz it’s clear to anyone who had any hopes that they would not come true, and there would be nothing but D 3.5. I even will stop posting here and complaining, but they have to admit it and apologize.


Yes, if they are never going to go back and fix it. Otherwise it would be nice to hear something positive is changing for this side of the player base for once.

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we have no endgame but we want you to reach that part as fast as possible :rofl:


i mean come on bud. we can agree on some stuff, and disagree on other stuff, all cool. but dont you think this is a little… childish?

i hoped for more d2 as well, but its pretty clearly we are having a mix between d3 and d2, rather favoring d3 since quite a bit. This whole “apologizing and false advertising” stuff is becoming quite weird really.


To be fair, if they realized the most fun part of D4 is to not play it, their argument might make sense.

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mix from D2 and D3? Which part of this game has D2 outside of “dark” graphics. I personally do not care about this at all. Literally if this game was as much cartoony as was D3, but with good core systems that would be more than ok for me.

No one forced them to make the statements they made during the marketing of the game and during their interviews. Literally no one. They obviously deliberately created a false idea about the game they were selling, or they did not understand that they could not build something other than d3 out of it, in which case we are talking about incompetence. If you are seriously trying to somehow justify false marketing, this is simply wrong, because buying something even at the beta test stage, I would like to at least understand what we will come to as a result, and when the promises of the developers are absolutely at odds with the end result, then it is impossible to call it anything but false marketing.

Moreover, at this stage of the game, we still haven’t received anything new other than d3, except graphics, and probably tempering. Is it enough for a new game?


the fact that people dont just cry for perfect items and get them #tempering

so they said we are going back to the roots doesnt that include

noone forced you to jump in early either, yet here we are.

lets cut this short, you know im with you on many things, but this whole “advertisement; they lied! etc etc etc” talk doesnt get anyone anywhere.

i mean, you can not purchase the expansion if you chose to.

judging my playtime, d4 feels indeed like a mix of d3 and d2. i spent way more time in d4 than i did in d3, but way less than i did in d2.

the thing is - i am and adult with more than decent income, i don’t care about 100$ at all. But if you promise smthing - you should at least try to fullfill it or admit that you can’t and not turn 180 degrees and pretend that nothing happened, this is exactly what distinguishes an adult from a child.
It’s hard and long to build a reputation, but you can lose it completely and very quickly

You could literally have a nexus town that had portals to whatever you wanted to do at this point. You level thorugh helltides and NM and then loop all endgame content for loot, glyphs, mats etc. But they are all self contained. Overworld means nothing outside the campaign. Its unfortunate.

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Why would i do something that is clearly temporary and to teach you mechanics and systems in the game?

We should have the option to skip it like we skip the campaign.

well blizzard never did for whatever reason. told you, i agree that i expected more d2 as well. did i get it? nope.

d4 is still enjoyable to me, unlike d3.

It’s the tutorial #20-tutorials