Game is crashing my PC since the 5/16 update

Hi everyone. After the last patch, I’m still having issues. When I start the game, it hangs on the loading screen for about 3 minutes. Then I get to the character selection. When I press play, it takes forever again. If I manage to get in, I immediately get a network error. When I reconnect, I end up in the world but there are no waypoints or anything on the map, and in the top left corner, it says Diablo is trying to reconnect me. I then quit the game and restart it right away. I can play, but as soon as I teleport to a town, the game crashes.
My system is still the same:

EVGA 3090 XC3
AMD Ryzen 5950x
32GB Corsair Vengeance 3600MHz

Ray tracing is off, crossplay is enabled, resolution is 4K, and all settings are on max. I have already uninstalled my graphics card drivers with DDU, reinstalled them, cleaned the registry, performed a system-wide scan with MRT, and checked all the drivers. I’m at my wit’s end.

New latest patch did not fix the issue for me, exactly the same freeze hang at the character selection screen. This is 100% something to do with their code and not our hardware, the issue is 100% with them and we are just going to have to wait for them to fix it :frowning:

I thought maybe patch had improved things as it felt like i was getting longer periods between crashes but its still every 15-30mins whereas before it was maybe like every 10-20mins.

My game kept freezing every other minute
Now it freezes every minute

Good job :+1: blizzard you improved your performance of making the game even more unplayable!!!


It is unplayable atm… It´s super stupid

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Don’t know what did it, but got it working smooth. Did not test the following one at a time, just did them all in one go. Replaced the PSU with an 850W upgrade from a 7 year-old 750W that seems to still work fine and has never presented any issues. I did not notice that my old mobo, which used that same 750W, had only had one 8-pin CPU power socket, whereas my new mobo and the 850W have two 8 pins. I’ve read that shouldn’t be a smoking gun, and one 8-pin should be fine regardless unless you’re running something super intense, and D4 is not that. With that and a full SSD wipe and Win11 reinstall, fresh BNet and game install, and Patch 1.4.1, I’ve experienced zero crashes in about ten hours of play. Some 2-3 second hangs when opening some menus, but that’s been like that since launch. All current drivers, temps are fine. i7 13700K (Intel power limits, clocking 5.4G), MSI Z790P, 4070 Super, 16GB DDR4.

I see your name around a lot being helpful, and figured you’d appreciate a win (until something breaks again).

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Well, its hard trying to point to some of these potential problems without sounding like I’m on Blizzard’s side.

For one thing, I’m not. There are some seriously befuddling things they have with their code work and the fact that we have to do a lot of “tweaking” at times to get the game to run well.

It shouldn’t be that way.

That said, more often than not the culprit for problems are a lot closer to home then they are with Blizzard directly.

If you are running a 13700 or higher, you should have had the full dual 4 pair connected yes. While the system can run with one connected, it does put a strain on the bus to that connector when the load gets high, and those upper two models of CPUs pull pretty hard on the power distribution of the motherboard. If it were an i3 or i5, sure, a single 4 pair would be sufficient.

You are not the first one lately that had to make some adjustments to the CPU settings and fix their problem, at least for now.

There have been a couple others, and a few others that resolved issues by going to an older driver for their nVidia cards, things like that.

Its annoying and difficult to track down and fix issues like these, but its good to know that some do get solved.

Thanks for the update!

DTMAce, I have solved my issue, mainly following your advice. I am now back running D4 smoothly. What did it is one (or more) of these 5 things I did:

    • I did set my Swap File size to 32768 (I have a 4090, so accommodated for large VRAM);
    • Removed cross play entirely;
    • disabled any RTX (was not making much of a diff anyway in this game);
    • Properly removed nVidia 555 (with DDU in safe mode) and installed January’s 551.23
    • And finally… I now NEVER ever again (until fixed) ALT-TAB back to a browser as I play

NONE of this was necessary before the patches on S4. Darn, some of these steps were not simple. I have time, but I can think of many people who only have this 1 hour/day. Not fun.

If you ever get to read this: should we consider re-setting the swap file when Blizzard gets their act together? Will there be ramifications on other games, or should we just leave it as is (fixed size), and the only impact is less hard drive space?

I had the same problem crashing to the desktop after playing for 2-3 minutes. I just resolved the issue by disabling Intel Speedstep and SpeedShift in the BIOS. Frames dropped a little, but game is stable.

Had a similar issue since May 16th as well. I recounted all the steps i’d done since then, all with varying results.

  • Uninstall a Win11 update that had been applied on the 16th. No change.
  • Uninstall the Nvidia app beta that I had installed that same day. No change.
  • Revert to Nvidia driver 552.22 on my notebook 3070ti. This seemed to work, except it turned out I needed to clear out my driver with DDU and reinstall a fresh copy of 552.22 on each reboot. Weird, inconvenient, but ok, at least there was progress
  • With a little digging I found similar issues reported elsewhere, with the culprit being MSI Afterburner. Indeed, after I uninstalled the program, my GPU issues were solved and I could play the game as normal.

I felt a little lost for a while considering a lot of the fixes that I saw online were regarding BIOS updates or setting power limits on 13-14th gen Intel CPUs, which did not apply to me as I am using an AMD 6900HS.

I do find it strange that I only felt the GPU driver issues while playing Diablo 4 though, I was playing other games just fine without issues.

No. The swap file settings are good for things other than just Diablo IV. Its just that apparently Diablo IV was pushing the capabilities of the default settings.

That has also been helping, especially on 13th and 14th gen CPUs.

Not surprising. In fact the rollback quite often isn’t good enough, and the DDU does a better job of digging out the driver and its “bits”.

I find that interesting, as I run this ALL the time and use it to manually control the fans. But it hasn’t been causing me any issues. I even use the on-screen HUD to display the card status while playing.

Yeah, Diablo IV is one of the most sensitive to disruptions that I have encountered as far as I can remember for a game.

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Is there anything I could do for my setup? I tried everything in here but nothing works. Cant play ore than 5minutes witout having it freeze. I played season 1 2 and 3 witout anny issues.

MSI Z97 g45
i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
geforce 770
16gb ram
win 10

Getting the freezing/crashing as well. This is insane. I play games that cost half the price, and I play with people across the world, and it runs better.

Funny enough, your system is older and actually should be more solid than some of these newer rigs, if you believe that.


Make sure you are running the game from an SSD. This is very important.

And it wouldn’t hurt to look into adjusting the swap file settings as suggested above, though your system won’t need a large setting. 16384 (16GB) would be sufficient.

-Diablo IV has run out of memory - #103 by DTMAce-1687

Did both those things and its still crashing, i reinstalled my game like 4 times too lol.
Also just to add a random detail about my crashes, its rarely gonna freeze in town. And when i do freeze, lets say im in helltide, the countdown will still go down without freezing and ill still be able to move freely on the map, i just cant use any abilities/teleport and the monsters are also frozen in place.

That actually closely resembles my system, apart from me having a slightly newer, but not necessarily more powerful GPU. After struggling with driver up-, down- and sidegrades for two days, the issues almost vanished yesterday morning, almost a day later than the last conscious change I made, and they haven’t reappeared yet. Inexplainable… :neutral_face:

please tell me what you did!!
I also have a geforce 970 laying around in the basement, i have yet to switch it over to my PC

I did nothing others didn’t already mention throughout this and other threads, most often DTMAce:

  1. I installed driver update utilities by both Intel and MSI to make sure all non-GPU components were covered by up-to-date drivers/software. Just in case anything new would have been released for such old hardware during the past years, as if I didn’t know better already :smirk:
  2. I then uninstalled everything I could find from Intel, MSI and NVIDIA I could find, followed by a system restart
  3. I then uninstalled all GPU drivers from Intel and NVIDIA the Display Driver Uninstaller could find, followed by a system restart
  4. I then installed the NVIDIA display drivers 546.65 from January 2024, followed by a system restart

This took me close to two hours and now (late Saturday morning) was the first time I tried playing the game once again, without noticing any change. As my issues only manifested in multi-second stutters after restarting the game two to three times due to initial reproduceable crashes and I was somewhat able to play the game this way, I just did so on Saturday, planning to try other things on Sunday

How surprised I was, when the issues simply weren’t really noticeable any more on Sunday and I still don’t notice them today… :person_shrugging:

Since the season 4 patch, I’m having a memory leak problem. After about 2 hours my game starts to freeze and then crashes (along with other open software due to lack of memory). I’m still having this same problem and it’s horrible

My setup;
Ryzen 9 5950X
TUF GAMING B550M-PLUS Motherboard
2x8GB DD4-2933 / 2x8GB DD4-3200
1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM HD
1 TB M.2-2280

I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried so many things. The game just randomly closes. With or without a browser running at the same time, with or without alt-tabbing, with low-graphics, cross-platform enabled or disabled, game is running on a SSD. Nothing works. This is what event viewer shows:

Faulting application name: Diablo IV.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x664fd8de
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.19041.4355, time stamp: 0x35a939aa
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000001d71b
Faulting process id: 0x66c0
Faulting application start time: 0x01dab5ed52c43837
Faulting application path: F:\Games\\Diablo IV\Diablo IV.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

My system:
RTX 4080 Super
Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 6000MHz
Corsair RM850e v2, 80+ 850W - power source

I think I’m just going to give up until the next update, hoping they’d consider applying a fix. This did not happen before their last update, never crashed, ran smoothly.
If anyone managed to “fix” this by other means than what I already listed, please just reply here…thanks.