Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

speak for yourself. for me the leveling experience is what i want, the endgame is where i stop.


I’m still running my Eternal Realm character since release.

Don’t be a child. We know he meant that the general player base looks forward to the end game grind, min/maxing, etc.

I bet the general playerbase would prefer leveling being fun in the first place :man_shrugging:


As part of the general player base I find leveling quite fun, actually. You don’t?

Since you ask, no. I don’t find it particularly fun. I’m in the category of players that find it way too fast to matter and not very engaging with all the arbitrary item power lvls.

Unfortunately for you, that puts you in the minority. That’s how the game used to play, players spoke and devs listened. I don’t see that going backward.

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You see, I get that. But that’s only 1 albeit important reason why leveling is not fun for the majority of players. I bet, players that feel leveling is too slow also feel the experience is not very fun. It’s a lose lose situation for the vast majority of the playerbase.

You saying you enjoy the leveling experience as is right now puts you in the minority.

I dunno, I enjoy the experience of leveling more now than ever. I get to experiment and decide which end game I want for this iteration of this class.

They said they want us to test the new endgame (or alternative/sidekick of the endgame that already exists if you like) but nearly all the other changes that were done were something that will increase quality of leveling

I mean can’t be more ambiguous even if they wanted lol… The weapon changes, and the fact that all classes can wield 4 weapons each with different impact => that affects leveling (much more so than the endgame I’d argue tbh)

They’re also adding (and changing) roughly 3-5 temper manuals per class (again, changes leveling more than the endgame), they’re also adding 3-5 aspects per class (some even more), again - that affects leveling more than the endgame

Guys, want to admit it or not - you’ll NOT break your build just because you got a “GG aspect” at the endgame, you’ll try things out more often during leveling phase

Once you got your build up & running - everything else is a “oh look, cool, would’ve been nice if I was using skill, pity => Salavage” drop

In leveling phase it can be more tempting to try things out

Like, everything except the new content, every change, was in fact ironically improvement of the leveling phase in one way or another

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he didnt say leveling wasnt fun, he was acknowledging the cry baby d3 players that couldnt handle the longer leveling grind d4 launched with.

Yep without loadouts or whatever equivalent, the longer you take to experiment with something the more a PITA it becomes.

100% exposed themselves with that comment and they are so out of touch it didn’t even register.

I agree with you. Once I hit 100 and have all the legendaries and uniques I want I kinda stop playing. I don’t want to run pit, bosses, and nmd over and over to re-roll stats to do higher pit, bosses faster, and higher nmd. I totally understand people want that and enjoy it, but my fun comes in the leveling process. I think I could enjoy endgame more if obtaining legendary powers wasn’t trivial and makes the gear chase for most things pointless. The overall itemization update was good, but I think itemization is still a problem.

It needs to be slowed down, it needs to be made more enjoyable and diverse, similar to what they’ve been doing with end game.


I don’t even bother tempering until WT4.

Hmm it’s already too easy to level. What game are we playing here, candyland, or maybe chutes and ladders?

/gasp, some of us actually think leveling is fun.

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Leveling IS fun. The question here is why does it suck in D4 and why the developers seem okay with it. That’s what they’re saying essentially. It’s baffling to say the least.


ARPG power gain vs time has always been a logarithmic curve, since the era of d2, followed by Titan Quest, d3, poe, Grim Dawn, d4 and LE. It’s a generic and proven formula.

What is endgame? With years of playing arpg, the most objective definition I can put it down is: the turning point where you shift your focus from gaining power thru inner character power (levels, attribute points, skill points, paragon points or similar stuffs), to gaining power thru item. It’s where the focus lies that decides whether you’re still leveling or in endgame. And because all arpg follows logarithmic curve of power gain vs time, it’s no surprise (and d4 is no exception to this) that you will gain less power at end game for each moment spent compared to leveling.

ARPG endgame has always been, and prolly will be the same for the next few decades, be about improving your character power thru better gears (a very sluggish process), shifting from gaining power thru innate character power while leveling (a faster process).


If they really said that that is such a terrible approach to the game, balancing, and vision. We don’t need it to be more trivialized and made even faster ugh.

But it would explain all the constant nerfs to make this more and more like d3. We’re already pretty damn close. Gear rains from the sky and it’s zoom zoom zoom through ALL stupidly easy content except “pushing dungeon”.

D3 was a fun enough game but it’s really not what I expected or wanted from D4.

That’s not at all what they’re saying here. No wonder you’re baffled.