Conclusion after 300H playing time

After 300 hours of playtime, disillusionment sets in, because the game is bad from the ground up, but it could/should have been worlds better when it was released!

D4 is the worst game 2023 and the worst part of all Diablo parts!

Unfortunately, I thought that it would be even better later, unfortunately no, the game ends with LVL 70 at the latest and the character already feels the same with LVL 40 as with LVL 100…absolutely wrong design decision

Season 1 probably won’t change that much either…

But you only had 11 years of development, so you can forget or overlook something…

I have now farmed 320 Lillith statues, because I was allowed to do the stuff again for Softcore, since I usually play HC!
Since the developers thought “Hey, that’s a great thing with the statues” and the open world in general, the side quest, etc.

Yes, great…so great that riding around and the open world with your senseless side quest gets on your balls and we don’t even have S1!

So the next time you’re sitting in your campfire stream laughing and eating cookies and think “Boar nice ey” we’ve developed something really good…PLEASE think about it a second or better third time!

It would be best to redesign the whole game without an open world, but that will hardly be possible and therefore it will probably be gradually adjusted from season to season!

If the game is only supposed to last half as long as D3, you have a lot to do if you don’t want the players running away to S1!

  • Open World…for free…nothing that belongs in a Diablo and just unnecessary
  • Keep collectibles saved in the open world via the account
  • Sidequest for season … no pig interested in the story in a hack & slay away with it
  • Porting not only for NM Dungeon but in general and everywhere to whomever you want
  • If sidequest then with a lot of XP and not like now
  • NM Dungeon more XP and better loot (probably coming to S1)
  • mount is way too slow (remove cooldown from mount)
  • More towards D3, which can do everything from the city if I want
  • Increase Helltide’s XP so that you don’t just run around stupidly for the splinters
  • Give world bosses a purpose and let them spawn more often, including better loot
  • Port to the player from anywhere not just from the city
  • New world stages, you have the feeling that T5 should have been there at release
  • Endgame content and lots of it, and no, I don’t want to spend 3 hours collecting pointless stuff (Lillith statues) again, that hack and slash, I want to beat monsters and that without a break
  • Increase monster density in the open world, in dungeons in NM Dungeons and Helltide
  • More XP for solo players, as you feel like you’re standing in the rain a bit solo
  • Take waypoints into the season, as I said, this is not a running simulator
  • The end at 100 was also a stupid idea, give us something to do after 100, open the Paragon again or think of something useful but 100 end is just crap!
  • A reset function for the Paragon board
  • Rethink the gold price for respecs so you can test builds without going broke
  • Generally more items in the game much more items
  • That with the aspects is also a thing, it would be better to take them out of the game and change that via the item variety
  • Make bank subjects bigger and more of them 10 pieces would be a start
  • Miysterious Chest in Helltide ads not everyone has 3 or 4 monitors
  • Helltide , Worlboss and Eventtimer IN GAME
  • Abolish level scaling what is the crap in the game
  • Introduce trading
  • Too many senseless items felt 98% of the items are garbage
  • Control mounts and run totally stupid, why are there barriers everywhere in the world and why is the mount so slow…removes the cooldown
  • You sometimes walk through empty corridors in dungeons for 20 seconds

Unfortunately, it will probably take another 3 - 5 years until you can finally play D4 well, but until then the game won’t really interest you anymore!

Really a shame, it could have been one of those games that you would have wanted to play for thousands of hours, now it’s pissing you off after less than 2 weeks!


Diablo Immortal and D2 are the worst diablo games …


When you follow the now known details of Diablo3 and how it went through its iterations to eventually become the launch product, it makes you really think about this newer team.

They had to have willfully ignored the lessons the D3 team learned. There is many, and I encourage anyone to look up the Making of D3 to see how strange it is that this current team could stumble over the same issues.

It really leads me to two thoughts or theories.
-They have gutted D4 down to an almost beta like experience so they can sell us the fix, as is the growing industry standard of live service games. This feels less likely, but probably true for at least a few things.

-Or the team we have is either arrogant or inept, or a mix of both. Willfully or foolishly ignoring sooo many already solved issues. Refusing to add in the most simplest of features that are standard in not only other ARPGs, but previous diablo titles the very company they work for created.

Either way it looks so bad


Your are Troll :rofl: Sorry to say D2 was bad…you can’t be taken seriously


This game is so underbaked post campaign it is sad.


I think what he meant to say was " D2 trolls are the worst"

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Do you enjoy mob density? Build complexity? Do you enjoy using abilities, if you do, don’t play this game.

But yes; they were both bad. Along with this game.


Oh look, another “i played for hundreds of hours but i hated the game from the start” post…



D2 was goated. Facts.


If you played 200h+ until you started feeling bad, I’d say that was a petty damn good investment…

Do you people buy a game expecting to play it exclusively for the next 5 years or what?


Yup game has been out for (all players) 17 days now and EA players 23 days. But look I played for 300 hours and the game is boring to me now. I just wanta know where the Hours played is located. ?

D4 is better than D2. I can solo everything without needing someone to rush me to get gear to be able to solo content. I don’t need to buy runes with real money to be able to play a certain way and the only bad thing i can say about D4 so far is some skills still need… tweaking.


Diablo 4 Amory you can see it :wink:


Thank you.


Reality check, assuming that you started on the 2nd of June early access you have spent more than 54% of your life playing this game since. That means more than 12 hours a day for weeks.

If I played any game like that I’d be bored stupid with it, games are supposed to be fun they aren’t supposed to be a substitute for your entire life.

Basically your a super Atypical player who’s burned through the game so fast and so intently that you haven’t enjoyed it.

Still despite the fact you apparently don’t like the game you have gained 300+ hours of entertainment for $100 dollars or less so you seem to have had pretty good value for money really.


Compared to POE which is F2P where I have over 5000h it’s a pretty bad deal


What about how you can literally walk 200 feet without encountering mobs. What about how your character is resource starved until you have almost a character full of uniques and paragon boards until this isn’t the case. What about how four of the six abilities your character has are on cd 90 percent of the time? What about how you fight packs of 5 monsters at a time inbetween the hundred of steps you take. What about how you take 200 steps down a corridor only to pick up an item and walk 200 steps down the same path leaving you spending more time walking than fighting in the entirety of a dungeon.

I just don’t understand what is good about this game.


where is that at now? A tin foil hat post?

I used to walk around loads of screens in D2. Besides the maps are larger than they were in D2 not to mention the mobs requiring more tactics than clearing speed now.

You realize the people who played that much have a very good insight into the game right? A lot of them played hoping it would get better, when it didn’t. Others had a goal of hitting 100, and stuck to it through the bad design. There is a lot more reason than burn out.