11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

What lol? You can find 10-15m gold farms on youtube all day. Hallowed Glacier quest reset will give around 12m per hour.

Are you playing a super slow underpowered class maybe?

Ok letā€™s say you can farm 13m gold an hour from vendoring items ( you stated 10m-15m)

13m / 35,000 (35k is a good average for what a rare/ancestral sells for, weapons sell higher and armor sells lower). = 370.

So youā€™re stating you can farm 370 rare/ancestral items in one hour. That is the equivalent of filling up the inventory space 11 times. And making a trip to town 11 times in that hour.

Just selling a inventory full of items takes 3-5 mins alone as you have to check every item to make sure youā€™re not vendoring something decent.

3 mins x 11 = 33 minutesā€¦ So that is half an hour just vendoring without factoring in the time it takes to even farm those 370 rare/ancestral items. Iā€™m going to call B.S.

Yes, I can get over 11 inventories in an hour.

Also 3-5 minutes to vendor? Bro how are you that slow, vendoring takes like 30 seconds, you skim over stats and IP.

Honestly your math doesnā€™t account for your skill issues. Thereā€™s no reason it should take you 3 minutes or anywhere close to vendor lol.

Hallowed Glacier takes around 3 minutes to run, you get a full inventory. Weā€™ll say 2 minutes for load screens and vendoring. Relog, reset the dungeon and do it again.

Let me know if you need me to check your build or something, sounds slow.

You shoudl time yourself vendoring. Teleporting, running to the vendor, selling items, teleporting back to the dungeon. And then say again that it takes ā€œ30 secondsā€. It sounds like youā€™re living in coo coo land with your beliefs that youreā€¦

  1. Finding 33 rare/ancestral items in 3 mins of farming a dungeon. Youā€™re probably finding half of that.


  1. Vendoring/reseting the dungeon in 30 secondsā€¦

And youā€™re telling me my maths is wrong?

Guessing your reading comprehension is as bad as your build in game.

2 minutes for loadscreens / vendoring.

Youā€™re not farming 15m gold an hour. But keep beliving that if it makeā€™s you feel better.

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Just made a video, itā€™s uploading now. Literally in my NM push build so itā€™s super slow compared to my speed farm.

In 5 minutes 38 seconds I farmed the dungeon, vendored, made 900k gold, reset and got back in.

But yeah, no chance on making that an hour right?

if you did that perfectly for an hour and consistently got 900k every run. You would still be 40% below your expected target of 15m an hour. Do you know how big of a statistic 40% is?

Why ? like min-maxing and learning about this new game is a bad thing in your oppinion ?

All you whiners about respecing your characters. Apparently weā€™ll be getting a scroll which will refund your paragon and skill points.

Just be patient now and wait it out. Till then make a new character, play a different game or enjoy the the nice hot weather.

Quick move the goal post!

I said 10 million, also your original reply was about 10 million. I just said thereā€™s some farms on youtube that are 10-15 million, I never said I farm 15 million per hour. Also I just said that my farm for the video was in a NM push build thatā€™s super slow, my normal speed farm build I can shave probably 1 1/2 minutes off that time. Iā€™ve ran it hundreds of times and always get an inventory full, need to throw down the gems I accidentally grab. But please, keep moving the goal post because you got proved wrong.

Forget if it was my chest or pants that got up to 37mil per reroll

Less than the difference between farming solo and in a group of 4 lol

blah blah blah. Feel free to make a video of this 10m/12m/15m (whatever it is) gold farm in an hour. Until then you are just doing one run and concluding you can make X amount in an hour. That is not how things work.

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Good timing, it just uploaded. But please, lets hear your next excuse on how itā€™s not possible.

What an outdated attitude. I remember people like you in wows early days wanting exorbitant costs to respec. The devs came around and itā€™s great now. People like you always try to stifle ā€œfunā€.

For someone who is so pro at farming dozens of millions an hour. You sure donā€™t have a lot of gold buddy. The way youā€™ve been talking I was expecting to see half a billion at least. 4m gold? bro come onā€¦ Youā€™re not farming 15m an hour. Stop it.

They solved this in D3ā€¦use gold to turbocharge end game dungeons.

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Yeah I use it. My armory/io shows Iā€™ve made 244 million. (This estimate was also in my OP that you replied to)

But once again, you move a goal post because you were proved wrong. Stay mad, let me know if you need help on your build tho, I do NM 100 / Uber Lilith carries if you need.

Didnā€™t they say during the Campfire chat you could get an item that allows you to reset all of your skills including the paragon board?