Feedback: new affix system (PTR/S4) - Frankensteins monster created?


I have concerns about affixes becoming the reason we see another itemization change again in the future. The balancing of many affixes on PTR was worrisome which can be fixed. But other affixes are in dire need of justification to exist due to the reduction of base slots on equipment from 4 to 3. In general I can not see that the devs have a clear line in what to do with this essential part of the game. A few points:

  • The removal of damage reduction affixes from gear is disappointing. A focus of players on the few sources that are left in order to handle content is likely (max life, shako).
  • Only 3 slots: The risk of having every class wearing identical gear is higher because these 3 slots are mostly reserved for the same affixes. If it stays like this I suggest to add mainstat or/and +armor as Implicit (with some random range) for every armor item.
  • Rethink and replace Implicit affixes on weapons completely instead of diminishing them into insignificance. Give them some non boring affixes or chances for effect procs (thunderstrike, fire explosion, spawn a raven attack). They should be equal in power and fun to look at.
  • Single Resistances (Shadow/Fire/Poison/etc) are not worth to have ~25% chance on every enchanting try, making the process painful. Its easily possible to reach max resistances without having them on armor: Item feedback - (+40-75%) specific elemental resistance on items is a useless stat - #22 by PlĂĽsch-21507
  • Please remove the weighting of affix chances during enchanting.
  • Rework needed: Life per Hit is hard to balance as fixed value. Consider making it percents in order to get some use independent on how big maximum life is.
  • Rework needed: Life per Second. Please remove the condition of not taking damage. It is an affix that can be on every item. Therefore make it nice to have and more independent on max life. Another thread: Life per second affix - bad design continued?
  • Rework needed: Thorns. Similar to Life per Second, if an affix can appear on every item for every class with high possibility to roll then there is big need to make it worth more. For example, it can be integrated as category in the skill tree (like “core”,“shouts” etc) and not only reflect damage. Rogue perspective: Create synergies with Caltrops, Flurry, Dark Shroud, maybe some arrow skills, everything that is spikey on a classes tree. (Life per Second can benefit healing skills)
  • Consider changing Dexterity/Strength/Willpower/Intelligence to just “+Mainstat” in order to be useful across all characters.
  • Chance to apply Vulnerable affix: Grants 100% uptime for every class. Breaks some legendary aspects. In general I feel like Vulnerable reached a point where it needs a new meaning.
  • Rework needed(?): Overpower seem to exist just for flashy numbers and to be a hassle for balancing damage.
  • Damage+ (vulnerable/close/distant/crowdcontrolled) affixes are boring. Before the item overhaul I kind of understood them as synergies to benefit different playing styles. Now I think you should consider removing them completely from gear because the game has much more interesting sources to increase damage.

Now I get to the new Tempering system and its affixes.
To put it mildly, I think this system is a solution that could be much better if revisited. On PTR it offered the illusion of choice. The random factor added nothing but frustration and discourages to experiment. If it stays in a similar state I strongly suggest to let players freely decide what affix they want.
I see the following problems with tempering affixes:

  • Certain skills affixes are spreaded over different manuals. I acknowledge that there are stats that are intended for specific equipment slots. But this way the player either gets the skill for the desired build or a high chance that the tempered affix will be of absolute no use. An example: Bricking items needs to go - #146 by PlĂĽsch-21507
  • Many affix types on manuals are reused quite a lot across skills and classes. Size, duration, extra attacks are fun at first. But is it necessary to have every single projectile skill to cast twice for example? (see rogue manuals)
  • Cooldown reduction splitted into separate skills make a good bunch of these manuals. Its the handwriting of “Damage on Tuesdays” which I thought devs wanted to avoid.
  • More quality over quanitity. To me most manuals feel like a testing ground to see what new affixes appeal to the playerbase. Its a mixed bag with large discrepancies of creativity. Some clear winners and losers. But to be fair its hard to judge after only 1 week.

Thanks for reading.


All weighting needs to go away. enchanting, drops and anything else I am forgetting. I am tired of having to play another build to get the legendary drops needed for the build I want to play. You can say it’s RNG but I have done it so many times i forget how much. Works every time. It’s like they don’t understand how a loot hunt works.

When i do not see a single glacial aspect for sorcerer for 60 levels it is far from RNG.

Make every stat equal so the game feels even more boring. Thankfully you aren’t a game designer.

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I want affixes become equal in power and distinct in function. Dude, I literally wrote this whole post about having more variety to choose from.