You got to have really smooth brain to get THAT conclusion from THAT data.
D4 was just released. I understand that inexperienced players would not reach level 100.
If 8M reached level 100, the game would be a joke. But 8M finished the campaign and only few has reached level 100 is a normal game.
No, resetting dungeons wasn’t and it still isn’t an “exploit”. People were doing it in the Betas. People still do it right now. If it was an exploit Blizzard would have fixed it by now.
You absolutely need therapy. No mom in the world could help you.
? okay then, random internet weird boi.
if you say so.
having a bad day? im not gonna wait around to figure it out. welcome to ignore
I stopped being interested at level 60.
No flame, no nastiness, just a fact.
Form WoW legion to dragonflight, the end game is pvp, world quests, mythic dungeons and raids. They don’t add no new content to shake it up but think we happy with no change but a change of scenery and say we love it.
They only doing Qol stuff now as they can’t win back old players but without new content that not been used to death, it won’t happen.
It’s no surprise that D4 have nothing new on the table as it always a army of gaslighters saying everything is fine. They could used the ideas of D3 and 2 that worked on day one and baked it in for seven years as I see many reused mobs form D3 like those spitting flying bugs form act 2 that still hit like trucks if the babies hits you, so that’s no excuse.
Not WoW that slowly failing as it not working as Arpg or a MMORPG.
I like that people are figuring out that this is a long term game and not something they can rush through. There are plenty of those types of games already and since it’s only been out for about a week the numbers you share seem to be a bit premature at least for me. I haven’t hit lvl 100 yet but it’s not because I dislike the game or quit playing it.
Another post with complete speculation and no real data. Yes, not many players have hit 100. That does not mean not many players are playing the game. You can’t use that metric to infer anything about how many people are concurrently playing the game.
This would be like looking at WoW raid logs, and saying “Only 50 guilds have beaten the newest raid on Mythic difficulty! That’s only ~1000 players! WoW only has 1000 players!”
Not everyone is going to rush to the endgame. Not everyone is going to play 24/7. Also, your numbers are off in the first place. Over 400 people have hit 100 in hardcore. No idea about softcore.
This isn’t Diablo 3, it’s going to take longer than 10 minutes for max level. We knew that going in. Tbh I may never hit 100. I’ll Probably roll an alt around 75-80 but who knows.
Not that it matters anyway, the current amount of max level players first week doesn’t mean everybody quit at 50…
this game will keep me interested until I have a full 100% on everything, all side quests/aspects on both hardcore and normal modes. I got a solid 2 months of game play before I’m fully bored
Yup and when they see the numbers they will.need to change up and redo all of their thinking as they did with d3.
D3 seasons worked cause the grind was at end game.
D4 gring starts from beating the cameign or if u skipped from 50 to 100
U cant have that type of grind and expect to keep peoples attention. There are way more games coming out now.
Look at d2r numbers compared to when it came out thats what to expect after a yr or 2.
Level 100 is going to take me a good six months.
I mean… Im in no rush to hit 100, and why would I want to burn myself out before the first season?
Rather counter-intuitive gaps in logic here, from people who are just WISHING this game was bad.
…that isn’t what those numbers indicate. Some players level faster than others. Have some players stopped? Absolutely. But you can’t possibly draw a conclusion about player retention from that tweet.
What does upgrading items cost at level 100 ?
Billions of gold ?
I just spent 20 million gold at level 60 to upgrade a few items.
Seasons last 3 months or 4 months.
I am 57 and wont log in till helltides or world bosses spawn. If they are not i dont play.

The game has been out less than a week. I think you are overestimating the proportion of sweaties. The game is most likely driven by average gamers that play less than 5-6 hours a week.
People got [IRL STUFF] to do.
I will be playing for years, but I am currently not done Campaign and am taking my time. Same with all my friends.
You have to really push hard to get to level 100. Look at D2, how many people actually get to 100 in that? How many people push leaderboards in D3?
Those are folks who like to rush and push content, but don’t reflect most gamers. Most of us are just having fun and doing our thing, along with real life.

Only 6,236 players have hit 100 in standard
Only 163 players have hit 100 in hardcore
The game hasn’t even been out for 2 weeks.
In a shocking turn of event, some people have jobs.