Why all the hate against personal loot?

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FFA is the worst part of the game outside of say rubber banding or other buggy stuff.

I will still play if it’s there, but it will just make me play more solo than in groups :man_shrugging:

They didn’t say never. The only time frame referenced was “not for launch”.

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it’s no use man, they see what they want to see from the corporate doublespeak. The thing is, Rod, and many others, have perfected the art of saying whatever needs to be said to stop the anti change guys who demand everything stay the same from throwing tempers when they don’t get what they want, and they have become very good at that. That way they can sell a bunch of copies too them then after launch change things to sell to the rest of the community.

ye better to solo play if u can’t handle the FFA or play something else instead.

“we’re not doing it” doesn’t mean that door would be open =)

simple question? why the hate ?
simple answer 1: because its…casual… and D2 is NOT casual.
simple answer 2: ploot didn’t exist back then so it shouldn’t be in the remaster either .
simple answer 3: d3 has ploot…and i HATE d3.
:slight_smile: cheers

wish i could also have dreams like this =D or wait actually no id rather stay in reality

Meh, Diablo 2 is quite casual. Everybody knows that.
I dont have the quote ready, but Brevik supposedly said D2 needed to pass the “mom test”.

Not remotely the kind of ploot D2R should have. But I can understand the D3 hate (well, hate might seem excessive and immature, but the dislike, certainly).

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The only way this would work, playerside, is if they created an entire new mode along with Ladder, Non Ladder, Classic Ladder, etc, named Personal Loot.

So that you cant play with characters that havent played with personal loot, cant trade with them, cant do anything with them.

The number of items will skyrocket, prices will drop. It cant compare to shared loot, since so many play multiplayer for exp. You cant have all that as optional, it will destroy the trading ingame.

Why? If after a month of the ladder there are 100 Ber runes with shared loot on the server, with the high demand for Ber it will cost a lot to buy one. If all those games instead were personal loot, it would be 8 times more loot. So maybe there would be a total of 500 Ber runes.

Everything would lose its value, because there would be too much of every item. Cant set a price on it.

So, im all for personal loot, as long as it’s in its own game mode. And that game mode would have no economy. How would you trade for something when everyone has it?


ehe…ehehe…EEEAAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHA! you Sir just talking BS. right? kidding hm ? AAHAHAHHAHAHA…

i dont care.

this is just the thing. everyone that want changes after 1.14 should focus topic like that instead asking everything to be done in same server! non of us that are againgst changes/ploot would not mind if there would be own server for changes!

D3 being casual (which it is) is not exactly an argument against D2 also being casual.
D2 is extremely easy jump into, and learn. Easy to play. Fairly simple systems. Low difficulty.
Not saying any of it is bad (good old ‘Easy to learn hard to master mantra’), just how it is.

That much is obvious.


Which is 100% how it should be done.
And exactly what many of the people arguing for various kinds of changes are doing.

Disclaimer: Personal loot does not mean 8X loot.

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yes exactly and because it is so casual, the few people want to make it even easier?
Sorry but that is ridiculous.
D2 is NOT casual.
get it or not. i dont mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

D2 is casual, sorry to burst your bubble.
Get it or not, I don’t mind.

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a wise man says you should not argue with stupid people.
ok you are right and I have my peace

the irony of course is you have bigger dreams thinking they wont be adding changes after launch. They have said they will be and i can’t actually see them selling well on consoles till they do add a lobby.

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what lobby had to do with ploot? like nothing…

i don’t know how many times i need to post the conversations. Its becoming really boring to post it all over again on every Whine ploot topics 3 or 4 times each

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not sure what you are talking about… they will make changes to the game after launch was what i said and you said it’s not going to happen

all i can do is :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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