11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon? Are you kidding?

If you didn’t have to grind gold to test out new builds at end game, you’d realize even faster there is no end game content in this game.

Leveling is the content so they made it better to level a new character to test out new builds over trying to respec your level 100 multiple times.

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“Making gold worth something” is one of the most stupid ideas they ever implemented. It severely limits play and enjoyment. The result of this, increasing the cost to simply play the game and try new specs is one of the key reasons I stopped farming yesterday, logged out and uninstalled. I was going to wait for seasons, but these issues, and there are a lot of them, are key issues that won’t be addressed any time soon.


My only issue with Paragon has been that there’s no Reset All button. Beyond that? The cost is cheap for anyone that actually sells gear they find.

Where are the its all fine. Respec costs make decision matter trolls today?

Btw i agree with you 100% respec cost destroyed my want to experiment and have fun.

Yes. Choose to try new things and pay the price. Sounds very… Grinding for grinding sake.

Do you like picking up every yellow is it fun for you?

I respec every few days for NM’s, Speed farming and Lilith carries. It’s always 39,317 per node to respec. Not sure how they’re getting 53k per node?

Also 10 million gold is like an hour of farming. I’ve made over 250 million gold from vendoring / picking up.

Edit: just realized this thread is like 3 months old. Who bumped this lmao

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Yeah kinda, why wouldn’t you?

it doesn’t.
but the d2 purists cryed with their classic line
“BuT MaH ClAsS IdEnTiTy!!! ReSpEcS WiLl RuIn ThE GaMe!!!”

so we got this mess.

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As far as I’m concerned until they actual balance all the bloody classes and specs it should be free to respec your character, you consume enough gold just doing codex and aspects!

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There’s no way you’re making 10m gold from a hour of farming. If you’re lucky you might make 3-5m…

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What lol? You can find 10-15m gold farms on youtube all day. Hallowed Glacier quest reset will give around 12m per hour.

Are you playing a super slow underpowered class maybe?

Ok let’s say you can farm 13m gold an hour from vendoring items ( you stated 10m-15m)

13m / 35,000 (35k is a good average for what a rare/ancestral sells for, weapons sell higher and armor sells lower). = 370.

So you’re stating you can farm 370 rare/ancestral items in one hour. That is the equivalent of filling up the inventory space 11 times. And making a trip to town 11 times in that hour.

Just selling a inventory full of items takes 3-5 mins alone as you have to check every item to make sure you’re not vendoring something decent.

3 mins x 11 = 33 minutes… So that is half an hour just vendoring without factoring in the time it takes to even farm those 370 rare/ancestral items. I’m going to call B.S.

Yes, I can get over 11 inventories in an hour.

Also 3-5 minutes to vendor? Bro how are you that slow, vendoring takes like 30 seconds, you skim over stats and IP.

Honestly your math doesn’t account for your skill issues. There’s no reason it should take you 3 minutes or anywhere close to vendor lol.

Hallowed Glacier takes around 3 minutes to run, you get a full inventory. We’ll say 2 minutes for load screens and vendoring. Relog, reset the dungeon and do it again.

Let me know if you need me to check your build or something, sounds slow.

You shoudl time yourself vendoring. Teleporting, running to the vendor, selling items, teleporting back to the dungeon. And then say again that it takes “30 seconds”. It sounds like you’re living in coo coo land with your beliefs that youre…

  1. Finding 33 rare/ancestral items in 3 mins of farming a dungeon. You’re probably finding half of that.


  1. Vendoring/reseting the dungeon in 30 seconds…

And you’re telling me my maths is wrong?

Guessing your reading comprehension is as bad as your build in game.

2 minutes for loadscreens / vendoring.

You’re not farming 15m gold an hour. But keep beliving that if it make’s you feel better.

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Just made a video, it’s uploading now. Literally in my NM push build so it’s super slow compared to my speed farm.

In 5 minutes 38 seconds I farmed the dungeon, vendored, made 900k gold, reset and got back in.

But yeah, no chance on making that an hour right?

if you did that perfectly for an hour and consistently got 900k every run. You would still be 40% below your expected target of 15m an hour. Do you know how big of a statistic 40% is?

Why ? like min-maxing and learning about this new game is a bad thing in your oppinion ?

All you whiners about respecing your characters. Apparently we’ll be getting a scroll which will refund your paragon and skill points.

Just be patient now and wait it out. Till then make a new character, play a different game or enjoy the the nice hot weather.