Conclusion after 300H playing time

You may be right, I just remember it trying to push a load of stuff at me after the first few levels about the time I decided I wasn’t enjoying it and uninstalled it.

Since I didn’t look at what it was pushing in great detail it maybe I never noticed if it was only cosmetic.

Still can’t say I’m going to go back and play it because I wasn’t enjoying it, which is a good reason to quit any game.

Nor do I think because it wasn’t my cup of tea that it can’t be yours.

You speak four languages yet still don’t know what a question mark means?

Please explain how stashes equal power, since you’re claiming that’s my insinuation. Even after I explained I was responding to:

Completely agree.

I will say, I quit the game in act 2, 3 separate times. However, my buddy made me promise to play until act 5… I never looked back. I don’t believe another game will ever scratch the surface the way poe does… 3 ascendancies per class with 7 classes… game is so good dude. Really hope you give it another shot.

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Tbh I couldn’t stand D2. I know saying that on these forums won’t mean much cause you all are in love with that game for some reason. Truth is it’s boring as hell to me. I could barely get myself through the campaign in the old D2 before D2R and had a friend help me out. It looked so clunky to me honestly the way it works.

It almost seems like a cult mentality too backed by social pressure to like it. It’s like WoW, which btw is another terrible game 90% of the time. So many people sing its praises but the reality is that it’s all about bragging rights. Look at what I did! It all seems so shallow and boring.

At least D3 tried something new and made it work even if it got a bit stale after awhile.

Edit: I’ll say this too. Any new arpg would greatly improve the arpg genre if it DID NOT try to copy Diablo at all. Don’t try to copy PoE either. It’s stale and annoying to play knockoffs pretending to be something they’ll never be. Be unique as a game, take risks, and cater to your community that likes what you’ve done.


Newsflash - people who buy Diablo want Barbs to whirlwind, Sorcs to shoot Frozen Orbs, and Necros to raise skellies. Many people haven’t played the franchise in 5–10 years and want to come back to their franchise feeling familiar.

Maybe I mathed wrong, but you played 17 hours a day since release? lol I honestly don’t see how there’s even 300 hours of gameplay in this game. I’m not sure if I’ll be sticking around long enough to hit the 300 hour mark with what we’ve got.

I’m on Torment, still trying to find Tempest Roar, at level 72, but aside from that anything after the campaign hasn’t really been remotely rewarding to do. lol

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I tried 3 or 4 classes through the first few levels, initially I was excited by the number of classes it had and some of them sounded good. But I just didn’t gel with it.

Maybe I will give it another go at some point play a bit longer see if it gets better as you say, once I’m no longer having fun with Diablo 4. I don’t really have enough gaming time for two games at the moment.

This is one of the problems though it’s not just the destination it’s the journey, since most of the game is a journey really if a game doesn’t get good until act V how many people will go to act V to find out.

The same is true of a novel, if the beginning of your novel is bad it doesn’t matter if the ends great because hardly anyone will read it.

For me the strength of diablo 4 is that the campaign starts well it gets me interested in playing, Character customisation is also a little fun at the start. It keeps me interested in playing. Now I’m not in the end game post campaign yet and that may well be weak as some people are describing but I’m having a lot of fun getting there with various alternative characters I’ve made and that will keep me busy for a while.

Frankly by the time I hit endgame I expect there to be a lot more too it and for a lot of endgame balance issues to have been sorted out…

D4 was defo my worst purchase of this year. I already know even though were are only halfway. It’s my own fault, I had a moment of boredom. So I shouldn’t complain, but… pfff They seriously missed the ball on this one.

Most of the grind is just mind numbingly boring. I much more prefered D2 or D3 in terms of grinding.

Seasons will only make it worse. Imagine having to redo the statue grind, renown grind, and last but not least the uber slow XP grind… It seriously feels like a spit in my face.

If you can’t call this a cashgrab, you would be extremely naive. It was the same with Diablo Immortal. They can do whatever the hell they want, they just ride on the succes of the IP. Cash will come in no matter what. God I hate modern dev studios.


If the game is really that bad, you wont make it to 300H of playtime.

I really wish the devs do something right now. The game is starting to get old; boring dungeons with boring events, ridiculous group of elite all with their own CC attacks, important materials locked in Helltide events, no easy way to group with other players, so on…

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Don’t worry buddy. Here in a few months they’re going to come out with this new class called the paladin, it will be the same exact abilities from 23 years ago and you can keep doing the same exact thing you did back when your blood pressure was under control…. Only this time with less mobs to kill and better graphics.

Yes. This is what the people want. Tens of millions want this.

It’s like you’re out here raging about chocolate and “those damn chocolate lovers”… millions love chocolate. Yes. Do you completely lack the ability to see you are an outlier?

I already stopped reading after the first few sentences.

Yea but what happens in Diablo 4? For the first 25 levels your pressing a spender and a builder, fighting 0 density, while being energy starved with 2 abilities on cool down at all times spending most of your time walking… in that time in POE you have a fully online build, not being energy starved, spending more time fighting than walking, and actually feeling strong. I’m level 98 on my sorc and it feels like dogwater.

Blizzard could sell a game to people, that, when you hit play, it’s a black screen of nothing, and every time you hit play, half of your bank account would go to blizzard, and I could come and complain about it, and you would be here defending it.

This is what we want!

You love blizzard more than yourself.

No way a company sells you the same product for 20 entire years and you’re out here like a monkey “this is what we want, I want exactly the same sameness for my entire life”.

Meanwhile path of exile is releasing 19 new classes in POE2. Poggers.

Maybe in 10 more years they will release Diablo 5 and you can frozen orb some more my dog, maybe on this release they will have EVEN more walking and EVEN less monsters.

For someone who can’t stand the game you sure played enough. See ya in a few years when you return.


Look at Star Wars. Or most franchises. When people go to a Star Wars they want a Star Wars. They don’t want their expectations subverted, for the most part.

Enjoy it with the other 20,000 people who play PoE, lol.

I’m not sure what going to a Star Wars entails.

I’m not sure how many people play this game, every time it’s brought up people act as if they cant play a single player game because a certain number of players don’t play it. They way my brain works, the amount of fun I have isn’t in any way shape or form linked to other people doing the same activity.

The only reason more people don’t play it is because of low iq. Skill tree to hard. Can’t read. Need hooked on phonics.

Or it’s just a bad game (which it is).

I’ve not found energy an issue for most my builds, yes with some you have to use the energy building basic skills a bit, that’s not an issue.

Healthwise game gives you many more health potions than you need in the first 25 levels accept maybe for barbarians who take more damage than the other counter intuitively because of their melee style.

My Druid who is level 27 now only needs health potions on the odd boss fight, his howl keeps him healed enough for most fights.

I feel the MOB density is fine for me to be honest, so I’m not seeing your issue there, I spend plenty of time fighting.

I like the slower levelling and build up in Diablo 4, it’s a matter of preference really. I understand people have different preferences here.