Game freezes at "logging into Diablo IV" after waiting in queue

That’s just it. I don’t think it is anything more than randomly fixing the problem. Maybe even only temporarily.

It shouldn’t make a difference.

Now its possible there is something else running or using the drive that could be interfering with the game and moving it to a different cures that problem for all we know.


i used the command line arguement -regioneu to switch my region and was able to connect. The characters are shared across regions it seems.


I had this issue all morning. uninstalled and reinstalled 2x. i just kept trying and it eventually let me in. I dont know what the root cause is but it is very annoying.

Well one work around solution, not THE solution.

Sounds like this is nothing more than a login issue/bug they have fix.

changing the region points to some server problem, as we were discussing.
Maybe that’s all it is, some connection-related problem on the server.


Doesnt matter, now i can play, and my character is shared cross region, so i dont lost any progress by playing on eu while the devs sort out the americas issue


i used the command line arguement -regioneu to switch my region and was able to connect. The characters are shared across regions it seems.


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Chiming in.
Had the freeze problem, moved game from NVMe to SATA SSD worked…
Hope it gets patched soon, bought this new NVMe for D4 and can’t use it is dumb :joy:

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Can someone post a new thread, offering this information as a solution to the game crash issue when logging in? I cannot post any more threads because im new tot he forum… even though my account is like 15 years old and ive spent literally thousands of dollars on blizzard games. I cant be trusted on forums apparently as a ‘new’ user.


i used the command line argument -regioneu to switch regions and was able to connect. The characters are shared across regions it seems.


I already did that, also updated with your work around.

The problem with this, is we are going to end up moving our issue to stress the EU instead.

And then those that changed it, will forget they changed it, and we end up with a different problem later.

So make sure… That you add that as well. This is a work around temp fix. And once the bug is resolved, they should remove this change.

EU has always been the favorite region, who knows, maybe they’ll fix it fast hahaha, jk

owell- i paid 100$ for EA and im not waiting for them to fix the americas login issue if i can avoid it.

I mean Ive already waited like 6 hours.

This appears to be an issue with newer NVME drives. I have a SK hynix Platinum P41 and kept freezing/crashing. the crystaldiskmark did work for me. I ended up transferring the game to an older Sata SSD and the game loads fine. This is definitely something Blizzard needs to fix.

i’m EU based and also have the issue. So I don’t think it’s related specifically to America servers

So much for that fix. As I said before.

This problem is so random, its almost like making any change someplace magically fixes it.

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try -regionamericas it will probably fix your login issue.

Just got in while running samsung magician benchmark on my 970 evo nvme ¯\(ツ)

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Yeah, I knew about this one, but I chose to say about the crystalmark because it is for any SSD and not only for Samsung, but the goal is not the app but the stress test, which uses the SSD, slowing it down for the game.

It’s worth noting the changing regions does nto effect whom you can play with. I am still grouping with my friends on Americas whil using EU to bypass the login crash.

Nope, it didn’t work :frowning:

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