Bricking items needs to go

The bricking an item needs to go. The fact that this is all based on gambling and then you brick item will just piss people off. Even more so when you keep rolling the same garbage over and over and over. I thought that tempering would be like enchanting in d3 where you can choose between rolls but you can’t. If we are spending materials it should not brick the item.


It’s probably all part of the grind. If things don’t go your way, you have to farm for more materials… which in turn keeps you playing the game.


Not getting exactly what you want is not the same as the item being bricked. No items are destroyed.

Having caps on the number of times an item can be altered seems VERY positive. Should be the same for Masterworking and affix rerolling.


This part of the problem I agree, if we have only a couple or few tries then there should be a mechanism to prevent duplicate rolls twice… :thinking:


You missed the part your item is now bricked and have to get a new one of those as well. Also yes, if you dont get what your after in so many attempts you can not continue trying thus bricking the item basically rendering it garbage. The joys of tempering limits.


I have to agree. There is far too much RNG involved in the tempering process for it to be a pleasant experience.

Allowing us to keep the current temper choice and/or giving each type of attribute its own temper limit would help alleviate the frustration while still keeping some element of RNG present


That could be fair, but someone might very much want the same affix twice, to get a higher rolled version?

I guess there could be two or even three versions of tempering:

  1. Ensure you wont get the same affix twice in a row, but at a higher cost to tempering durability
  2. Ensure that you will get the same affix again, but higher rolled. With a much higher cost to tempering durability
  3. Anything goes, with the lowest cost to durability.
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I don’t get it, how is item bricked? You don’t lose it, it’s usable, may not be 100% perfect, but it’s far from useless.


If you don’t get it then no amount of explaining will make it clear.


Or just reroll Tempered based on a different mat ?

I mean we need the Crystals for everything lol, all of the 3 (Tempering, Enchanting, Masterwork) require the Crystals for some reason :stuck_out_tongue:

Think it would be fair to make one of them cost something else

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No, go ahead. Explain why you need 100%, perfect item in every slot.


No one said that. You just assume that is what people mean when talk about this broken system when in fact it is not. It is about having the item remain useful to the players versus having to farm a new one then farm more mats then gamble again and possibly have to do it all over. I am sorry you can’t comprehend that. Hope that helps.

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Blizzard just needs to effectively balance the drop rate of GAII and GAIII items basically.

Tempering statistically won’t give you want you want as it stands. Therefore you will need to find significant number of base items to manage the impacts of RNG.

They could add an option that allows players to not change an affix if the roll is considered worse but ultimately the drop rates of quality base items is all that will truly matter.

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As I said, it does not need perfect stats to be useful. It doesn’t break into pieces after bad tempering.


Again, no one but you has claimed it did. It doesn’t break into pieces until you dismantle it for being a useless item you will not keep.

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yes it is gambling, and thats what they are going for, gambling addicts, problem is farming to continue gambling is tedious even for gamblers. i tried the tempering system yesterday, tried to put an affix for the build im using on a weapon and only got the same affix for a different ability every roll till the weapon was “bricked”. it felt terrible to now have a weapon essentially built for a different build and need to go find a new weapon and new mats. i do not mind rerolling for quality, because at least what i temper offers a benefit at any quality, but rerolling for the actual beneficial affix felt bad.

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Then we go back to my first statement, item is not bricked.


Clearly you are just a troll at this point or just an idiot with a very low iq because you can’t grasp what practically everyone else does. You also clearly have no intention of having a constructive conversation so have a good day.

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This is no different from looking for a 4/5 item to enchant on the floor. It’s actually better because you get a better chance since 2 affixes come from a small pool.

You’re under the assumption that said player doesn’t already have a decent piece of gear and found, say a base with a GA on it and it doesn’t temper right. That is bricked because you’re not going to go down an affix just for that.

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