You will ruin this game with Personal Loot

These comments are unhelpful. As you can see in my post history, and that of many others, plenty of players have vast knowledge of the inner workings of the game, on both sides of this topic.


Excuse me but I CREATED this post…I can comment whatever I want in agreement with another peer who loves Diablo 2 the way it is.

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I don’t think anyone said you can’t post it. I’m just saying it’s incorrect and adds nothing to the conversation.

Argue on the merits of the idea, not pretending that players who differ in opinion are less experienced than you.

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I’d more say that people who are new to the franchise don’t fully understand the role drops play in the game and the way drops are attained. D2 is far more item dependent than any game I have played since. Arguably D2 is why many games changed their dependence on items in different ways. At the core the items in D2 define the game and make it what it is. If you change how people get those items, you need to be very careful not to change the game itself.

My thread is about being against personal loot…so tell me what you are adding to the conversation by advocating for it? You are literally here making conversation against my thread topic. Go comment on someones thread who SUPPORTS personal loot.

This isn’t how forums work. Maybe what you’re looking for is a safe space, where no one disagrees with you. I don’t have advice for you on that, but I do think forums are not what you’re looking for.


Since this is such a controversial and provocative topic, I think it’s entirely normal for people, especially those just coming to this forum, to make a new topic clearly stating a very strong sentiment which may influence the fate of this beloved project. People who are incredibly excited after hearing about D2R and then abruptly disheartened by all these topics about changing deep elements of D2 will feel very understandably compelled to tell Blizzard clearly what we’re feeling - out of our powerful impulse to protect Diablo II’s spirit.

If there must be these non-D2 additions, please let there be separate servers. One for D2R with the subtle qol changes, and one other for p-loot, extra invs, loot filters, stackables, infinite arrows, different skill key layout, transmog, clown parties, and dps charts.

Please separate the original D2R from the ‘many changes D2R’.


In my Machiavellian view of the world, I like a thread like this. It clearly demonstrates that some who are passionate in their disdain of personal loot do not understand that personal loot does not result in 8X total loot drops. I am imaging the CM reporting there is a lot of back and forth about whether to include an optional personal loot system where many in the anit-personal loot camp do not know what personal loot means.

Ranged classes say hi. Ninja looters slyly smile.

A 2 minute video that may be worth your time or at least a little laugh.


Ive gotta say, as a nec, Ive never really felt the system was so unjust. Before the boss dies I just run up. So what? It’s never felt like such an imposition or hardship. So what if we’re not dpsing until the very final moment? We can still dps nearer the boss anyway. Have the potions ready. Eh. I feel like this “issue” has become so inflated on this forum - or maybe I should say the Reddit forum - when it’s truly not much of a problem at all.

In any case, certainly not too much of a problem worth compromising the unique spirit borne of D2’s gameplay, of which the looting process is definitely an important component.

I just hope Blizzard brings us a statements to all these change requests very soon, so we can stop with these repeating discussions about the same topics beeing remembered once again that this is Remaster and NOT a Remake !


When this guy made this post he had less than 2 mins of reading time on the forum… He hadnt made a post of any kind. You can see in his activity what’s he done he literally appeared and made this post, which is very similar in nature to several other threads here and tried to argue against personal loot. The rhetoric is very similar not to mention the language and reaction when challenged.

Yup and if you check D2JSP they are actively asking people to come here and do this. Go ahead and look for yourself if you don’t believe it.

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Could you imagine Legolas having to stop attacking some evil foe so he could run up to collect a potential drop of arrows?

Remaster and adding QoL improvements, even optional ones, don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

The only things people are having differences about are what constitutes a core change.

No one is arguing for D2 to turn into an RTS.

I believe stacking gems, larger stash, auto gold, a dedicated searchable trade channel, personal loot option, and many other things are not core to the game’s design.

There are also things that I believe to be larger changes, like charm inventory, a larger inventory, or a 3rd weapon switch.

Everyone has an opinion of what is quality of life and what is a core change.

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Theyre not automatically trolls, theyre just passionate. It’s understandable when we’re talking about an entirely different looting system, and one that’s felt particularly empty of spirit in so many more modern games.

So theyll find out the idea isnt 8x loot, and theyll feel a little better, but I think still concerned enough to want to make a thread.

Lol. Legolas’s band of elves or the fellowship would distribute the dropped loot nicely!


I have no idea to be honest. I suspect watching Legolas loot arrows does not make good film making. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you thought Peter Jackson’s extended cut was long, I would not venture to length of this new movie version would last…

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Psst, I’ll pass ya some arrows for fg.


check this out from the arreat summit parties page this is how they rekon it should be done.

Decide how you are going to divide up the loot. There are a few popular ways to do this:

Players unofficially rotate between items, “you got something last time, now it’s my turn.”

The Group leader or Master Looter decides which player gets which item.

The least structured method, but unfortunately most popular, is Free-For-All. Whichever player can click on the items the fastest will get those items, if they have room in their backpack. When loot is FFA, often monsters come second as party members race to grab the good loot. Keep in mind that Gold is split so let greedy party members grab up all the gold they want! One thing to watch out for in FFA looting are players who will let other players in the party finish off a monster while they stand there doing nothing waiting for the item to drop. This is not recommended.
Share items among classes that can best use them. You may find a Magic Staff that is worth money to the vendors but do the right thing and let the Sorceress have the Staff if she needs it. Don’t be a jerk, if a Sorceress helps you kill a monster, and a Sorceress item drops, let the Sorceress pick it up!

If class-specific items drop, let players of those classes pick them up. Don’t pick them up just because you want to see what it is, or because you want to trade it. If a class is helping you, they deserve a cut of the loot. Be fair and let them have their class-specific items. Let the Assassins pick up Katars, let the Sorceress pick up Orbs and so on. Yes that means you, Barbarians!

Share potions among classes that can best use them. While all classes can use Mana, Health and Rejuvenation potions, some classes need some potions over others. Casters need Mana and Rejuvenation Potions, let them have them. Amazons and Melee Characters can use Mana/Life Steal while players like Necromancers, Elemental Druids, and Sorceresses have to rely on Potions and their Mana Regeneration.

If you get a good item such as a Set or Unique, stop looting and let other players in the party do the looting from then on. You got your good item so let them get items to make up for it. Don’t be a jerk! Share the loot! When you continue to loot items they will be thinking didn’t that player just get something good? And they’ll be right! You got your item, it’s their turn.

Pick a leader
This player will be the one who leads the group throughout areas and dungeons. This player will open doors, and sometimes “pull” monsters back to the party to attack. Barbarians, Amazons with Melee Weapons, Assassins, Melee Druids, and Paladins are good at this job.

An alternative method to a group leader is the wandering pack, which wanders off into an area and comes back together after running into trouble. “Hey I brought some friends for you!” This can also work and may or may not be as successful as having a group leader. This is the most popular but least effective method.

Oh boy. No wonder people have complained about FFA loot for 20 years.