Blizzard give us more info

they just released details that there is a remaster 2 weeks ago or whatever day it was i forgot already… lol

not everything is even known by the devs themselves yet. how can they tell us things they either dont know or are not allowed to tell us at this time.

we know all that stuff pretty much like you said tho, so that’s doesn’t sooth the hungry wolves. Lol

TBH I never even wrote On the Forums for Blizzard Until D2R became a thing, I hope they realize just how Much ppl are anticipating this and Expecting AAA+ results.


But they already plan to release it this year. Ya there is still alot of time left in the year but unless they are changing major features of the game their focus should be on the graphics as they said. From what they said is the base game is still running underneath. The game is currently solid with little to no bugs apart from bots. And they announce their will be 2 alphas. The single player I see lasting about a month maybe 2. The multiplayer depending on how it starts would probably last 3-4. This would be the case if there were some major bugs and continues things are found. If they plan to release the game this year they aren’t going to be far off having the main portion of the game finished.

If they did not realize it before, they do now :slight_smile:

Honestly the game Devs and folks on the Diablo franchise team have known forever. It is getting the suits with the money to green light it, fund it, staff it, and support it.

Given everything we have heard so far, they are on the right track. Same game, few changes (for now), much better graphics.

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The interviews that they have done recently with game magazines have highlighted two things: 2 alphas and their thoughts on what changes that they are open to in response to player feedback. Below is 3 quotes from articles and their associated links.


Why I have your attention I’d really Like to see Blizzard Make Cosmetic effect purchasable via an online in-game store(or just from Blizz website), D2 Has some of thee most awesome animations only players on open battle net will see or utilize as an appearance why can’t Closed battle net players have the same if they could pay Blizz could make the animations into small charms. BOE Perm Purchase Via Blizz “food for thought.”

Keep in mind MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff.

While cosmetic microtransactions are used by Blizzard in some of their games, I would be surprised to see them do so for D2R.

The forums are the place to make suggestions though, so maybe a Community Manager will see it and pass it on.

I just think it unlikely.

D:I and D4 on the other hand have a much higher cosmetic MTX chance.

What out these folks are part of the cancel culture and will cancel you

jeez they just revealed it! you cant expect to get news every single day, be happy if you get something within the next month or two. likely about alpha/beta.

Again as I stated before. They want to release this year, and the alphas are gonna be a couple months long I imagine.

yes but really, whats the deal? they dont have to give you more information after the huge dump they gave just two weeks ago. its wery likely we got everything they have 100%, they cant just snap their fingers and have more to show even if that would be cool.

hang on for a month or two and we will see how close the alpha we are.

I wounded how many people will be crying on the forums when they do not gat access to the alpha.

  • I saw this with D3, one streamer was crying on youtube because he did not get a beta key. Pitiful.
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i dont know if i look forward to that or not, forums will blow up from people claiming they are the true and biggest diablo fan and got left out.

I see most people getting in the multiplayer if not everyone that has opted in for it. The singleplayer seems more for a select few to help find bugs and make sure its running properly.

You know it, I can see it now. “I have been playing Diablo” . . . . . . Blah Blah Blah

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yeah haha “how could blizzard betray me like this? blizzard north would never do that i have been supporting them for 20 years”

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You put a smile on my face thank you for that. :+1: :+1: :+1:

  • Some of the people who get in will not even give any feedback to make the game better for all of use. They just want to be the first to play with the new toy. I hope Blizzard gives access to some people who know what they are doing.
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Technical alphas are usually based on specs and not much else, no one should be surprised if they have a common rig and get left out

Are you talking about the alpha or beta? Alpha will have separate single and multiplayer tests. The alpha testing will be more limited in the number of invitations in comparison to the beta tests (I assume with high confidence).