I use a program to help with disability Blizzard told me they may or may not ban me

Man, people like you are what really make this forum a terrible place.


“I’m not scum, I just speak on the behalf of scum, with scum’s endorsement by virtue of my pretty green name. Well, I don’t really speak on behalf of scum, so much as share scum’s rules without a shred of compassion for people negatively impacted by said rules. Suffice to say, I’m not the bad guy here, I just do what he wants me to. Free of charge. For fun.”

Lot of things walking and talking like ducks around here.


It’s a game mate. You not being able to play hardly qualifies as cruel and unusual. Jesus Christ what a stupid thing to say. It’s a luxury.

You just said that. HAHAHAHAHAH! No one is going to court over a video game ban. The courts would laugh at you. Blizz can ban anyone they want for any reason they want.

**I like how the usual trolls are in here. You could easily ban 5 people in it for trolling and inciting all over these forums. No idea why this isn’t happening. The usual troll is calling Blizz and the MVP poster “scum” a couple replies above. That should be an insta ban on their forum account.


I’m no bleeding heart but I miss the days when there were some high quality people in the world that would rather be helpful than butt hurt just because someone with a disability needs assistance.

Holy crap, enjoy your perfectly good legs, park a little further away and walk your lazy butt into Costco, or, be retarded and see some guy unloading his wheel chair from the back of a van, and think about how lucky he is that he got to park closer to the store.

Your prerogative I guess.


The problem is his attitude. The game is like it is. Barbarians play the way they do. If you are physically unfit to keep up with it, better bring some suggestions on how to improve the situation without getting an unfair advantage over others.

Come on man, the boot you’re licking isn’t even real. For insulting MVP? For real?

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That’s not boot licking. It’s called being a decent person. Weird how you didn’t even bring up the person belittling the other person for no reason. What does that make you? A sock licker?

Sometimes you have to deal with being told “NO”. Grow up and deal with it. It’s called being an adult. I don’t argue with children so I’m just going to mute you. /bye Felicia.

Disabled and interested in the topic over that. The green text comments are mostly in this thread, since your poor green text kept being trash in it.

Edit: Lol dude edited that like three times and announced a muteas I typed a response. It’s nice to see they’re such a bigger person and an adult about it.


So you’re “disabled” and extremely toxic. Got it.

I don’t talk to children who call decent people “boot lickers” because they can’t handle being told “NO”.

No, I’m disabled. No “”. Bigotted pos.

Edit: 5 edits already? CHILL OUT. My god.

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I have a program to help with my issues also .
It’s called Diablobot v2.1

I have trouble focusing when i play Diablo4 .
I suffer from narcolepsy when playing.
I also get swore hands.

Diablobot assists me by playing Diablo.
Since using it , my hands don’t hurt , i can catch up on sleep while i play .
Also i have 40,000,000,000 gold which is cool .

Im probably also going to get banned .
But that will only improve my swore hand issue i suspect.

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Irony. You’re the only bigot here, bud. You’re the one calling people boot lickers for defending others. That’s how twisted your brain is. Just go to bed.

Now you’re gonna try twisting into it me attacking you for your “disability” somehow. Crying wolf isn’t going to work here. No one attacked you. I didn’t attack anyone. However, you have.

Rage more, reasonable guy. Lol. I’m literally a stranger who unlike you gets affected by the topic at hand, and you’re losing your mind over being called that? I’m sure you’re very decent, honey.

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Lol you’re still raging I called you that. Hit a nerve?

Edit: I don’t need to try to twist you into attacking me for my again not “disability” but very real disability. You’re clearly an insane jerk with zero bait.

You do not need to edit defending that you didn’t attack me. You’re clearly another type of unhinged, it’s fine, you don’t need to project a false accusation nobody is making to prehemptively defend yourself and in doing so show what you think of disabled people who make any claims at all.

You don’t even understand how quotes work. No one attacked you and no one is raging. I defended someone, and you called me a “boot licker” because it’s an MVP then you threw in your “disability” as bait. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself.

Accessibility options are awesome but rules are rules. Deal with it.

**Notice how you still didn’t bring up the person that was actually insulting originally? That’s because your goal is to cry wolf and garner attention. You don’t really care.

Are you gonna reply like a normal person or edit fifteen times? This is honestly exhausting. I know the bye is fake, I just don’t know if the reply is.

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I Did Notice they seem to have disabled the Num Lock Feature, And this may cause problems with the ADA Failure to Accommodate Disability (Wrist Tendonitis) Claim Survives Summary Judgment; Decision Below Vacated. In Greenbaum v.

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Another edit. Dude, come on. Are you editing the stuff above as well?