Leveling "We want you to reach the fun part [max lvl] quickly"

That’s what Adam said on stream. The question is, if the leveling experience is not fun according to the developers then why is it even there? Why are they okay wasting our time? :man_shrugging:


Why even have all this open world.


The leveling process is only first the first time. After 3 seasons, it’s a drag.


This is why their entire design process is broken. The “fun part” should be the entire game. And the fact that they work so hard at making you “skip” the game tells you all you need to know.


It keeps the game FRESHHH!!! I want to level my character every week so freshhhhh <3 <3

I don’t think leveling is a drag with helltides at lvl1 and uniques earlier. Whispers are going to be faster to gain, treasure goblins are more rewarding. Varshan, Beast are more accessible while leveling. What exactly is a drag about it?

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The entire gameplay process, and that the entire game is the same from 1-100 as it is at the end. There is nothing new to experience, and your gameplay remains the same for the entire thing: stagnant.

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The funny thing is I like leveling more than the end game.


Well at least they mentioned that they’ll look into the impact tempered affixes have on the leveling/early game rather

So that’s at least something tbh

Also the cool part for S5 is the changes for weapon affixes and classes being able to choose from a wider variety of them (that could be fun :slight_smile: )

But yes, the sustain affixes are too strong early on IMO, need remove life per second and swap it with Barrier/Fortify generation in early affix rotations and swap LPH with LoK pre WT3 tbh :thinking:

Weapon affixes have been reworked, people can try quite a few new things out (almost LE-esque, not there yet but almost)

For example if you’re playing a Barb, you can choose between Crit, Bleed, Overpower and Vuln. (Crit from Sword, Bleed from Axe, OP from Mace, Vuln. from Polearm)

All the classes got quite a bit better in that regard (except maybe Druid, not sure what they got :smiley: )

It’s kinda been reduced to multiple HT runs but yes, it had some potential (I think it can still)

We’ll see how it goes but I think the new weapon affix changes affect the overall feel and impact (even during leveling stages earlier)

EDIT: actually here’s my post to what I think needs to happen to make leveling more fun (or at least rememberable) again


Posting this cause the thread might get lost, but hope the writeup will get some traction with time… :slight_smile:

Them actually stating that 1-99 is not fun is pretty bizarre and says much more about the base game then the player.

And if this is really the case they need some form of post-100 progression other than just upgrading gear, the game gets a empty feeling when you hit lvl 100 but still need to mindlessly slog through nmd to get glyph xp because somehow you havent maxed them out by lvl 100.

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And yet, the gameplay remains the same. The dungeon experience remains the same. Character progression remains the same. The entire experience of the game is the same, except faster. None of their “changes” fixed the game, simply trying to “bypass” it.

The game is supposed to be about repeating itself over and over, yet none of the game is built to make that repetition “fun”.


the drag is that this game is boring.

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Helltides and Infernal Hoards (vampire survivor mode) will save the game finally :clap:

The fun part for some, it’s too grindy for others. They can service both, they choose not to , that is fine, other games to play as a main game. Yeah its a cop-out, this game is structured in one of the worst ways i have ever seen in a arpg. Which given the historical road map of all previous arpgs, just blows my mind open tbh.


Right? After 100 there’s hardly if any feeling of progression. Even worse you spend the entire “endgame” experience chasing the ghost of better equipment.


Rewards, rewards, rewards, fast gain, rewards…

Hope you realize (one day) that providing efficiency is not the equal of providing fun

What makes leveling fun is rememberable events, dungeons, and kinda surprising fights… I even made a writeup, take a look if you like :slight_smile:


I think if you have levelled one character to 100 in that class, alts should come in at 90 automatically or whatever is the level cap for end game gear, i think its 90 it used to be 80.

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Until they give me the option to play the game as a journey and not like a 15 year old with a controller with 18hours to game a day.

This game will have limited play time for me. Cant enjoy a game that starts when i am levelled, it was silly in D3 but the smaller game model and scope made it work for what it was. Here its just a waste.


And another question: why were we promised something completely different during the development process, but we got the d3 concept again. Who is responsible for the fake marketing?


It was a pretty sad statement.

Fitting the overall chat well, I guess.
