There is a haze that overlays the characters and visuals.
Not talking about the snow, or fog, but overall there just seems to be a dusty haze over most the scenes.
I’ve tried the brightness sliders, sharpness slider…not fixing it,
I believe it’s the HDR implementation for the game. You turn off HDR at the console level and the visuals are much more crisp and clear.
Is there any posts on HDR issues already? Or are we going to have to tolerate another game like RDR2 and ESO with HDR issues that take forever to get resolved? RDR2 never was resolved, ESO did after 4 years.
What it looks like for me [Preformatted text](
Video going over the technical details on how HDR is broken
(Diablo 4 - HDR Settings - PS5/Xbox/PC - Test on LG CX/G2 - Black Level Raise Is Ruining The Picture - YouTube)
I’ve noticed this as well and although it’s not a major issue it’s definitely there. Easiest way to spot it really is on the login screen where you can see the blacks in the background brighten up a bit as soon as you turn hdr on. Messing with the settings on our end does not fix this (using a LG CX OLED myself).
Yes! Exactly. On the transition screens its a 90s fade effect, or those old transition screens on older gaming titles…haha.
Also, on the character selection screen, with HDR off, the background is vivid and sharp. HDR on, its foggy and dim.
I get anxiety with this type of HDR issue and devs NOT addressing it. It happened in Elder Scrolls Online and the community fought for years to prove HDR was broken. ZOS finally addressed it 4 years later with a overall of the entire HDR system. Now it looks fantastic.
Yes, I made a post about it on day one. Noticed when I downloaded the client on Wednesday. Either have to turn off HDR on the console or set HDMI black levels to LOW on my TV. Neither of which is a perfect solution.
HDR definitely needs to be fixed properly.
Ouch. Fiddling with tv setting for just one game is just bad. I hope this gets acknowledged by the devs in a upcoming dev stream. I’m not seeing it in the beta ‘known issues’ list.
Make sure your PS5 is set properly. By definition of the spec, the TV needs a 10-bit panel for HDR and must support the full HDMI spectrum (0-255). If your PlayStation is set to use the Limited setting for HDMI on a modern 10-bit panel TV, you’ll get washed out colors. Limited restricts the HDMI range to 16-235, which causes the color version of clipping.
Having an incorrectly set color space can also produce this effect. RGB (HDR) should be the chosen color space. Here’s a good article to use as a starting point:
. Nearly all of it is still relevant, and yes, sadly the PS5 does in fact use a much more restrictive 32 Gbit/sec HDMI 2.1 link, while the XSeX uses a 40 Gbit/sec link (neither console supports the full 48 Gbit/sec HDMI 2.1 spec).
Agreed, HDR is broken in this game, flipping over to SDR looked much better.
Running with a calibrated LG C2 here
All completely correct but definitely not the issue here.
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I’m playing on an LG UHD, in all it’s 4K glory, while running my XBox S through an 8K receiver I’m not noticing a haze or anything, in fact the picture is crisp and sharp.
I saw the pic OP posted, my screen looks nothing like that. IT’s actually quite beautiful to look at.
Im on Xbox Series X and my setup is optimized and set correctly, I know that for a fact. I have dozens of games that have HdR and 4k resolution perfectly set, hoping that D4 is a beta issue.
I took a look at the screenshot from the OP and yeah I can also confirm it should not look like that at all. What I was mentioning before was very minor compared to that. That looks completely unplayable.
Yes mate, we’re raising this as a problem because our consoles and TVs are set correctly and D4 is standing out like a sore thumb. Other games and movie content from the console is being displayed fine. But otherwise good info 
That’s because your eyes are used to poorly calibrated SDR settings.
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black should still be completely black (aka pixels turned off) on a OLED in HDR. In this game they are not so no this is a problem with the HDR for the game. As evidenced on the login screen.
agree… something isn’t working correctly with HDR
it looks like im playing on 15-255 black levels instead of doesnt look as bad inside dungeons but outside it can get pretty ashy with the snow and everything.
might disable hdr on my series x for the open beta and see how it is.
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I completely agree, blacks are washed out, colors don’t POP at all like other HDR games. It’s just hazy and has no depth.
Please fix this, im sure when it is correct the game will look gorgeous, right now it looks like im viewing the game through dirty glasses that haven’t been cleaned in a year.
Running an LG OLED 4k 120hz HDR, PS5.
I noticed this too, while playing on the PS5 with my LG CX. Though I can’t recall if my PS5 is set to have HDR always on, or only on for supported games. All my other games, that use HDR, look fantastic. Movies in HDR/DV, using Apple TV or the LG’s apps look fantastic.
RDR2 is the only other main game on my PS that with HDR enabled doesn’t look that impressive. I usually turn that off, and play in SDR for it.
Im using an Alienware AW3423DW with HDR on and the game is just simply beautiful.
Guess I should state im on a pc.