You will ruin this game with Personal Loot

It sais it right on the Diablo 2: Resurrected page. “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.” !!!PRESERVED!!! You will literally ruin the game with personal loot being added in. Don’t make changes to our game just to appeal to Diablo 3 players. Everyone knows that the MAJORITY of D2 players HATE DIABLO 3. If you can’t do Magic find runs SOLO, then you should HAVE to compete with other players for loot drops. Don’t get mad at other people because you weren’t fast enough to click on the shako that dropped. This will also RUIN the trade economy by allowing multiple chances of highly desired rare gear to drop for multiple people at once. Trading/PvP is the BEST part about Diablo 2. Gearing up a character for PvP is not supposed to be something that is EASY to do. Allowing personal loot for 8 people in one game will cause the economy to be flooded, driving the price and REWARDING feel of having certain rare pieces of gear WAY DOWN. You said in the deep dive panel that this is OUR game as much as it is yours. Well, please leave our game alone. The changes you have made so far are amazing. But changing the games economy, would be changing the ENTIRE game. Thank you to anyone from Blizzard if they read this, whether they reply to my topic or not.


You’re new here, so welcome. But this thread isn’t needed.

I might like to point you to the dozens of threads and hundreds/thousands of posts already made about this topic.

On top of this, your argument has already been disputed dozens of times, and agreed upon by nearly everyone who supports a personal loot option, the economy wouldn’t be flooded. This is not a valid argument.


Been playing Diablo 2 for 20 years bud. Still play EVERY day. I’m not new here. As for my argument not being valid. You are ONE person. So you don’t tilt any scale. Thanks for your reply though.


I mean new to the forum. This is your first post, I was just welcoming you.

Your argument is invalid because your premise is faulty. When people are arguing for personal loot, most people realize that it would be a random roll on distribution of the drop rate that is already implemented in D2.

It would not inflate the economy at all. It keeps the same drop rate.


It’s the same drop rate MULTIPLIED by 8 people…How is this NOT making sense to you? Items in Diablo 2 aren’t account bound.

Dude you are talking about programs being used on more than a 20 year old system that has the crappiest detection for 3rd party programs running behind the games client. Get out of here with the Grabbit and Pickit. They should implement a reporting system to report people suspected of botting or using pickit programs. Not giving everyone personal loot to make them happy.


So here’s the thing. I agree 100% with you that if Blizzard would implement 8x the loot drops it would absolutely have devastating effects on the economy. We agree here.

Everyone in this forum I’ve seen argue for a personal loot option is arguing for the same drop rate divided by 8 people.

Example= In an 8 player baal run, if 5 items drop, 3 characters are guaranteed to get no drops. Zero. Nada. Nothing.

It just distributes said loot with an extra random roll after the drop roll.

Would you be okay with this system now that you understand it would not have a negative effect on the economy? or is there another reason you dislike it? It would be optional, so you would never be forced to play with personal loot, either.


I want both the ability to report botters and the total removal of even the possibility of grabbit.

You don’t like personal loot? Well save your irritation for the hackers who made it a necessity.


Do you know how many times I’ve killed Hell mode Baal solo and he LITERALLY drops nothing not one item. Then the next run he drops 6 items and multiple uniques. Let me remind you that the only time people are even doing group runs in Diablo 2 is when you are doing EXPERIENCE GAIN runs. Tristram/Tombs/Cows/Chaos Sanctuary/Baal. Why is Personal Loot even required. Once someone has a geared enough character they NEVER Magic Find in full games where other people can grab their loot. The only time I join full game to magic find is to go off into a different part of the world to SOLO magic find for the better drop chances from higher player counts. So you are telling me the level 90 Hammerdin running Chaos runs for people is just earning them all free gear WHILE ALSO leeching experience off of his work? I can’t agree with you.


Oh boy, yet another thread about personal loot. :roll_eyes:


Yup guys like this keep turning up, Zero forum activity then they jump straight in with the auto personal loot post.

Wonder where they are coming from lol


We are coming out of the woodworks after Diablo 2 has been covered in dust for so long, only for Diablo 3 players like you to think you know how the franchise rose up.

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In my opinion? Autopick programs.

If you don’t want to play with personal loot, I think that’s fine. It should be implemented with a choice at game creation.

You want to play with cheaters having a larger advantage because it was in the original game? you should have that right. But it’s 2021, and they should do everything they can to combat botting and pickit users.


Coming out of the woodwork is fine, but at least search the forum for similar threads before creating yet another duplicate thread. The topic has been debated through and through, both sides will not concede.


By the way, baal dropping zero items is usually because of the tiles.

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I hope people KEEP making the same post again and again about being against personal loot. The more work blizzard has to do to keep duplicate posts under control, the more they will realize how many people are involved on the same topic, and not just the SAME thread post with hundreds of Troll replies.


Eh, ok… Well if you’ve studied the forum code of conduct, you’ll find something about making duplicate threads about the same topics being considered spam.

Muting this thread, bye.

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I didn’t see a post about personal loot on the first page of forums. So I don’t think its spam.

This is why Blizzard / Vicarious Visions are going to implent “Report A Player” button, so players can report If someone is cheating. I’m glad they add this option.


Heck yeah! I agree with that option over Personal Loot anyday.

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