Add additional Ultimate button

I really feel we should have the six skills and a dedicated ultimate button. They have long CDs and seem very underwhelming compared to taking a faster CD offensive or defensive spell.

I can only see this improving the game. What do you guys think?



There is simply no argument other than, “because I want it” to have another button to press.


yes, there are solid arguments: The ultimate feels like an empty button in the bars until you fight a boss or elite. Most ultimates are not worth the slot.


Yeah about that, It all started when Jay Wilson and his WoW Dev Team beside him Spouted off with his Spamming one Spell/Skill is NOT Fun and Because of his :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :poop: We got cool Downs Worse Than We’d Ever Had Them Before…Or Use THIS Skill/Spell to Cool These Down! :roll_eyes::man_facepalming:If someone ever needed a reason to curse Jay Wilson to Hell That would be a great one!..This how all that Left Click Right :poop: Got started inflicting untold numbers with Tendenitus


were good homie, game feels fine =D


Why? All this would do is let me have another button i wont press as a bow rogue… i already have 2 optional buttons… lol


Ults felt fine when I played. Don’t need yet another button.
Plus, every class and all damage/HP would have to be rebalanced for players having yet one more skill on their rotation.

Nah. It’s fine.


The game has been balanced around having 6 skills. Imo this works as intended and does not require a change.

If your concern is that ultimates are underwhelming or the cool downs are too long. Don’t use an ultimate. You have options. Replace it with another skill you feel would be better than the precieved lackluster ultimate.

Try exploring your options within the boundaries of the game before requesting changes to those boundaries.


It sounds interesting for sure, but I wonder how it would balance. Also as is with skill points I can pick if I want to invest 3 into ultimate and its upgrades. If their was an ultimate button I know 3 of my SP have to go to that and while it isn’t much I’d feel forced into it since I have a dedicated slot. Would it be that way or would that add ultimate specific skill points?

Also currently every class has 6 ability classifications including ultimate (outside of necro due to how minions work). Which classification are you doubling? Would they need to add another skill classification outside of basic, core, def etc.? Would it be better to have 5 selectable skills and make the dedicated to ultimate?

I’m personally good with how it is, but am open to it if done right.

They would have to rebalance the entire game, as our characters would all be more powerful. They’d also have to restructure the skill points gained to accommodate everyone suddenly having one more skill that wants 7 points.

Not going to happen at launch. Maybe when the first expansion comes out if it extends the skill tree or something.

Just an extra button. We don’t need one specifically for ultimate button.

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This topic has been beaten to death. Yes, we need a separate button and no, I don’t even cared for ultimate skill because of how bad it is. It’s slow and take away one spot of a crucial survival skill IMO.


If you really wanted your ult and thought that it was powerful it would warrant you swapping it out for one of your other 6 abilities. The game is balanced around 6 and you are meant to make choices. I hope they never expand the skill slots.

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Here are 3 threads that has had good discussions on both sides of the 6/7 skill slot argument:

We’ve made some good points there. Personally, I am in favour of 7 slots. Reasons are given in these threads.


And builds that don’t spec into an ultimate? They’re just screwed with one button/ability less than builds that do take an ultimate? Every build when then spec into an ultimate, because you’d be stupid not to, and that would impact build variety.

how is it a problem to spend a single point on a skill? Having the extra button would help the no-ult builds more than the ult builds. Just think about it; an “ult build” gets buffed with a basic skill, while a “no-ult build” gets buffed with an ult.

It’s definitely a bigger problem that ultimates are either not worth the slot, or too powerful and necessary (therefore replacing a button in those “no-ult builds”)

This would be a good change.

There needs to be cause and effect between builds. Is the ult strong enough to support your build or not? Just because it doesn’t mean that every build will want it. The 6 slots are perfectly fine.

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If we’re being honest, the same applies to literally everything in a video game. The reason it exists is because either ‘people wanted it’ or doesn’t exist is because ‘people didn’t want it’.

Games are purely for entertainment. Someone ‘wanting something’ is a sufficient reason for something to exist.

They’re looking into adding a gem tab… why? Because people wanted it.

They’re making adjustments to dungeons… why? Because people wanted them.

As to the feedback itself… I definitely feel like certain classes are more button-burdened than others, and I feel like some classes may simply not have room for ultimates while also making functional builds. As a result, I do kind of agree that an ultimate skillslot might help level the playing build between more button heavy classes and classes with a bit more button freedom.


I can see your point but we have no ideal how much cooldown reduction we will have by endgame. It may very well be that will be using these skills more and more often at higher levels and better gear.

Change it now?
I don’t think they could even do it, it would have to change the character’s entire progression and damage structure.
Maybe if they find it viable, they can do it in some season. but I find it difficult.
For me the way it is, it’s excellent I just want to play soon I can’t wait…