Medical condition need answer from blizzard staff

hi there not sure were to post that. i have a question about a medical condition and the use of a mouse macro to be able to play the game whitout pain or just play beacause no one would play if its painful.i legit have a tear of the tfcc nerve in the wrist. i cant move my arm before my wrist surgery and probably 6month after.question : can i get ban ? and why would i get ban.

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If the macro you’re thinking of turns 1 key press into multiple key presses/spams a key, that would fall under automation and you’d be risking a ban.


are you staff from blizzard ? if its true. i just cant play the game hehe but i dont understand why you could do that in an other game like WoW.

So you are unable to use a mouse?

No, but it’s been like that in this game and others (including Wow). One key press = one action. Anything outside of that you’re risking your account.

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Did you ever consider, also, the Microsoft Able Gamers foot control? I know people personally who have this and they swear by it. FYI, I have nothing to do with Microsoft nor do I represent them in any way.

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External macros=Ban

One press:One action

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Demanding a response from blizz staff I think is a violation of the forum TOS. I would watch how snippy you get.


using one hand here. i only can use a mouse. typing with one hand. you can use and creat your own macro in wow direcly in the setting

No offline mode so your SOL, Have you tried a controller maybe?

Azeron Cryo would be the mouse for you. Go check it at

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This reads like a legitimate question and not snarkiness. I don’t believe English is OP’s first language.

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I would say that it’s entirely possible that the game could detect that as a macro.

I think you should raise a ticket with Blizzard to ask your question - you’re definitely going to want an official answer before you try this, and maybe they might even be able to turn off some of the cheat sensors on your account because of your medical reasons.

Raise your ticket at Blizzard Support - Contact Support.

Maybe so. I took it as a smart alek response.

Open a ticket if you want a Blizz response.

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thats exacly why ihve made that post. i need a legit answer and i can prove my disability unfortunaly

I think you can open a ticket somewhere from here (haven’t done one in awhile). If you want the official response it’d have to be that route, not on the forums.

Think a mouse clicker will get you banned but who knows. People used the built in windows feature to spam num pad buttons for D3 skills and stuff all the time.

Have you tried using a game controller? D4 is really great with a controller. I eventually had to quit D3 because they had no controller support, but D4 lets you switch between mouse and keyboard on the fly.

I use the MSI GC20 which was the cheapest I could find that had good reviews and good sticks.

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i cant use a controller, i basically cant move my left arm 2month before my surgery. im not even playing pvp. it could be an understandable legit reson why i couldnt use that but…