Okay I might get flamed for this

d2re really need a update balance patch . a lot of melee are unplayable after 1.10 , 1.10 is a really huge patch drop in 2003 and never have any balance update after letting so many skill unplayable also the eternal bug armor is so unfair for melee in pvp , and this is a huge bug game breaking for melee in pvp
i will make a video later breaking down everything , Patch 1,10 to 1,14 never have any balance update vs 1.08 to 1,09


It is in the sense that all classes are very unique and feel and play very differently, but can all accomplish anything in the game with certain builds if they want to. Some classes are very powerful at some things but they hinge on very specific factors to do so. The sorc is the best early mfer in the game because of teleport. The paladin smiter is the best easy ubers build. But if we want everyone to be just as effective ad everyone else at everything it leads down a very bad path. Homogenization is the absolute worst form of balance because it removes all class identity and intrigue. That’s why things should stay the same in D2R for now. Things are very well balanced though, while having a ton of uniqueness and specialization among classes.

PvP also has a ton of depth and is actually well balanced unlike every other arpg with PvP. There is no 1 best build because there is always a counter. A very simple example is a BvC (barb vs caster) is specially made to beat casters, but BvB (barb vs barb) played properly can always beat a BvC. This is a great example of something being well balanced without homogenization.

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Pvp isn’t balanced in d2, but it’s also the best pvp in any Arpg out there.

There’s a reason we in the pvp community have come up with hundreds of our own GM rules over the years, it’s because of a lack of balance.


Proper end game? You mean where i oneshot mobs on strongest maps and the only reason where some boss dont dont die in 3 sec cus there is a forced invulnerable phase? Or you mean where i need to fish for gr. Another expert player.


proper end game like d3? YOu are a great troll. Thanks for the chuckle.


well balanced? lol give us a break, the game could need alot of balance for more build options. Im pretty sure there will be balances, you are lying when you say “there wont be skill or balance changes” .

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I’m just repeating what the devs have said thus far about their philosophy for D2R. And it is well balanced from the perspectives that I have discussed above, and the classes have incredible uniqueness and replayability with many build possibilities.

I really doubt the devs are considering anything close to class balance changes or skill changes whatsoever. If this does become a major topic of discussion post-release, then there is a possibility of them looking into it, but I wouldn’t expect any changes like this to be part of the 1.0 release build.

For accuracy’s sake, you may want to check out these posts, the Blizzard quotes, and links.

Why we WONT EVER get personal loot (or any other big additions) - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

Let the game release Dudes! - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

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Right, so your attempts trying to prove me wrong for whatever reason just reinforces my statement. Reread my above post, in full, not just the part you selectively quoted.

Then read this, one of the quotes you linked: “CL: Yeah, we made a decision not to do balance changes right now, for the very reason that we want to make sure we deliver the authentic experience. Who knows what might happen in the future with feedback. I know our designers have a list of things they would love to do. So we’ll see how that goes going forward.”

Reading comprehension ftw. They’re saying that making any balance changes for the launch product is off the table because they want to deliver the authentic game. There is a possibility for more drastic changes in post release patches (i.e. the future). Post release content or mechanic changes will be a highly debated topic post launch I’m sure, but there are no guarantees for that either. One thing we can be sure of though is that based on all of the developer interviews thus far, they’re focusing on the product as if it were a remaster, thus maintaining the game as a 1:1 with the original from a mechanical and content perspective.

you dont know when the future is tho, that could be anywhere between now and release aswell, we just have to wait and see

Again, reading comprehension ftw.

What do you think “deliver the authentic experience” means?

I never said I knew what the future will be post-release, but it’s clear what their intentions are for the launch product. And even then, I doubt they will make any balance/mechanical or content changes post-release for a while, if ever, and they’d have to be extremely careful and practice great restraint. There will be a large contingent of people who will always be against anything like that. They’ll be more focused on multiplayer/server stuff, and bug fixes for few months and after that they may look into other more bold additions and changes, if they feel it would be good for the game and the community.

You do You man, dont refund when we get the changes :slight_smile:

You Will realise sooner then later that the community who want close to No changes are Tiny

Likewise to you when we don’t get changes. :slight_smile:

But why then all games now are bad? Too easy, too player-oriented, without any trace of a soul?

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oh no problem, i already know we will so :slight_smile:

whats bad?

As I said before - they are too easy. Also, they are made strictly for fun, that’s why they became just cheap dopamine sources, that’s why I feel exhausted after playing them. I clearly do not like the last 10 years of the game industry.

When I returned to old games - this feeling of just getting fun without challenge evaporated, this contrast between winning and losing, some frustrating mechanics - that’s what gave me the joy of gaming again.

I clearly do not like modern games, because I feel like that mouse in that famous experiment with the pleasure zone of the brain and electrical impulses. Just push the button and getting fun, without any struggle, too simple and boring.

And another thing - games now are too player-oriented, they lost soul. What gave them that soul? Some minor flows, unperfections, that were like random brush strokes on a painting, gave that feel of the author’s unique vision. Art created only when the artist thinks about creating something for himself, not only for viewers’ joy.

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I would get the game release at it is, with probably some bug fixes like meph bug, swap cast etc.

It’s important to get this game 1by1 how this game was designed and developed.

About Skill changes and other aspects in the game, with modding tools we can create these balances and fixes.

I mean i want aswell BH gets a nerf because its overpowered, you can cut a big percentage on it and still 8 player viable, or the A.I. from all bosses, merc and summoned minions needs an update because they’re working with an old A.I. system. But these kinds of balancing can later update it and addressed

So I would first take an easier way to get the Game done by his own root and after that there is still space left for it, and it’s even better if we have this game finished and bring up slowly but safe these updates in the future.

We still have the technical Alpha which gives us proper details about the current development stage of Diablo 2 to see what kind of changes we want for the future and what we exactly don’t want.

D3 proper endgame ? Ahm i think this was written with a lot Sarcasm. The Endgame of D3 is actually dead content. No PVP, 150 greater rift cap, which you are able to make in 1 or 2 minutes the rift. There is no trading-system, the loot to get is easy as f***. Its not even a competetive Game. D3 is actually a deadgame.

No, it isn’t. This is why virtually every mod tries various attempts at balancing it.

Are you talking about Blizzard North, which did Diablo in 2000?
Or about Vicarious Vicious, who made D2R?

Idk, if you know, but actually, it was not Blizzard, who made the remaster. It was outsourced to Vicarious Vicious. A smaller studio, who actually still had to make a name for itself. So the greatness of what we have seen from D2R so far, does not really seem to be Blizzard’s achievement.