Game is crashing my PC since the 5/16 update

Dude thx for the passive support
We know your game runs smooth you already mentioned in a few posts… the game runs smooth for my buddy with whom we play together as well (though he doesnt play when i cant as well)

İ know u r trying to help but you posting the game is running fine for me does more harm then good imho

İf u want to support players like us i would suggest u tag pezradar and others on platforms like X or reddit (whatever they are on)


Not sure how that will help, if by posting its working and how I have it setup doesn’t help already.

Wouldn’t that make your point about it not being helpful actually worse? lol


I’m not trying to be uppity about it or anything. Obviously something with how mine is setup works fine. Be it driver version, settings, something.

I even have a full post with my full system details on here some place still. Though I haven’t updated it in a while.

In no way am I trying to say its not Blizzard’s fault either. The fact that we have to go through some of these hoops to get it to work fine is a clear indication that the coding and implementation is all over the place, whether it be their direct fault, something with nVidia drivers, or both.

But I understand why you would feel that way. I get it. Without being able to recreate the issues some of you are having, its hard to say “go here and do this and its fixed”. All I can do is list what I have setup and hope it helps someone else, or gets us closer to an actual problem/solution.


My thing to point out, there is probably more than one problem going on simultaneously.

As i said b4 my buddys game is working as well
And that doesnt help me or others with the same problem

(İ agree you sharing your working configuration helps… but you already did that a couple of times)

Dont get me wrong but … it becomes smthg like this —> it works for is it is a problem on the non working sides

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Oh I understand.

No, not dismissing anyone having an issue or saying there isn’t one, that is not my intention here. :smiley:

But totally understand the sentiment.

since the start of this season, I could get in, play, game crash here or there but mainly when I would TP to a location. Now I cant even get to the char select screen

You don’t “lose” pc-parts because of a software bug or bad programming.
Faulty hardware or insufficient cooling / low quality PSU can and will at some point though.

Has new patch changed anything for anyone?

No, still the same. Can’t enter game

Small update.

My issue with fenris crashes appears to have been fixed by a BIOS update. After updating lastnight, I played for a good few hours with no issues.

Details as follows from the update notes:


Version 2202
13.64 MB 2024/04/19
"The update introduces the Intel Baseline Profile option, allowing users to revert to Intel factory default settings for basic functionality, lower power limits, and improving stability in certain games.

Hope this helps some of you with your troubleshooting as other vendors may have similar updates.

Bad programming can make some hardware fault, even damage it. It seems you have no idea about New World issue frying some gpus pal XD

It seems to me that you haven’t done your research very well :slight_smile:

Let me help you (only took a couple seconds to google):

“EVGA has already confirmed ( that its first batch of RTX 3090 cards built a year ago had faulty solder joints, which caused the cards to die under the strain of New World — and if it wasn’t New World, it would have been some other game or application.”

“The issue seemed to be an isolated one that affected EVGA’s GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming more than other cards. The graphics card manufacturer investigated the matter and discovered that poor soldering was the reason ( some cards prematurely bit the dust. A total of 24 units fell victim to the disaster, which is less than 1% of all the (RTX 3090, we think) graphics cards that have been sold, according to EVGA.”

I was running into this with my laptop.

I disabled ray tracing and it seems to be working fine now.

I lowered the Graphic options to medium prioritizing performance over details and it resolved the issue.
Not sure which one of the elements (probably ray tracing) is causing the lag.

good for you mate …

however i have medium specced pc and how low thermals since i have a mini itx case and i was already playing on low settings …

selling me a game at full price then bumping up the specs without a refuns is imho unacceptable …


I spoke too soon, game kept crashing today as well even after I lowered it to the lowest setting.

I’m back waiting for a fix.

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I have also been hard crashing causing either restarts or complete freezes of my PC resulting in the need to restart. This happened before the last patch every couple hours, but since the most recent patch has been every 10-15 minutes of playing.

Running an I5-12600k and NVIDIA 3080 TI on windows 10 with 32gb of ram running the game off an M.2 SSD. I have attempted multiple different settings on graphics, getting rid of dlss and ray tracing and still the problem persists. I also tried repairing my install, which didn’t work, and then completely reinstalled the game. It still crashes my whole system.

I have never had so many problems with a game. Sure some pre-release betas might crash, but it would just crash to desktop not crash my whole PC. I have always been a big proponent of Blizzard, but this has been the worst technical experience I have had playing a game for over a decade.

I formatted my computer, updated everything installed diablo 4 and had the same issue immediately as ive been having since the season 4 patch. Absolutely nothing i have found online has helped and i have tried everything but sacrificing my first born to kathulu to get this game to work but still isnt working. Im having to use Geforce Now to play diablo which is taking even more money out of my pocket. I REALLY want play!

It was fine before season 4 patch.

Their latest patch to fix the character screen crash at loggin didnt help, it actually made it worse some how. every patch since season 4 has made things progressively worse, Seriously this is rediculous…

unfortunately they don’t care or else they would of at least acknowledged something by now or provided some kind of communication that they are at least working on it.

Hi All.

I found a noticeable improvement by disabling boost mode for my CPU (i7 13700k).

This ofc limits me to it’s default 3.4ghz clockspeeds, but it’s almost never crashing now.

I did this WITHOUT FLASHING MY BIOS and only disabling intel boost mode back to default clock speeds. Also I did not slow down my RAM and kept my XMP at top speeds.

It’s a bad bandaid solution for what’s clearly bad coding from Blizz, but it’s something. At least it only crashes after a few hours now.

After tomorrow’s patch I’m reenabling boost mode to see if they fixed it.

I highly DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS if you never touched your BIOS or if you need to update your BIOS for the intel boost settings to be available (this is mostly never the case). Only go for the safe option which is just disable any kind of overclocking.


You are aware that there are issues with Intel CPUs, specifically 13th and 14th gens having unstable results due to being pushed past their Intel stock defaults by the motherboards to start with, right?

And to the point where some have even become damaged and the only fix is to slow them down?

But hey, maybe a patch will fix it, who knows? :smiley: