Can't play Diablo 4.. The game is crashing all the time on the title screen

Previousely I had crash at Blizzard logo and if skipped spamming mouse click, it was crashing to the login page.

Moving the game from my M.2 hard drive to my older SSD drive, solved the issue completely.

download the newest driver from the nvidia driver page and reinstall the nvidia driver + experiance worked for me.

CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900k
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090

Same problem here.Interesting that it worked yesterday but couldnt launch it today so I changed Documents > Diablo IV > LocalPrefs and edit the DisableChromaEffects value from “0” to “1”


At first disabling chroma was good enough but it still kept crashing. This finally did the trick. Thank you!

It’s the SSD. I tried multiple NVMe and none worked.

Step 4 - Renaming dstorage.dll worked for me:

I have NTFS compression enabled on the drive it’s installed on, might be related as DirectStorage does not work with drives with this option enabled.

Install it on an SSD. Not m2 nvme. I tried everything you did and was hopeless, then installed on SSD and works flawlessly. Let me know.

It worked fine now. I just modified the size. But Its probably the internet speed why it stuck.

Have you tried disabling any Overlays (nVidia, discord, AMD etc)

I can play the game for about 30 minutes and every time a random crash. i79700k RTX 3070. My CPU usage is 100% ALL the time! Very little GPU usage. I have updated all drivers and everything possible. I even went as far as wiping my PC as a last hail mary. BLIZZARD PLEASE

Had same issues and tryed setting variables, graphic setting oder other suggestions here but non worked for me.
I updated my graphic driver via NVIDIA GeForce Experience right before release and could play 10h straight without any problems. Then after rebooting my computer the crashes started.

How i FIX my problem:
I reinstall my driver with NVIDIA GeForce Experience and can play without crashes till i reboot my pc. Then i repeat → tested multiple times

CPU: i7-8700K
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Samsung m.2 SSD

Had crashed also with the new hotfix but my solution still works for me

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I didn’t delete anything but having reinstalled everything fresh might of done that part. Either way, doing the 0 to 1 fixed the issue automatically. I did try almost everything else this forum suggested. Thanks

This is my second day trying every fix that his been listed in this forum and still nothing. I am at the point were I feel just defeated. 2 days of trying to fix a game that I paid a lot of money to play early and I couldn’t get my money’s worth.

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same here… whenever I tried to play a game, the graphic card goes overheated as f and lagging and then goes into power saving mode(monitor, keyboard, mouse just shut down automatically). I mean it doesn’t make any sense that the computer with superior specification has to suffer from way lower specification game lol

I did this and limited my game to run at 80fps. I started at 144 and was decreasing little by little as it was still crashing.
It looks like it improved a lot. Its bad to run it at 80fps when you could be running at 120ish. My power supply is a Corsair 600W, so it should be able to handle it fine.

Anyways… thanks for the tip and lets hope Blizzard fix this soon.

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I am in the same boat. Tried every possible fix for this problem and nothing works. I had the same issue on server slam as well but not with the first beta release. I gave not been able to play at all. Thats great for a 109.00 dollar game

Nothing worked for me till I moved my install to another drive. I put off doing it because it made no sense but it worked.

Worked for me! Thank you! (Start-up crash was my issue)

Mine also crashing. As soon as the cursor becomes available after the blizzard and diablo splash screens. Completely locks up the entire computer. I had no problems with the beta (I didn’t do the server slam).
BIOS (MSI Mag), video card driver (Nvidia 1650 GTX), Win 11 fully update to date.

Tried the all the preference file tweaks with no luck.


When can we expect patch?

This actually worked for me, thanks.