Conclusion after 300H playing time


Look at Star Wars. Or most franchises. When people go to a Star Wars they want a Star Wars. They donā€™t want their expectations subverted, for the most part.

Enjoy it with the other 20,000 people who play PoE, lol.

Iā€™m not sure what going to a Star Wars entails.

Iā€™m not sure how many people play this game, every time itā€™s brought up people act as if they cant play a single player game because a certain number of players donā€™t play it. They way my brain works, the amount of fun I have isnā€™t in any way shape or form linked to other people doing the same activity.

The only reason more people donā€™t play it is because of low iq. Skill tree to hard. Canā€™t read. Need hooked on phonics.

Or itā€™s just a bad game (which it is).

Iā€™ve not found energy an issue for most my builds, yes with some you have to use the energy building basic skills a bit, thatā€™s not an issue.

Healthwise game gives you many more health potions than you need in the first 25 levels accept maybe for barbarians who take more damage than the other counter intuitively because of their melee style.

My Druid who is level 27 now only needs health potions on the odd boss fight, his howl keeps him healed enough for most fights.

I feel the MOB density is fine for me to be honest, so Iā€™m not seeing your issue there, I spend plenty of time fighting.

I like the slower levelling and build up in Diablo 4, itā€™s a matter of preference really. I understand people have different preferences here.

I agree with the first part it doesnā€™t matter to me how many other people enjoy a game Iā€™m playing as long as Iā€™m enjoying it Iā€™ll play.

I disagree with your suggestion if I didnā€™t like PoE I have a low IQ or Canā€™t read, I read a lot always have. Managed to get a degree and work as a technical architect on enterprise systems too, so I think my IQ at least average. I just wasnā€™t enjoying playing, itā€™s not to my taste, it is to yours there is nothing wrong with that.

Immoral did have a ā€œattack this targetā€ button for necro tho

You just dismiss the other post cause you look ridiculous.

Game is the greatest arpg ever created. It completely eclipses everything. Whatā€™s bad about it again?

That was well worth your money! Damn :slight_smile: Wish my dating was this cheap.

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I donā€™t want to know how many hours you sunk into the best game this year if youā€™ve already poured 300 into the worst. Maybe try to identify this faster and save yourself some time :ok_hand:

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Yeah I donā€™t believe EVERY SINGLE PERSON is dumb, itā€™s laziness. The amount of debth in the thousands of builds in poe is untouchable. In Diablo each class has 3 builds with a rudimentary level of choices. Itā€™s just bad to me.

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THIS. 10/10. Nailed it.

For every 1000 people who play Diablo, one person plays Path of Exile. How can you possibly begin to argue that somehow the greatest game in a genre basically doesnā€™t even exist, that itā€™s a rounding error in comparison?

Iā€™d be like some undiscovered blog being the greatest piece of literary fiction. A secret Shakespeare unknown to the masses.

Weā€™ve all heard of PoE. Itā€™s known. Many of us tried it. Itā€™s just bad. Itā€™s been tried and itā€™s bad. Bad, played it, bad game. I donā€™t know what you need explained to you.

Your delusion is real.

You don;t have 5000h in the bare bones that was PoE beta/release, you have 5000h with 10 years of iterations, expansions and league mechanics added. If you want a fair comparison youā€™ll give D4 any time to get some content patches

Whatā€™s bad about it?

I just wanna point out something real quick: the gameā€™s only been out for 552 hours, and this man has played 300 hours. Broā€¦ what aboutā€¦ anything else? Sleeping? Eating? What are you doing my guy?

Edit: 552 hours including early access.


I didnā€™t read beyond that. How many games do you get 300 hours out of?

Bad graphics, bad animations, acts 1-4 are awful, acts 6-9 are heavily recycled content, skill gems/links are a dumb system of skill progression (PoE 2 at least revamping skill gems and links, too little too late imo though), maps are repetitive, SSF not bring an optimized way to play is cringe, no one likes missing attacks, resists in PoE are cringe x10, the list goes on.

Really the good things I have to say about PoE are limited to what could be counted on my hands. I liked act 5. I liked the labyrinth. I liked some of the bosses. I liked flask charges. I liked there is a gradient of content to engage with post-campaign rather than replaying the same campaign (this seems like it is standard in ARPGs now though, no more nightmare/hell). Thatā€™s almost it.

Having tons of builds doesnā€™t matter if the core gameplay is not fun.

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I have at least 9 on Steam and most below that have certainly the potential for more than 300 hours.

D3 is a crap, I donā€™t understand gamers that like it. 4 short acts, a BS diablo at the end, cartoon style, auction house to get easy legends, thereā€™s nothing in D3 except itā€™s good for causal console gamers.
D4 is far better, as a Diablo style, more darker, animations and graphics are better too (except it take those infamous ghosts from D3 again), and a huge openworld.
Guys, you whine, but you donā€™t see what the beauty of D4 you got. You says you play more than 300 hours, thatā€™s a lot more that what Iā€™ve play on D3.

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