Bricking items needs to go

This would work fine. I rather have a min roll for ultimate skill CD if it is the ultimate I am using over a max roll for an ultimate i am not using.

Yes, insult, be snarky, condescend.

Donā€™t add to the discussion. Just be dismissive as if it relieves you of the responsibility of listening to another point of view.

Call anyone you disagree with ā€œKid/Incel/Boomer/Tinfoilā€. It means you instantly win!

Every time a Masterworking attempt fails the chance goes up 10% till it succeeds. So its not that bad.

they need to implement a system to reload the temper tries.
Something like Disentchant 10 Uniqes get there a rare material and you need this and some other mats to reload the temper tries.

You are more than welcome to summarize and and take credit, especially if youā€™re going to do the leg work of the executive summary. :+1:

I just switched to barb to see the tornado fuss. Itā€™s intersting here b/c you can see them deploy the subtraction idea rather than addition. For the most important, class favorite affixe list of duststorms, you only get TWO, I repeat TWO options. Bigger size or chance to cast second tornado. You will be happy with either temper that appers.

This is an illustration of my feedback. You want all temper options to be exciting! And you want fewer choices to avoid the RNG is you want the item to lock up.

This is exactly the problem for me. As a rogue you got a weapon manual meant for core skills. It looks like this:

  1. Barrage has 15% chance to shoot another arrow
  2. Rapid Fire has 15% chance to shoot another arrow
  3. Penetrating Shot has 15% chance to shoot another arrow
  4. Twisting Blades has (ā€¦)
  5. Flurry has (ā€¦)

There is no nice to have. Its just need or no need. Its a 4/5 chance to be completely useless for your build. Imagine you have to do this on a perfect rolled affix+ item. You will hate the game for sure.

A better way is to have manuals separate per skill. For example there is a manual with:

  1. Barrage has 15% chance for another arrow
  2. Barrage has 15% to proc another core skill
  3. Barrage has 15% to knock back enemies
  4. Barrage has 15% to create arrow storms

Another one for Flurry, Twisting Blades and so on. There is a 100% chance that you upgraded your builds gear and can live with it.

You are hilarious. This is the second time i get offended first but when i reply, you jump on me. I dont know what i did to you but you are extremly annoying. You are a snowflake who cant take criticism.

Iā€™m glad you think Iā€™m annoying.

Thatā€™s the whole point of me coming for you after you started with me over my OPINION on here.

People like you would push a button and erase anyone from the world who disagrees with you.

Your responses to others shows that you try and dehumanize them so that literally any condescending snarky comment you make feels ā€˜justified.ā€™

Where is the rogue temper manual option that gives more combo points in S2? :grinning:

Serious suggestion to the devs

There needs to be something manā€¦ bricking is just a risk/reward and its good you will get another item ā€¦ in all the arpgs you brick items like wow you cant even imagine

If you find a great item and you temper it at the first try then where is the lgoic of grinding. The game encourages you to find more useful items and more temepering manuals to try your chance. Also it would be useful for us if we are to change our build at some point

If you use all your tries, you have an 86% chance of getting the affix you want. That is a very high chance.

No, if things dont brick theres no risk, and with risk comes a better feeling of rewards. But id say that it would be great to reset the tempering attempts with a high cost. reallly high cost.

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A straw man argument is where one party manufactures an exaggerated version of the other partyā€™s viewpoint and then holds it up like a court exhibit and says ā€œsee how ridiculous they are?ā€

You may not have been aware of what you were doing, but now you are.

I think every item I get should give me a prompt to instantly convert it to a max roll.

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yeah you just give up eventually. Itā€™s very annoying

How would like paying a contractor in full to place a window in a wall of the house you designed and built yourself and then a bricked window frame was installed.

If I was in a video game where trying to get a non-bricked window from a contractor was a goal of the game, I would probably be quite fine with it.

Played all day today hoping to find something decent, get the new Amulet - 18x Zir runs and nothing - very fun that.
Oh letā€™s seeā€¦ Weapons, weapons, weapons: Found a 4 pretty good GA I and 2 decent, serviceable GA II and an 1 BiS truly nice GA II.
All 7 Bricked hard.
The game obv wants me to play Frost Bolts because thatā€™s 80% of the rolls or Ice Shards as thatā€™s 15% of them on all 7 Weapons.
Beyond the bricks, many many hours farming, many many items salvaged.
Nothing special found.

Grand total of enjoyment, satisfaction, sense of progression and ā€˜dopamine highā€™ out of the excessively long gaming session - Alt F4 worthy, bordering on Uninstall.
Zero upgrades, zero side-grades, zero target farm success and all Bricks at Blacksmith for anything remotely decent to use, let alone ā€˜goodā€™.
11 hours wasted.

Tempering goes live like it is, yā€™all enjoy because this system flat out sucks.

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I think the system is good, itā€™s the implementation that needs work. Being able to brick items just isnā€™t needed. The real RNG/dopamine chase will be finding those GA 2 and 3 bases.

This is a 3 month seasonal model game, things needs to remain fun throughout without a bunch of feels bad moments. Otherwise players will just quit til the next season after a few bad experiences because none of it really matters, itā€™s all about having fun and enjoying the journey.

The people that advocate for bricking just arenā€™t realizing how rare 3/3 bis GA bases are going to be in live. Then the difficulty of masterworking the affixes you actually want to hit. Letā€™s not even talk about the chase for a 4/4 GA shako. Thereā€™s plenty of chase for a season timeframe without needing the arbitrary hurdle of bricking incredibly rare bis drops.