11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

If you’re at level 100, making 11M gold takes no time at all.

And they can. And the cost is completely trivial.

I’ll also add that you don’t need to be level 100 to try any of the builds. The idea that you don’t have a “build” until level 100 is laughable.

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I have 100 Million Gold and im only lvl 84. Still need to do 1000 Dungeon farms. So i have Like 300 Million after that. So gold is Kind of worthless.

I see this thread was resurrected from the pits of hell. But I just wanna say 11mil gold is nothing. You’ll get that in a few dungeons

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Finally a reason that makes sense to have this awful system. Always look towards the money.

It’s very simple what you are supposed to do is go buy their “build reset” scrolls they will be selling soon.

Not sure if everyone caught that but as part of the season you will get 1 such scroll for maxing out everything in the season (no word if you can only get it as part of “premium” season). So yeah they are selling those for cash soon.

So obviously people don’t realize that this is the mobile game model. Make something technically obtainable but basically not realistic but “here buy these tokens” and then easy as entering your PayPal.

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I’m level 85, and I EASILY make 400k per nightmare dungeon. Just pick up EVERYTHING but the gems and you’re good to go. It’s not even that bad if you’re target farming for a specific item.

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Can someone explain why a respec is a bad thing or something that should be disincentivized? Not sure I understand why it’s not just something you can do freely.

Choices hurt. Make them wisely.

It’s a sink so gold doesn’t become meaningless and choices aren’t meaningless like in D3.

If you didn’t have to grind gold to test out new builds at end game, you’d realize even faster there is no end game content in this game.

Leveling is the content so they made it better to level a new character to test out new builds over trying to respec your level 100 multiple times.

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“Making gold worth something” is one of the most stupid ideas they ever implemented. It severely limits play and enjoyment. The result of this, increasing the cost to simply play the game and try new specs is one of the key reasons I stopped farming yesterday, logged out and uninstalled. I was going to wait for seasons, but these issues, and there are a lot of them, are key issues that won’t be addressed any time soon.


My only issue with Paragon has been that there’s no Reset All button. Beyond that? The cost is cheap for anyone that actually sells gear they find.

Where are the its all fine. Respec costs make decision matter trolls today?

Btw i agree with you 100% respec cost destroyed my want to experiment and have fun.

Yes. Choose to try new things and pay the price. Sounds very… Grinding for grinding sake.

Do you like picking up every yellow is it fun for you?

I respec every few days for NM’s, Speed farming and Lilith carries. It’s always 39,317 per node to respec. Not sure how they’re getting 53k per node?

Also 10 million gold is like an hour of farming. I’ve made over 250 million gold from vendoring / picking up.

Edit: just realized this thread is like 3 months old. Who bumped this lmao

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Yeah kinda, why wouldn’t you?

it doesn’t.
but the d2 purists cryed with their classic line
“BuT MaH ClAsS IdEnTiTy!!! ReSpEcS WiLl RuIn ThE GaMe!!!”

so we got this mess.

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As far as I’m concerned until they actual balance all the bloody classes and specs it should be free to respec your character, you consume enough gold just doing codex and aspects!

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There’s no way you’re making 10m gold from a hour of farming. If you’re lucky you might make 3-5m…

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