8 Million+ copies sold but almost no retention

For reoccurring revenue it does. Most casual players arent going to buy mtx. Why would they?

Okay “Jennifer Lawrence” Sure!

Like you even have an idea how many people left or are playing…


Considering some people have multiple 100’s its not that difficult to get to 100. My point is most players quit, I am not saying casuals cant just play the game for an hour and 2 and enjoy it, thats fine. But its not a sustainable model for much RR.

Trading will turn this into d2r and open up.illegal sites selling items.

This shows that u never got half way thru the paragon boards cause there is alot just there. Then u never got some uniques to finish or needed om certian builds.

The game wont retain the players cause of thebgrind that is needed to get to 100. Thise numbers reflect that. The 1s that will get max level are the 1s that will keep playen weĺl those numbers wont keep a game afloat and blizz will learn this.

They learned the hard way from d3 debacle and Overwatch 2 and it will be the same for D4.

Casuals make up 75 percent of the player base and if u r going to make a grindy game u will lose most of the casuals then.

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I haven’t hit level 100 yet, does that mean I have quit?


normal people dont play everyday, they work.
Get a life !


Those numbers show nothing except that the grind to 100 isn’t something that most people can accomplish in 2 weeks.

It’s SUPPOSED to be a long haul. You aren’t supposed to level cap in a matter of days.

Terrible post.


Get help……………………………


I do not understand that, not everyone is taking vacation or goes to college/school anymore to sweat up to a 100. Like you guarantee something but where is the proof? Also what are you trying to accomplish with that thread? Piling it up on the pile of other gAmE sUCks threads that add nothing to the discussion?

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a lot of those who are 100 now also exploited the game to get more exp faster than intended, and that is a fact, not all of them but a good portion for sure.
and if someone has multiple 100s, then it is almost for sure they exploited or even cheated in some way.


Paragon board is a complete joke. 5+ stat, 5+ stat, % increase dmg. Its a fake PoE passive tree with actual 0 impact to create builds.


How do those numbers have anything to do with active player base. Reaching here.


Level 100 in a week is for people who have absolutely no life outside of diablo


That attitude is so dam 90s and early 2000s

People got a life and there are more options to play other games.

U cant make a time sink game now for casuals.

1 to 50 was fine but 50 to 100 feels like lost ark.

I will play 1 season and w8 for the expansion.

Play that expansion season then w8 for the 2nd expansion and play that season.

Agter that cya d4


The only game I’ve played since Early Access is D4, and I’m only level 62. I’m a month or two from 100, and that’s assuming I don’t switch to a seasonal character or just test out the other classes.

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Those people are literally playing 12+ hours a day…that isn’t something most people with jobs and lives can do. Those people are literally living, eating, breathing Diablo 4.

You are taking the top 0.05% of players and making an argument in regards to the other 99.95%. Weak.


Those numbers do not prove that the game lost most of it’s player base, what it proves is the grind to 100 is just a grind. But, not really THAT extreme of a grind when you consider it took people months to hit 99 in D2. This game has been out one week.

The 6K+ 100s in SC vs the 163 in HC also tells us that the lack of any experience penalty in this game was a mistake. In HC you start all the way from the beginning on death in SC you should at the very least lose 10% of your exp bar. Any paragon points you gained if your bar goes below that could still be kept but, you just have to gain that exp back is all. That 6K number would easily be cut in half or more if there were an exp pen.

Level 100 should be a long term goal not some mandatory if I don’t get it then game is trash. Especially seeing as how you can engage in all of the endgame content long before you ever see 100 anyway. In fact you pretty much have little else to do after 100 in this game currently. There’s only one thing you can do at 100 that you cant before and that’s the final uber boss. Another long term goal as it should be.


Sir, are you aware that it’s a long, looooooong grind to get to 100? Are you aware of this? Do you understand?

And your measure of player retention is how many people have hit 100 just over a week after the official launch? Seriously?


If a person has multiple 100s they used exploits plain and simple or live with people thatbthey play on 1 account and that account is on 24 hrs a day

wait what? whats wrong with you do you not like moms? :wink:

you should call your mom often. moms love that stuff.

maybe you should get help youre not very wholesome <3

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