11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

Yes, that’s being added in the seasons. People just like to complain.

Will the item be coming to the Eternal Realm as well?

I believe so.


They need to eliminate respec cost and get the idea that people should reroll to respec completely out of their head. No one is doing that. No matter what it will be faster to farm the gold.

I have builds I want to play (minion necro) that just aren’t good enough right now, so I need to do something else. I’m not even going to consider going that direction without the mendeln item to make it kinda sorta work. So realistically I can’t just “choose one spec and stay there.” At this stage that is not remotely an option.

This brings up the largest of issues which is that the game is really poorly balanced right now so just about every spec is going to be crapped on in the next year, and stuff we want to play won’t be viable for at least as long. Today’s build is good? Expect a nerf. That thing you want to do but can’t? Tomorrow you might be able to do it.

That is why respec costs make zero sense. If the game was solidified and I could just say “I want to be a summoner necro, and I know for a fact how that will work out” it wouldn’t be a problem, but right now I need to go with crappy bonespear, which I don’t feel right about choosing but practically need to if I want to access the upper tiers of the game.

I actually have reason to think they will do the right thing and reduce these costs, but they need to fire the “respec should equal reroll” person on the team right effing now.

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If you did maybe you could afford to respec…

This is what you necro’d this thread from April for?

Devs missed the mark entirely of what their customers wanted. They tried to force us into perm builds with paragons. Devs should understand that if you want player longevity then let them play how they want to in that game universe. Just because some dev has a suggested lightbulb moment to increase player retention doesnt mean let the ship sink. SAVE THE GAME.

Yes they said you would have ONE. Game changer /s

Oh my, but who will think of the children. The horrors this has caused.

I’ve made up my mind to sell off all the items that is not my current build.

This way, I won’t have the temptation to try out other builds. It’s been costing me around 10-20 million gold each time I get the itch to switch back to minion build on my necro after getting bored with the super repetitive bone spear build.

And then, guess what? Another 10-20 million gold down the drain when I get fed up with the minion build and decide to go back to bone spear. It’s like a never-ending cycle, and I always end up broke.

Having it cost so much to change things you could potentially make a new character faster is pretty damn stupid. While I agree people can easily go over board wanting to min max for every little thing. It shouldn’t be so cost prohibitive to try new things.

Such a failure in design that people can’t try various things out due to some nonsense stubbornness about wanting choices to matter. It isn’t even choices for some it is hoping you guessed right to start and that upcoming patches don’t make your choice a worse one.


The gold sink in this game is crazy. Like it wasn’t even close to a thing in D3 and for D4 they went way overboard.

They just need spec load outs like in d3 and this would all be solved. Granted you have to pay to respect once but then able to save it on a new loadout.

You need to get out of mentality that people shouldn’t be able to experiment with builds freely. Anyway, I think that normal people are now clear on respec cost and lack of loadouts hurting game a lot

The cost to respec once is trivial. It only gets high if you are trying to play two or more characters using the same character slot. If you want to play one build until you find the right unique, then swap to a new build, that’s really easy to afford.

If you want to play both builds, though, why not make two characters? If you want to try different characters, just try them! Why should those new characters all start at level 100? It takes a few hours to get access to all the skills and you get the fun of seeing your new build go from janky to powerful.

Free respec gameplay is the worst of instant gratification nonsense. They are right to impose a cost, just like they don’t give you every item you want for free at a vendor and then don’t have all the glyphs unlocked and available at level 21, and they don’t start everyone at full renown with all the lilith statues.

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I’m currently 76 running T30s… gold drop is garage, even when I sell all items instead of recycle/smelt it’s still terrible. I will make on average 150k-200k per run and that’s if I’m lucky. So even if we take the higher end of that, 11 million / 200k = 55 runs. Yeah… ok, no.

Having to farm gold to respec in a game that is realistically single player is just another bulletpoint in the list of things that waste time for the sake of wasting time. Why does it cost anything?


Princess Kabooms has spoken with his 2202 post, all listen.

All these ridiculous people who want to defend it and even increase costs.

:slight_smile: You yourselves are the reason why Blizzard craps on you and dumbs down the game further and further.

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