Why all the hate against personal loot?

I didnt admit sht, i just said its an argument that debunks plooters main argument of “its not effecting anyone” Ofcourse its effecting, its effecting everyone.

Typical plooter reaction, cant argue back so resorts to picking on semantics of what ppl say and twisting words.

Im gonna say it this way so it penetrates your thick skull: “Anyone who is better at looting than someone who chooses the ploot option looses on loot.”

So you are saying FFA loot effectively nerfs range?
You might want to have that argument with your fellow anti-plooters who claimed that ranged characters “just need to move more skillful” and that FFA is more fair because you need skill to get items.

Your argument is basically by giving equal chances to items, certain classes have a disadvantage. How can having equal chances be a disadvantage? By having an advantage in the other mode!
So the imbalance is clearly existent in the other mode. And since you do not complain about it too much, it does not seem to be that big of a deal to begin with.

So did you find them?
I heard its a good game, you should try it. Lots of clicking. Very skillful.

In this thread you might be correct, because the OP wrote something about 1p loot for every player in a 8p game.
But what most of the pro-plooters are asking for is basically this:

with slight variations

Soo not for launch but something they continue to discuss. Like I said. “We’re not doing it” does not imply ever.

I don’t think it will actually happen but you guys are disingenuous as can be.

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you realize the nonsense of that statement?

VV: We are remastering diablo 2
you: hey VV Diablo will be as a playable character?
VV: We are not doing it
you: Great that statement does not imply ever.
you: i can’t wait to play as Diablo


They are the type of males that get a “no” as an answer from girl 5 times and still think they got a chance because the girl takes the same bus to work.

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You realize the nonsense of your analogy?

VV: We are remastering diablo 2
guy: hey what about personal loot
VV: Not for launch but it’s something we discuss
VV: chill we didn’t say we are doing it

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The wall of NO!

Electriclava / 100 Orc Shaman



    Blizzard does not believe there are enough people interested in utilizing this idea long term to justify the costs necessary to bring it about.

    Blizzard feels this idea is counter to the nature of MMO’s; non-progression equates to stagnation and eventual boredom.

    Blizzard does not possess the old code. No, they did not save it as a "backup" - they might have for the launch of Cataclysm, but that was over four years and two expansions ago. Even if it were “recoverable” by other means (i.e., see “private” servers” below) it would still require lengthy and expensive rewrite, a task Blizzard denies interest in.

    They have no plans or desire to recreate the original version(s). They refer to the notion as “a logistical nightmare,”… and in keeping with #1 above the time, money and resources required are prohibitive and unjustified.

TL;DR: “Too much cost, too little interest and it’s not what the game is about… **we’re not doing it.”**

Im sorry buddy but what has that to do with anything? It obviously had enough incentive if they did it lmao.

you understand that wow is a sub game right? while people was stopping their subs because they didn’t have nothing else to do.

Diablo you pay once and that’s it.

and again

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

Going against that premise that is on the main WEB of the game it will results of tons of refunds of people that felt betrayed because they sold them something else.

Is more likely they do not nothing: 1 because of the time required. 2 there are 2 more games on the way that can full fill to all players and let this as they promised (different from WoW that you had 1 WOW and nothing else )
If they screw with D2R how many of the OG will buy D4?
Mathematics son.

They already went wayyyy outside of the main web of the game by opening up everything to ladder. Some bugs stay others don’t? No lobbies for non-pc. No TCP/IP. The ship for #nochanges sailed over the horizon.

I don’t think ploot will happen. But claiming they said it won’t happen is a bad faith argument.

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did you read rod that said they know about this but they were focusing on launch
Change in not bad as soon as don’t affect the gameplay. what will be next? whining because in your personal loot you get no loots and you want a drop increase? what’s next? that there be a toggleable option that when you create a game no person could put hostile on you? and next? and next? and next?
you know that you would be playing a complete different game?

If you didn’t like how the game worked Why you buy it in the first place? because had good graphics and you needed to change it? guess what you can wait to D4 for that. you didn’t have to ruin a remaster to have what you wanted. just you have to wait. quite simple isn’t it?

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Yes, thank you, you understand it. The demands never end.

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That sentence does not work when you use it to win an argument.
A wise man would know that.

Posting it many times does not change what he said.
He did not said “never”, he said “not at launch” which is quite reasonable.
Also you seem to have missed the part where he said that we should keep discussing about it.

Most of them. Because those of them who are against ploot have not exactly displayed a great attention span.

Step one: Someone ask for PL
Step two: VV says not at launch but they are discussing it
Step three: Other someone complains about the implications of doing it
Step four: a day later VV answer we are not doing it

what else do you need?

They only see what they want to see (The sixth sense)


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Get your facts straight. There were 8 minutes between those two tweets.
Also the ‘it’ was referring to “changing the experience of d2”, which the tweet that he replied to talked about.
They also said that we are free to discuss, which we are doing. If you think it wont come, then good for you. You do not need to bother us with your latest interpretation of the scripture.

Exactly. It will just be too much effort. Keep things simple.

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you know? you are right on that. i will just wait and see and enjoy the game until i don’t.


Nope, still not :confused:

Compared to ploot, FFA is a disadvantage for ranged characters, when it comes to picking up random drops in group plays. So in total, in group play melees have a clear advantage in picking up loot in some situations.

Overall, that does not mean a disadvantage for ranged builds in total, because they have strong advantages in solo play, e.g. because they can farm mephisto fall day long for free.

Because ranged classes have the advantage in solo play. By boosting the item gains for melees a bit in group play (with FFA), you equalize this imbalance a bit.

D2 has always been a game, which is about solo and group play. If you don’t like one of both, you can go for the other option, but you will not be as efficient as you could be, if you used both.

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So about how much of the loot are we talking about? What percentage of the “balance” is related to public FFA/Ploot games. Give me your estimate?
80%? 60%? 50%? 20%? Which one hits closest to how many of your/the communities items originate from pubs as opposed to private games?

Isnt equalizing imbalance a good thing?

We are not asking for an efficient way to play though. We are asking for a way to play that we enjoy.

Keep up the good fight friend.

I think just like twitter when the actual player base hears of the nonsense these kids are spewing the turn out and fallout will be immense.

Let’s continue the fight until than.

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