You will ruin this game with Personal Loot

I tell my children that I will give them a cookie. I am being truthful if later on I give them a cookie and provide an additional option of having ice cream, too.

This is basic logic.

I played D2 for thousands of hours.

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Basically any new posters making these threads when literally this has been done to death, I’m considering are d2jsp and rmts trolls.


A personal loot option will most likely happen down the road. I hope you enjoy not using it. Lol. Pretty sure most of us here are D2 veterans btw.

If you don’t like it you could keep your FFA loot system.
Why do you need to gatekeep other people’s preferences if it doesn’t influence your gameplay?


Actually, personal loot will decrease their loot acquisition rates of good gear for the majority. In a mutliplayer game, there are high level/selective players who will only pickup A-tier items. Therefore, alll B-tier items are available for the rest of the party to collect. In a personal loot game, if that B-tier item drops for the high level/selective player, they will not pick it up. As such, that B-tier items is lost.

I see the way you are trying to spin it… However what if that B level player follows A level around, and based on drop luck, he gets all the A level items instead and did not kill a single thing? What if he wants B level gear and it only dropped for A level player who left it and now its lost… VS how it works now, A picks up A, B picks up B, everyone wins, gee that sounds like a better system than Ploot where more items on average will be left on the ground.

I prefer to have an equal shot at everything, not wonder what the leecher ran over to the pack I just slayed and picked up while my drop luck dropped a B level item I dont need.

B level player will get gear easier because they wont have to do anything, just walk around on the coatails of the A level player and get what the A level didnt even have a chance to decide on.

Conclusion… Spin it however you want, you are wrong in your statements.
Better Conclusion, we are all wrong right now because we do not know how/if/what loot metric will look like with D2R.
We can only go by the current D2 model until told otherwise by people who matter.

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If they don’t have the assigned loot/pLoot going at release they should never do it.

That said I am very hesitant to say they should do anything. D2 is about drops and gear and the pursuit of gear. Changing how that is done will change the core of the game. Assigned loot may change the least about how/where people play as most of your drops will still come from solo mf runs. pLoot (a true system where each person gets the same number of drops solo or in a multi game) will kill solo MF runs. But either way it changes the game from where it currently is to something we won’t know until it happens.

I also am going to start pushing that you need a standardized trading platform and good inventory space to compliment the pLoot system. The players need a reason to pick up the ‘lower end’ stuff.

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Loot drops are random. In an 8 player game setting over time, the average likelihood that an A item drops and B-item drops will be equally likely for each player with the knowledge that their is binomial variance.

You could get cases where what you say happens; however over time the relative variance/standard deviation with respect to the average of the binomial distribution decreases as the number of drops increases. Mathematically, what I say is true over the long haul and not for a small sample set of n events.

I agree that this would throw off the gameplay of D2. If it were a dichotomy of this system or the current FFA system, I would pick the current system, all things considered.

Luckily this is a false dichotomy, and I think the devs are a lot more knowledgeable than to implement that change.

The fact that you admit its random, negates anything else you have to say.

You do know that drops in D2 are random as well as item characteristics within the confines of the loot tables and the game calculations.

You do know that drops in D2 are random as well as item characteristics within the confines of the loot tables and the game calculations.

Right, which helps my argument over yours because we arent talking about drop %'s here, we are talking about WHEN an item drops, what happens to that item and who gets to pick it up. Current way, up to 8 players, whiney D3 self entitled way, only 1 person.

You are wrong. The blizz survey was for individual drops not rolling for it.

These posts are becoming such a yawn fest.


First, you could have left out the “whiney D3 self-entitled way” since it is just distracting and shows bias.

8 items drops in an 8 player game where all are contributing. Why should one player be entitled to more drops (beyond normal binomial variance) than the rest?

Their exact wording was:
“Personal loot instead of free for all loot”

They did not explicitly define the underlying calculation method. You can imagine you keeep D2 systems in place and the assign loot at the end or you could alter the loot drop/no drop rate and have each character roll their loot separately,

Is it your inference that they stated that each player in an 8 player game would get a full 8 player drop from the loot table, on their own?

ie. - if baal normally drops 5 items, 40 items would instead drop?

Because if that’s the way you’re reading what they said, I think you’re incorrect. They never explicitly said either way, and I think the survey should have been written differently.

8 items drops in an 8 player game where all are contributing. Why should one player be entitled to more drops (beyond normal binomial variance) than the rest?

Thank you, you just proved you agree with us and FFA loot should stay. One player SHOULD NOT be entitled to more drops.
All 8 should have an equal chance, which they currently do (If all 8 are playing legit) at the loot that drops and then decide if they keep or share.

This always seems to be the first hurdle to get over.

Assigned loot - Same 4-6 drops only assigned to players. Some get 1 some get 0. Solo drops are unchanged.

pLoot - Everyone gets 1-2 drops no matter where you are and how many players are in game. This probably nerfs drops overall as it nerfs the solo runs. As you get far more people constantly speed running bosses for the drops, their ‘take’ would drop through the floor.

Man it’s getting sad to watch you guys trying to argue over each other…

This comment seems to be confusing drop rate and distribution method.

It actually makes things needlessly complicated, when in fact it’s simple.

false. you not for sure getting 1-2 items , you can get zero from boses 10 runs in a row.

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Thank you very much Revenant. This is what I’ve been trying to say in my original post when I said “Don’t get mad at other people because you weren’t fast enough to click on the shako when it fell” I remember back in the day when I was getting runs in Chaos Sanc by the Chaox clan, I would put on FRW gear and a harmony bow just so I could improve my chances of racing toward items that fall. This is apart of the core FUN OF THE GAME. These people wanting personal loot are not true to the franchise. Alot (not all) of players with different opinions are mostly new to the Diablo 2 title, and are only interested in it more now because of the improved graphics. They don’t have a true attachment to the games core mechanics like veteran players do.