HDR is washed out, hazy look

This is the console section of the forum. :grinning:

Same here OP. Raised black levels and banding on Sony a80j OLED. Fingers crossed for a fix!

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I experienced some pop in for a cutscene but the graphics look good for the game! Super excited to play druid!

HDR seems broken as it was too bright on my A90K OLED. Blacks are gray and crushed. I had to quit the game turn off HDR. Then relaunch D4 again and tune brightness slider. After that game looked a lot better.

I hope they fix HDR on launch or at least have option to turn off HDR in game.


tried toying with brightness options black/white but no difference on HDR+ 4K TV… i guess HDR is not working properly.

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Big agree on this. HDR needs to be fixed. Diablo IV is a dark and moody game but the poor implementation of HDR makes it act weird on OLED screens which is where it should be at its best.


I went to a Xbox Series X setup connected to 4k PC Monitor connected via PC RGB and still saw the washed out, hazy look. Really hoping this get addressed.

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I hope you take note and correct the problem since it is poorly implemented

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Chiming in here to add my voice to everyone else above. Playing on PS5 with LG CX OLED for TV, HDR looks fantastic on every other PS5 game I have with these same settings dialed in, and the first thing both me and my wife said after starting game was “why are there no true blacks in this game?” Tried playing with the sliders a bunch to no avail as well.

Really enjoyed the gameplay, and all the models/animations look incredible quality-wise, but hoping the HDR issue can get worked out before launch as it really detracts from what should be a great experience when black levels make everything look muddy-gray in the world.


I think the game needs an option to adjust fog, blur and bloom settings. I hope it’s not a design issue to intentionally have this haze all over the game, even had it indoors on a few of the dungeons. I prefer the visuals to shine over excessive fog for gameplay reasons.


Completely agree on fog slider. For me as OP, the gem and legendary upgrade vendor, with their purple candles, was like a purple haze show. It as foggy as hell in those huts.

Just takes away from appreciating the details in these buildings.

Yep! It feels like all the colours are washed in my perspective, and foggy.

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@ Sephrax - No, troll. Wrong again. And reported again for trolling posts and just being in all around unhelpful toxic fanboy. Not realizing most of us just want to troubleshoot during this open and closed beta to help get a better released product.

TO THE OP - so i had this same problem. I had it with D3 and I had it this weekend. The simple, simple solution is thst your console may be set to ON or AUTOMATIC for your HDR settings. Also dont forget that GAME MODE will automatically turn HDR - ON.

The reeason being, this is a top down ARPG that does not support HDR.

Changing the option for HDR to OFF fixed the washed colors and the bright grays that are supposed to be dark areas.

D4 supports HDR which is why the D4 settings have three sliders, two of which are for HDR customization, black level and whiteness. If you turn off HDR at the console level, you are playing at SDR and in game the only option is a brightness slider.

Turning off HDR at the console level, or even worse at the TV level, then forces you to turn that all back on for the 100 other games that fully support HDR (and implement it properly).


I turned HDR off on my Xbox about a year ago and never looked back. Game looked over saturated and a little too cartoonish for my taste with it turned on. I also found that with HDR on in certain games that movements felt too unnatural.

But that’s a personal preference, as there were known issues with HDR with some of the games I was playing (ESO, CP2077) where others like Elden Ring, AC Odyssey/Valhalla just looked bad to be when I tried them out.

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Ace - it does? Can you provide that in a link? I am curious now because I could be wrong and in that case it will be the final nail in the coffin and I will definetely refund.

Diablo 4 supports HDR as a 2023 game and it shows because of the 3 slider settings which includes White Point which HDR setting to match the NITS of your TV.
Review this video and Blizzard needs to be aware
(Diablo 4 - HDR Settings - PS5/Xbox/PC - Test on LG CX/G2 - Black Level Raise Is Ruining The Picture - YouTube)

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Blizzard has spoken about it? Do you know if they have recognized the problem

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Had the same issue. This MUST be fixed.

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No they haven’t. They had a Q&A yesterday on some items from last weekend’s beta about the queues, class imbalance, dungeon layouts, but nothing about the visuals. Even the patch notes for this weekend didn’t mention anything,

Has me worried that this is what we get….